Active Course List


Integrated Engineering

In-depth, advanced study of an engineering area related to an engineering project or foundation topic in the focus area of Transportation Engineering. Students will do in-depth learning of some aspect of content area. Coursework may be tied to project work.

Admission to major, minor or certificate programs and faculty approval for study that extends a core topic area.
Areas of Interest:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

In-depth, advanced study of an engineering area related to an engineering project or foundation topic in the focus area of Aerospace Engineering. Students will do in-depth learning of some aspect of content area. Coursework may be tied to project work. Admission to major, minor or certificate programs and faculty approval for study that extends a core topic area.

Areas of Interest:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

In-depth, advanced study of an engineering area related to an engineering project or foundation topic in the focus area of Aerosol Engineering. Students will do in-depth learning of some aspect of content area. Coursework may be tied to project work. Admission to major, minor or certificate programs and faculty approval for study that extends a core topic area.

Areas of Interest:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

In-depth, advanced study of an engineering area related to an engineering project or foundation topic in the focus area of Combustion. Students will do in-depth learning of some aspect of content area. Coursework may be tied to project work.

Admission to major, minor or certificate programs and faculty approval for study that extends a core topic area.
Areas of Interest:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

In-depth, advanced study of an engineering area related to an engineering project or foundation topic in the focus area of Environmental Engineering. Students will do in-depth learning of some aspect of content area. Coursework may be tied to project work.

In-depth, advanced study of an engineering area related to an engineering project or foundation topic in the focus area of Entrepreneurship. Students will do in-depth learning of some aspect of content area. Coursework may be tied to project work.
Areas of Interest:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

In-depth, advanced study of an engineering area related to an engineering project or foundation topic in the focus area of Leadership. Students will do in-depth learning of some aspect of content area. Coursework may be tied to project work.

Admission to major, minor or certificate programs and faculty approval for study that extends a core topic area.
Areas of Interest:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

In-depth, advanced study of an engineering area related to an engineering project or foundation topic in the focus area of Renewable Energy. Students will do in-depth learning of some aspect of content area. Coursework may be tied to project work.

Admission to major, minor or certificate programs and faculty approval for study that extends a core topic area.
Areas of Interest:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

In-depth, advanced study of an engineering area related to an engineering project or foundation topic in the focus area of Structural Analysis. Students will do in-depth learning of some aspect of content area. Coursework may be tied to project work.

Admission to major, minor or certificate programs and faculty approval for study that extends a core topic area.
Areas of Interest:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

In-depth, advanced study of an engineering area related to an engineering project or foundation topic in the focus area of Microelectronics. Students will do in-depth learning of some aspect of content area. Coursework may be tied to project work.

Admission to major, minor or certificate programs and faculty approval for study that extends a core topic area.
Areas of Interest:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

Students learn about engineering practice through seminars with practicing engineers from industry and are assisted in their development as learners through workshops. This course is repeated by Integrated Engineering students every semester.

Areas of Interest:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
Technical Integration & Design (CERT) | Technical Integration & Design Minor

This class is for MAX scholars and covers topics related to achieving success in academic, professional and personal realms. Speakers will include faculty, graduate students, visiting researchers and industry members. Students will mentor lower division scholars and do presentations.Prereq: Recipient of a MAX scholarship or instructor consent

Recipient of a MAX scholarship or instructor consent.
Areas of Interest:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

This class provides students pursuing a minor in Global Solutions in Engineering and Technology with an opportunity to explore a set of topics related to achieving success in advance of and following an international experience (internship, study abroad, etc.). Speakers will include faculty, graduate students, visiting researchers and industry members as well as student participants. Returning students will be required to participate in mentoring of students preparing for their international experience and provide written and/or oral presentations of various topics during the semester. This course is required both before and after participation in the international experience (min. 2 cr.)

Areas of Interest:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

Special topics not covered in other courses. May be repeated for credit on each new topic.Pre: Consent

Areas of Interest:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

Advanced study and research required. Topic of the senior thesis determined jointly by the student and the faculty advisor. Deliverables include written thesis and formal oral presentation.

Senior standing in program and at least 14 credits earned in technical competencies
Areas of Interest:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
Integrated Engineering (BSE)

Graduate workshops covering a wide range of content related to engineering education. This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.

Seminar topics will address learning and professionalism in undergraduate engineering programs as well as engineering education research. This course may be repeated for credit.

Independent individual study under the guidance and direction of a graduate faculty member in the field of engineering education. This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.

Integrated Science and Technology

Collection, analysis, and presentation of work connecting humanistic and technical knowledge with degree and career objectives. As students move through the ISAT 301, 302, 401, 402 portfolio sequence, each 1-credit course will build and expand upon work from the previously-completed portfolio courses. Requires admission to ISAT program.

Admission to ISAT program.

Collection, analysis, and presentation of work connecting humanistic and technical knowledge with degree and career objectives. As students move through the ISAT 301, 302, 401, 402 portfolio sequence, each 1-credit course will build and expand upon work from the previously-completed portfolio courses. Requires admission to ISAT program.

Admission to ISAT program.

Collection, analysis, and presentation of work connecting humanistic and technical knowledge with degree and career objectives. As students move through the ISAT 301, 302, 401, 402 portfolio sequence, each 1-credit course will build and expand upon work from the previously-completed portfolio courses. Requires admission to ISAT program.

Admission to ISAT program.

Collection, analysis, and presentation of work connecting humanistic and technical knowledge with degree and career objectives. As students move through the ISAT 301, 302, 401, 402 portfolio sequence, each 1-credit course will build and expand upon work from the previously-completed portfolio courses. Requires admission to ISAT program.

Admission to ISAT program.

Capstone project ideation, research, and proposal development. Projects are undertaken in mixed groups across disciplines: communications, science, and technology, who work together to propose and complete a project. Student groups determine project topic based on interest and expertise. The total combined credits for ISAT 480 and ISAT 490 should be six credits. Requires admission to ISAT program.

ISAT 302, Admission to ISAT program.

Capstone project execution and completion. Projects are undertaken in mixed groups across disciplines, communications, science, and technology, who work together to complete a project. Student groups determine project topic based on interest and expertise. The total combined credits for ISAT 480 and ISAT 490 should be six credits. Requires admission to ISAT program.

ISAT 302, Admission to ISAT program.

Intensive English Program

In this course, multilingual students in the Intensive English Program develop their reading comprehension and vocabulary at the beginning level by reading a selective range of shorter academic texts from a variety of genres and by applying a variety of reading and vocabulary-building strategies.

In this course, multilingual students in the Intensive English Program develop their writing skills at the beginning level by writing sentences and short paragraphs in a range of genres and by applying a variety of writing strategies.