Translations - Two Stuttering Foundation Brochures

With permission of Jane Fraser of the Stuttering Foundation (SF) the following two brochures

are made available in PDF format to download from the ISAD10 online conference, in the following languages: Albanian, Bulgarian, Czech, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Icelandic, Japanese, Korean, Napalese, Norwegian, Portuguese, and Russian. The translators kindly donated their expertise to make these translations available in their languages.

You can post Questions/comments about this project until October 22, 2007

Sybren Bouwsma, is 29 years old and has been a stutterer since he started to speak. He lives in the Netherlands and is a member of the Dutch Stuttering Association Demosthenes. He is especially active in Dionysos, the part of the association directed at younger stuttering people and is very much interested in international contacts. He works as a social researcher in a regional organisation that deals with welfare policy. In his free time he likes to run and to spend time with friends and family.
  • 6 Tips in Dutch
  • 7 Ways in Dutch
  • Moussa Dao, Dr. Dao is a pharmacist in the West African nation of Burkina Faso. He lives in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. He has stuttered since childhood. Four of the eight children born to his mother stutter. In February 2002 he created and is president of Action Against Stuttering (abbreviated in French A.C.B.) the first association of people who stutter in his country and West Africa, and third association throughout all of Africa. He is a member of the International Stuttering Association advisory board and has participated at many meetings, presenting in Burkina Faso, Perth (Australia), Lyon and Toulouse (France), Lome (Togo) and Cavtat (Croatia).
  • 6 Tips in French
  • 7 Ways in French
  • Elena Dyakova graduated in 1985 with a degree in Speech Therapy and earned a Ph.D. in 1995 from the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Dr. Dyakova is currently on the faculty of the Moscow City Pedagogical University as an associate professor of speech pathology and is also a senior research worker in Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. She has written three books, a manual for professionals and parents, is author of more than 50 scientific papers, and has participated in more than 20 International Congresses on speech pathology. Her most recent interest is Therapeutic Speech Massage, an innovative technique which improves the effectiveness of standard treatments for various speech disorders. Dr. Dyakova has also organized a self-help group for stutterers in Russia.
  • 6 Tips in Russian
  • 7 Ways in Russian
  • Manfred Fitzner, lives in Oldenburg, Germany where he is a freelance media- and webdesigner and teacher for computer skills. He is an active Member of the German Stuttering Association (Bundesvereinigung Stotterer-Selbsthilfe) for over 15 years. He created and realized projects such as the CD-ROM "Stottern", broadcasting live-streaming of the world congress and a video conference over the internet for people who stutter. E-mail: .
  • 6 Tips in German
  • 7 Ways in German

  • Dobrinka Georgieva, Ph.D. is a lecturer in logopedics at Southwestern University in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. She is Vice-Dean of the faculty of Philosophy and Director of the University Stuttering Research Center. Dobrinka is a published author in Bularian, English, Finnish and French and is also fluent in Russian and has presented internationally. She is a member of the International Fluency Association, the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, the Bulgarian National Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics and the Greek Association in Neurolinguistics.

    Meglina Simonska works as a Senior Assistant Professor at South West University �N. Rilski�, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. She is a part of the team at the University Stuttering Research Center, as well. Miglena Simonska is a member of the International Association of Logopedics, the Bulgarian National Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics and a representative for Bulgaria of the International Cluttering Association. Her interests and publications are in fields of Fluency and Language Disorders.

