Office Directory

Monica Konold

Field and International Experience | Adjunct

Address: 119 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 119
Phone: 507-389-1123

Hannah Konrad

Residential Education CR and JS | Assistant Director Residential Educaton

Address: 111 Carkoski Commons
Office: CC 111
Phone: 507-389-6090

Anthony Kopari

Biological Sciences | College Lab Services Specialist

Address: 242 Trafton Science Center South
Office: TS 153D
Phone: 507-389-2780

Vicki Kopischke

Fin Aid Assoc Dir Operations | Loan Coordinator

Address: 120 Wigley Administration Center
Office: WA 120
Phone: 507-389-2260

Felicia Kortuem

Admissions Assistant Director | Admissions Officer

Address: 122 Taylor Center
Office: TC 122
Phone: 507-389-5855

Marnie Kortuem

Registration | Veteran's Affairs (VA) Enrollment Verification

Address: 132 Wigley Administration Center
Office: WA 132
Phone: 507-389-5264

Mounica Kota

Biological Sciences | Adjunct

Address: 242 Trafton Science Center South
Office: TS 242
Phone: 507-389-2786

Christy Kotewa

Accounting and Business Law | Adjunct

Address: 120 Morris Hall
Office: MH 120
Phone: 507-236-4581

Cami Kottke

Library Services | Library Department Administrative Assistant|Adjunct

Address: 3104 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3104
Phone: 507-389-5952

Dawn Kottke

Residential Life Building Services | General Maintenance Worker

Address: 111 Carkoski Commons
Office: CC 111
Phone: 507-389-1011

Leonard Koupal

Centennial Student Union | CSU Communications Coordinator

Address: 220 Centennial Student Union
Office: SU 220
Phone: 507-389-6744

Jared Kral

GMW Day Foreman 2 | GMW

Address: 330 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 330
Phone: 507-389-6804

Mary Kramer

Health Science | Faculty

Address: 213 Highland North
Office: HN 213
Phone: 507-389-1422

Michael Kramer

Residential Life Building Services | General Maintenance Worker

Address: 111 Carkoski Commons
Office: CC 111
Phone: 507-389-6111

Nadja Kramer

Philosophy Languages and Cultures | Faculty

Address: 227 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 218C
Phone: 507-389-5531

Julie Kranz

Creative Production | Promotional Sales Coordinator

Address: 309 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 309
Phone: 507-389-1181

Andrew Kratzer

Social Work | Adjunct

Address: 358 Trafton Science Center North
Office: TN 358
Phone: 507-389-6504

Rachel Krediet

Social Work | Administrative Assistant

Address: 358 Trafton Science Center North
Office: TN 358
Phone: 507-389-6504

David Kreft

COE Office of the Dean | Adjunct

Address: 118 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 118
Phone: 507-389-5445

Richard Kreinbring

GMW Night Foreman 1 | General Maintenance Worker

Address: 330 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 330
Phone: 507-389-6804

Shana Krenik

Admissions Associate Director | Adm App Processing Mgmt/Doc Imaging Spec

Address: 122 Taylor Center
Office: TC 122
Phone: 507-389-5028

Trisha Krenik-Matejcek

Dental Education | Faculty

Address: 120 Clinical Sciences Building
Office: CSB 120
Phone: 507-389-1313

Tom Kroenke

Utilities | Stationary Engineer

Address: 118 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 118
Phone: 507-389-1311

Charles Krois

Biochemistry Chemistry and Geology | Faculty

Address: 241 Ford Hall
Office: FH 245
Phone: 507-389-5274

Daniela Kroon

PALS | Support & Training Spec - Cataloging & Metadeata

Address: 3113 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3113
Phone: 507-389-5791