Policies and Procedures

These are the Centennial Student Union policies and procedures.

Academic Classes

Academic classes policy in the CSU.

Advertising and Promotions

Advertising and promotion in the CSU. See POSTINGS AND PROMOTIONS.

Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic Beverages in the CSU.


Animals policy in the CSU

Art Displays

Art and Art Display policies in the CSU.

Blue Tape Requirement

Blue tape requirement in the CSU. See POSTINGS AND PROMOTIONS

Candles and Incense

Candles and Incense policy in the CSU.


Chalk policy in the CSU.

Compliance with University Policies

How the CSU complies with the University.

Creation Station

Creation Station policy in the CSU.


Decorations in the CSU.


Demonstrations and Rallies policy in the CSU.

Disability Services

Disability Services in the CSU.

Display Cases

Display cases guidelines in the CSU. See POSTINGS AND PROMOTIONS.

Election Posting Guidelines

Posting Guidelines for Student Government Elections

Emergency Closing

Emergency Closing policy in the CSU.

Event and Meeting Cancellations

Event and Meetings cancellation policy

Extended Building Hours

Extended building hours policy

Fire Safety

Fire safety policy

Food and Beverages

Food and Beverages in the CSU

Food Machines and Rental Guidelines

CSU Food Machines policy

Fund Raising

Fund Raising Activities in the CSU

Furnishings and Equipment

Furnishings and Equipments in the CSU policy


Insurance for university events policy

Multicultural Center Kitchen

The student center kitchen policy

Lobby Space Usage

Use of lobby space policy


Policy for minors in the CSU

Mobility Devices

Mobility devices in the CSU policy

Outdoor Events

Arrangements for outdoor events policy


CSU Parking policy

Piano Usage (Hearth Lounge)

Hearth Lounge piano usage policy

Policy Review

The policy review policy

Political Activities

The political activities in the CSU

Posting Policy

The Posting policy of the CSU

Postings and Promotions

Centennial Student Union posting and promotions guidelines.

Potluck Socials

Potlucks in the CSU.

Property Loss or Damage

Property Loss policy in the CSU

Public Address System

The Public Address System in the CSU


Raffles in the CSU

Recognized Student Organizations

RSO Policy in the CSU

RSO Clubhouse

RSO Clubhouse policy in the CSU.


Security Policy in the CSU

Severe Weather Shelter Location

Severe Weather Shelter location policy in the CSU


Solicitation policy in the CSU


Smoking policy in the CSU.

Student Development Dining

Student Development dining policy

Table Tents

Table Tents policy in the CSU. See POSTINGS AND PROMOTIONS.

Technical Support

Technical Support Policy in the CSU.


Weapons policy in the CSU.

Window Decorating

Window Decorating policy in the CSU