  • 6 Tips in Bulgarian
  • 7 Ways in Bulgarian
  • Hee Cheong Chon, M.S. is a third year doctoral student of the Department of Speech and Hearing Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. � She worked as a speech-language pathologist and researcher in Republic of Korea (South Korea), particularly for children and adults who stutter. Her research interests are influencing factors on disfluencies, the effects of delayed auditory feedback on fluency, and environmental aspect on childhood stuttering.
  • 6 Tips in Korean
  • 7 Ways in Korean
  • Arne Hope is from Stavanger, Norway, educated in organisation theory and public administration He is married and has three children and two grandchildren. Formerly, he worked as the head of the administration in a small Norwegian municipality. Currently he is a senior advisery officer for the Rogaland Couunty Council, working a mong other things on health-related issues, coordinating the regional work for the public health, and writing papers for the council. He is a member of the Norwegian Stuttering Association (NIFS) since1998, and has been the chair since 2004. .
  • 6 Tips in Norwegian
  • 7 Ways in Norwegian
  • Hjörleifur Ingason is a 53 year old mechincal engineer and a part time musician. from Iceland. He has stuttered since he was 7 years old and therapy in the past few years has helped on a short time basis, but he reports "there is still space for much improvements." He has participated in several conferences on stuttering and is on the board of the Icelandic Stammer Association. He has written a song dedicated to stammering published by the Icelandic organization.
  • 6 Tips in Icelandic
  • 7 Ways in Icelandic
  • Masuhiko Kawasaki, is a member of the Japan Stuttering Project, leader of a volunteer group for mentally challenged children and President of a company in Osaka. He writes, "I started stuttering before entering elementary school. For more than 30 years, I avoided situations that involved speaking. I denied not only stuttering but also myself. However, my attitude towards stuttering has changed since I joined the JSP. Now I do not find the need to hide my stuttering. I feel free to challenge anything that I want. Stuttering no longer interferes with my life. Through getting involved with the activities of the JSP I discovered meaningfulness in my life and learned ways to live positively, even with stuttering."
  • 6 Tips in Japanese
  • 7 Ways in Japanese
  • Dritan Kici is from Tirano, Albania where he lives with his wife and two children. He is is a freelance journalist interested also in stuttering and communication research and is involved together with Michael Winkler in organizing Global Interhelp Community � GIC, a Voluntary Informal Organization based on the NEED for Help and the Possibility to fulfill it. For more information visit and Dritan is the director of the Easy Word Project in Albania and an advisory member of the International Stuttering Association Board of Directors.
  • 6 Tips in Albanian
  • 7 Ways in Albanian
  • Per F. Knudsen, graduate in applied psychology, 53 years young is director of The Stuttering Information Center of Denmark. He has stuttered all his life and has been an active member of the Association for Stutterers in Denmark in more than 25 years and has served as the chair of the association and editor of the magazine of the association. Per is the Danish delegate in ISA and ELSA and has written a couple of books and booklets and several articles about stuttering. .
  • 6 Tips in Danish
  • 7 Ways in Danish
  • Barak Liberman is originally from Tel Aviv, Israel now living in Raanana, Israel. He is married and works as an actuary in an insurance company. He is a member in AMBI -- the Israeli stuttering organization.
  • 6 Tips in Hebrew
  • 7 Ways in Hebrew
  • Jiri Mazoch, writes, "I am a stutterer, since age 7, from the Czech Republic. I am 51, married and have a 24-year old daughter. I am a mechanical engineer and work for a small company as a designer of the mixing equipment for chemical and food industries. I am a member of the oldest Czech self-help group for stutterers named Balbus. I have undergone many therapies but only with a temporal effect. Unfortunately, there is no special therapy for adults in Czech Republic. Our self-help group is the best speech therapy for me."
  • 6 Tips in Czech
  • 7 Ways in Czech
  • Sandra Merlo is a person who stutters and a speech-language pathologist trained specifically for fluency and its disorders. She works as a clinician at Direct Language Speech Pathology in Sao Paulo (Brazil). She received a master's degree in Linguistics from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in 2006 and is currently pursuing a doctor's degree at the same university. She is also the scientific director of Brazilian Fluency Institute. She usually engages in Brazilian popular media to enlighten the public about stuttering and to tell about her own story with stuttering.
  • 6 Tips in Portuguese
  • Ignes Maia Ribeiro is a speech-language pathologist who dedicates her work especially to fluency and its disorders. She received a master's degree in Communication Disorders from Pontifical Catholic University (PUC) in Sao Paulo. She currently works at a private clinic in Sao Paulo (Brazil) and teaches at CEFAC, a graduate school of health and education for Speech and Language Pathologists. She is the chair of Brazilian Fluency Institute ( and one of the founders of Brazilian National Fluency Committee. In addition, she is frequently engaged in Brazilian popular media to enlighten the public about stuttering.
  • 7 Ways in Portuguese
  • Indra Lel Shrestha, writes, "I am President of Nepal Stutters' Association as well as member in Advisory Committee of International Stuttering Association. I am Civil Engineer. We have developed the self help group of stutterers and formed the Nepal Stutters� Association in April 2003. It has seven district committees. Its members are in twenty five districts of Nepal. We are organizing the stutterers and creating awareness about stuttering. We are also conducting various advocacy programs, due to the fact that stuttering is recognized and included in the definition of disability by the Government of Nepal."
  • 6 Tips in Nepalese
  • 7 Ways in Nepalese
  • Satyendra Kumar Srivastava, Dr Satyendra Srivastava is a Community Health consultant, managing SAMAGRA trust in Indian Himalayas, near Dehradun. He is coordinating a Speech Support group and working with children and adolescents facing speech issues. He is a recovering stammerer. See for more details on the unfolding activities of SAMAGRA.
  • 6 Tips in Hindi
  • 7 Ways in Hindi
  • Wang Qiang, Beijing, China, joined the China Institute of International Studies (CIIS) in July 2005 as a program officer. He received his B.A. degree in English language and literature from Anhui University in 1999 and M.A. degree in international relations from China Foreign Affairs University in 2005. He has also translated the SFA book, If Your Child Stutters: A Guide for Parents into Chinese. The translation is freely available at He is a mild stutterer and can be reached at
  • 6 Tips in Chinese
  • 7 Ways in Chinese
  • You can post Questions/comments about this project until October 22, 2007

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