Active Course List


Social Work

Course provides an overview of intimate partner violence from a theoretical and evidence-based, social work perspective. Students learn about intervention strategies from direct practice to advocacy and policy change. Multiple systems are explored. The intersection of gender, class, sexual orientation, age, and culture with intimate partner violence is covered.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
Gender and Women's Studies (BA) | Gender and Women's Studies (BS) | Gender and Women's Studies Minor | Social Welfare Minor | Social Work (BSSW)

Service delivery issues, knowledge and skills for providing social services within school settings.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
Social Welfare Minor | Social Work (BSSW)

Course focuses on service delivery issues and skills, using a strengths-based, family systems, and empowerment approach for working with individuals with developmental and other disabilities and their families across the life span. Students hoping to do a practicum in a disability services setting should complete this course prior to beginning the practicum.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
Social Welfare Minor | Social Work (BSSW)

Explores research issues and techniques, needs assessments, and program and practice evaluations. In addition, there is a lab designed to supplement class discussions and to assist students in understanding some of the technical details and specific skills associated with conducting research and writing a research proposal. The lab enhances skills in developing questionnaires, reviewing previous studies, using American Psychological Association (APA) citations and data analysis using SPSS. Another Statistics course may meet the course prerequisite with approval of the BSSW Program Advisor.

Select one course from STAT 154, PSYC 201, SPC 202, ECON 207, HLTH 475. Or other statistics course as approved by BSSW Program Advisor.
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
Social Work (BSSW)

Overview of generalist social work practice including assessment and intervention methodology and strategies; social work with diverse populations; ethical issues/dilemmas; importance of social work research. Admission to the BSSW Program/Major required. Permission to register given by BSSW Program.

Admission to the BSSW Program/major. Permission to register given by BSSW Program.
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
Social Work (BSSW)

Intervention skills for working with individuals, families, and groups. Permission to register given by BSSW Program.

SOWK 441. Permission to register given by BSSW Program.
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
Social Work (BSSW)

This course prepares students for direct and indirect macro generalist social work practice in organizations and communities. Students will learn: 1) to recognize characteristics and assets of organizations and communities, 2) to identify and respond to changing community and organizational needs, and 3) strategies for planned change process in organizations and communities. Emphasis is placed on engaging, assessment, intervening and evaluating consumer services across mezzo and macro systems through the process of participating in task-oriented groups. Permission to register given by BSSW Program.

SOWK 441. Permission to register given by BSSW Program.
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
Social Work (BSSW)

Integration of senior field practicum with academic content and concepts. Serves as the capstone experience. Taken with SOWK 455. Prereq: SOWK Foundation, Practice Sequence, and permission

SOWK Foundation, Practice Sequence, and permission
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
Social Work (BSSW)

Culminating practicum experience with 32 hour per week placement in a social service setting with supervision provided by a degreed social worker. Taken with SOWK 450. Prereq: SOWK Foundation, Practice Sequence, and permission

SOWK Foundation, Practice Sequence, and permission
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
Social Work (BSSW)

Topics announced when offered

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration


Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration


Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

This elective is for those students who desire to complete an advanced writing assignment in preparation for employment or graduate education.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

Additional field experience in approved social agency.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
Non-Profit Leadership (CERT) | Non Profit Leadership Minor

Under faculty mentorship, students may pursue in-depth library or field research on topics of their choice.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

This course provides an overview of social services that support the well-being of children and families in a diverse society. Students, regardless of disciplinary affiliation, identify personal and professional values, develop a working knowledge of the theories that inform practice with children and families, and understand the roles and legal responsibilities of child welfare workers and professionals from multiple disciplines in the delivery of child welfare services.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

Co-morbid substance abuse and mental health disorders will be encountered by social workers in all areas of practice. Current research on dual diagnosis indicates integrated treatment of substance misuse and mental illness is the most effective approach to treatment. This course will provide an understanding of the intersection of multiple diagnoses, and enable social worker professionals to effectively treat multiple diagnoses in their area of practice. This course examines the interaction of addictive and other mental health disorders. Particular focus is placed on case-conceptualization, assessment, and intervention with multiply diagnosed clients in specific populations.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

Issues, resources, and processes in working with the elderly and their families in the social service system.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

This course is designed to provide upper level (junior and senior) undergraduate social work students with a comprehensive introduction to the epidemiology (scientific study of disease), etiology (causes of disease), history, policy, and treatment modalities of substance abuse from a person-in-environment and systems theory social work perspective.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

Service delivery issues and skills for working in hospitals, nursing homes, and community programs.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

Course provides an overview of intimate partner violence from a theoretical and evidence-based, social work perspective. Students learn about intervention strategies from direct practice to advocacy and policy change. Multiple systems are explored. The intersection of gender, class, sexual orientation, age, and culture with intimate partner violence is covered.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

This course introduces students to the work of specialized instructional support personnel, who enhance the capacity of every student to learn. Emphasis will be placed on multidisciplinary collaboration that promotes student well-being and supportive school environments.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

Service delivery issues, knowledge, and skills for providing social services within school services.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

This course covers the evolution of school social work as a profession and the impact of the culture and climate of the school on practice. It examines how social diversity impacts academic achievement and the role of the school social worker in addressing disparities.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

Course focuses on service delivery issues and skills, using a strengths-based, family systems, and empowerment approach for working with individuals with developmental and other disabilities and their families across the life span. Students hoping to do a practicum in a disability services setting should complete this course prior to beginning the practicum.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration