Office Directory

Carol Glasser

Sociology and Leadership Studies | Faculty

Address: 113 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 113Y
Phone: 507-389-1345

Rachel Glocke

School of Nursing | Adjunct

Address: 360 Wissink Hall
Office: WH 360
Phone: 507-389-6022

Katherine Glogowski

CAHN Operations | Workforce Simulation Coordinator

Address: 317 Clinical Sciences Building
Office: CSB 317
Phone: 507-389-2506

Morgan Goedken

Internal Operations and Lvl1 Sports | Assistant Softball Coach/Compliance Coordinator

Address: 135 Myers Field House
Office: MF 135
Phone: 507-389-6591

Geoffrey Goellner

Biological Sciences | Faculty

Address: 242 Trafton Science Center South
Office: TS 345
Phone: 507-389-5873

Heidi Goemann

Medical Providers | Bacteriology Laboratory Specialist

Address: 21 Carkoski Commons
Office: CC 21
Phone: 507-389-1433

Kaylene Goerndt

Budget and Business Services | Student Payroll Coordinator

Address: 236 Wigley Administration Center
Office: WA 236
Phone: 507-389-2265

Debra Gohagan

Social Work | Chairperson

Address: 358 Trafton Science Center North
Office: TN 358
Phone: 507-389-1699

Jared Gohr

Utilities | HVAC Technician

Address: 118 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 118
Phone: 507-389-1311

Joy Gohr

Campus Hub | Financial Services Specialist

Address: 117 Centennial Student Union
Office: SU 117
Phone: 507-389-2365

Kasey Golombiecki

Dental Education | Dental Assistant

Address: 120 Clinical Sciences Building
Office: CSB 120
Phone: 507-389-2145

Erin Gonzalez

Family Consumer Science | Adjunct

Address: 102 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 102
Phone: 507-389-2421

Adriana Gordillo

Philosophy Languages and Cultures | Faculty

Address: 227 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 227
Phone: 507-389-2116

Amy Gorka

Accessibility Resources | Assistant Director Accessibility Resources

Address: 132 Memorial Library
Office: ML 132
Phone: 507-389-5242

Janet Gostonczik

Special Education | Secretary

Address: 313 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 313
Phone: 507-389-1122

Jonathan Gourneau

Campus Security Supervisor 1 | Campus Security Officer

Address: 222 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 222
Phone: 507-389-2111

Kim Gourneau

Registration and Academic Records | Director of Registration and Academic Records

Address: 132 Wigley Administration Center
Office: WA 132
Phone: 507-389-6303

Jeffrey Granberg-Rademacker

Economics Ethnic Studies and Government | Faculty

Address: 109 Morris Hall
Office: MH 221C
Phone: 507-389-6939

Sara Granberg-Rademacker

University Advising | Director of Academic Advising

Address: 111 Memorial Library
Office: ML 111
Phone: 507-389-1250

Maggie Graupman

GMW Night Foreman 2 | General Maintenance Worker

Address: 330 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 330
Phone: 507-389-6804

Derek Greenfield

Residential Life Building Services | GMW

Address: 111 Carkoski Commons
Office: CC 111
Phone: 507-389-1110

Amanda Greenig

Economics Ethnic Studies and Government | Administrative Assistant

Address: AH 114 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH AH 114
Phone: 507-389-2969

Daniel Greenwood

Center for English Language Programs | Customized English Language Trainer

Address: 002 Morris Hall
Office: MH 002
Phone: 507-389-1208

Sara Greff

Admissions Associate Director | International Admissions Processor

Address: 122 Taylor Center
Office: TC 122
Phone: 507-389-5148

Richard Grieger

GMW Day Foreman 1 | Building Services Foreman

Address: 330 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 330
Phone: 507-389-6804