Office Directory

Reggie Reed

Aviation | Adjunct

Address: 329 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 329
Phone: 507-389-1356

Carol Reedstrom

Speech Hearing and Rehab Services | Administrative Assistant

Address: 314 Clinical Sciences Building
Office: CSB 314
Phone: 507-389-1414

Carrie Reif

Counseling Center | Faculty

Address: 285 Centennial Student Union
Office: SU 285
Phone: 507-389-1455

Michelle Reinhardt

University Advancement Administration | Director of Stewardship & Foundation Relations

Address: 126 Alumni & Foundation Center
Office: AF 128
Phone: 507-389-1905

Mellissa Reinhart

Aviation | Adjunct

Address: 328 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 328
Phone: 507-389-6116

Jane Reinholdz

Field and International Experience | Adjunct

Address: 119 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 119
Phone: 507-389-1517

Joseph Reising

College of Business | Faculty

Address: 150 Morris Hall
Office: MH 248
Phone: 507-389-5420

Kristi Rendahl

Sociology and Leadership Studies | Faculty

Address: 113 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 113
Phone: 507-389-5215

Darren Renville

History and Gender Studies | Adjunct

Address: 359 Trafton Science Center North
Office: TN 359
Phone: 507-389-6318

Jessica Resst

Residential Education MC and PS | Hall Director

Address: 111CC Margaret Preska
Office: PS 111CC
Phone: 507-389-2731

Falcon Restrepo Ramos

Philosophy Languages and Cultures | Faculty

Address: 227 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 227
Phone: 507-389-1712

Farhad Reza

Mechanical and Civil Engineering | Chairperson

Address: 205 Trafton Science Center East
Office: TE 321
Phone: 507-389-5081

Kay Ribbel

Medical Providers | APRN, CNP

Address: 21 Carkoski Commons
Office: CC 21
Phone: 507-389-6276

Kathy Richie

Marketing and International Business | Faculty

Address: 150 Morris Hall
Office: MH 150
Phone: 507-389-2967

Daniel Rickbeil

Intercollegiate Athletics | Athletic Equipment Manager

Address: 135 Myers Field House
Office: HC 1600
Phone: 507-389-2481

Scott Rideout

Internal Operations and Lvl1 Sports | Hockey Equipment Manager

Address: 206 MSU Hockey
Office: CP 206
Phone: 507-389-3215

Melissa Ridler

COB Associate Dean | Administrative Assistant

Address: 120 Morris Hall
Office: MH 120
Phone: 507-389-5419

Barry Ries

Psychology | Faculty

Address: 103 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 103
Phone: 507-389-2724

Jeremy Riesenberg

New Student and Family Programs | Interim Director of New Student & Family Programs

Address: 103 Margaret Preska
Office: PS 103
Phone: 507-389-5498

Joseph Riska

CHSS Operations | Director of Operations

Address: 226 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 307H
Phone: 507-389-5699

Rachel Riska

School of Nursing | Administrative Assistant for Pre- Licensure Nursing Program

Address: 360 Wissink Hall
Office: WH 360
Phone: 507-389-6023

Andrew Roberts

Physics and Astronomy | Faculty

Address: 141 Trafton Science Center North
Office: TN 154
Phone: 507-389-6998

Nathan Rodeback

Application and Web Development | Website Developer/Designer

Address: 3010 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3010
Phone: 507-389-2480

Joseph Rodgers

Performing Arts | Faculty

Address: 202 Jane Earley Center for Performing Arts
Office: PA 230
Phone: 507-389-2118

Steven Rodman

Solutions Architects | Business Analyst & Designer

Address: 3010 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3010
Phone: 507-389-5578