A direct attempt to control and reduce the future greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of our campus
An accounting of all the greenhouse gases resulting from University activities in one year
Promote awareness and implementation of energy efficient and renewable energy measures in public facilities
Interested in supporting sustainability efforts at Minnesota State Mankato?
Charging stations dubbed "Sparky 1" and "Sparky 2" are located by the Centennial Student Union lot 11A.
It only takes 2-3 hours to fully charge at $1 per hour.
Long Term Planning: Key to Minnesota State's Future Success
Maximize Recycling – Minimize Need for Lined Landfill Space.
Where does our recyclables, compost and waste go?
Minnesota State Mankato has a 32kW solar panel installation on the Clinical Sciences Building - Fall 2021
Established in the 2012-2013 academic year.
MSSA championed adoption of the mandatory Green Transportation Fee. This fee has now been changed into the Sustainability Fee. Sustainability Fee Advisory Committee.
The MavCARD is "Your Ticket to Ride"
B3 Benchmarking puts the power of public building energy data in the hands of Minnesota public building owners to manage and reduce energy costs.
Zoology Club wants you to be informed about the critical importance of bees.
An 8-week period each spring, colleges across the United States and Canada report the amount of recycling and trash collected each week and are in turn ranked in various categories.
05:00 PM - Intergovernmental Center, Mankato, 10 Civic Center Plaza
Environmental Committee Meeting
10:30 AM
Environmental Committee Meeting
10:30 AM
09:00 AM - Centennial Student Union
Bicycle Events | Bicycle News | Green Campus | Sustainability | Sustainability News
Green Campus | Sustainability | Sustainability News
Student government adjusts sustainability fee
Green Campus | Sustainability News
Best of B3 MN Recognition 2021
Green Campus | Sustainability | Sustainability News | Sustainability Events
Green Campus | Sustainability | Sustainability News | Sustainability Events
Environmental Committee
238 Wigley Administration Center
Mankato, MN 56001
How to help reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Environment and sustainability news in the greater Mankato MN area.
A repository of sustainability resources in the greater Mankato area.
Academic and department sustainability.
Sustainability events on the Minnesota State Mankato campus.
Encouraging responsible stewardship of our resources on and off campus. Mavericks for a Sustainable Future.