Accredited by the International Center for Supplemental Instruction, the Maverick Peer-Facilitated Academic Support System (MavPASS) helps students to understand difficult content in challenging courses through study sessions led by fellow students who have already succeeded in the course. Through attendance, students better understand and retain the material and enhance their course grade. In the words of one attendee, "Without MavPASS, I would not have passed my class--seriously a life saver!"
Ready for a new challenge? Want to help others? Check out what it takes to be a MavPASS leader.
Faculty, ready to enroll your course in the MavPASS program? Here is what it takes.
Create your account at minnstate.zoom.us and visit the MavPASS courses page linked below for additional information.
You can find a brief description of the history and purpose of MavPASS here. You will also find information about all of the MavPASS Leaders and staff involved.
Find the MavPASS session schedules for sections of participating courses here.
Find information here about the responsibilities, benefits, and challenges involved with being a MavPASS Leader. You will also find instructions for applying and a link to the application.
Find information here if you are interested in having MavPASS Leaders to help support the students in your course.
Find information on how to join a MavPASS Session when it is on Zoom!
Have some questions about MavPASS? Visit this page for some Frequently Asked Questions!
Find how to get to the MavPASS session by viewing the maps and videos on this page!