Active Course List


Criminal Justice

Research methodologies as they apply to correctional evidence-based practices are covered, as are strengths and limitations of various research practices, especially with respect to central correctional concepts such as risk, recidivism, and program evaluation. Students will gain experience with data sources, data collection, and basic interpretation of data analysis.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Corrections (BS)

Overview of the characteristics of victims, victim-offender relationships, societal victimization, victim's rights and services, and restorative justice. The focus will be on developing effective criminal justice responses to the victims/survivors and the perpetrators.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Corrections (BS)

This course is designed to provide peace officer students with the foundational information, tools, and skills needed to improve interpersonal communications with coworkers and the public from all ethnic and cultural groups. This course also provides some historical information so students can contextualize and better understand why particular groups may distrust and resist peace officers and the criminal justice system as a whole.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
American Indigenous Studies (BA) | American Indigenous Studies (BS) | Criminal Justice (BS) | Ethnic Studies (BS) Public/Government | Policing Studies (CERT)

Assist the students in starting a healthy conversation on cultural competencies for correctional professionals, and develop resources, skills, and strategies needed to address racism and inequity. The idea is to take a journey in building a more inclusive, connected, and effective correctional organization. Students will discover a framework to help discuss issues related to cultural competency: learn about methods, practices, and values that define cultural competency and culturally based work in various fields and organizations; understand the complexities within ethnic communities; and gain insights into the nature of institutionalized racism.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Corrections (BS) | Criminal Justice (BS)

This course focuses on the experiences of women in the criminal justice system--as victims, offenders, and professionals. Women's involvement in this system (whether they were a defendant, an attorney, an inmate, a correctional officer or a crime victim) has often been overlooked or devalued. The goal of this course is to bring the special needs and contributions of women in the criminal justice system into sharper focus.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Corrections (BS) | Gender and Women's Studies (BA) | Gender and Women's Studies (BS) | Gender and Women's Studies Minor

The mental and physical wellbeing of peace officers will be focused on and students will be required to assess their vulnerabilities to intrapersonal and interpersonal stressors. Students will develop tactics and strategies for managing their mental and physical wellbeing, while understanding how those strategies may have to change over time. Must be a major or minor in Corrections, Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement, or Peace Officer Program.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

The course will provide the student with a solid foundation in effective peace officer communications and prepare the student analytically for a career as a peace officer. This course also has a writing intensive requirement that involves drafting, editing, and reviewing a variety of written assignments.Must be a major or minor in Corrections, Criminal Justice, and/or Peace Officer (Law Enforcement) Programs.

Graduation Requirements:
Writing Intensive
Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Policing Studies (CERT)

A more in-depth survey of methods and techniques for the investigation of crimes. This course builds off the foundation of LAWE233: Criminal Investigation.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

This course is designed to provide specialized training to students pursuing a career in policing, with a focus on maintaining good health and well-being. Police are required to pass skills training (police academy). This course offers specific education tailored to prepare them for the academy and equip them with the necessary skills to maintain their physical health.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

JOLT is a collaborative effort between the University and several probation offices. Students will mentor delinquents in the community and be mentored by local probation officers. This is a year-long commitment.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

JOLT-II is a second semester continuation of CORR 350. Can only enroll after completing CORR 350.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

Students will engage in community experiences, public service interactions, experiences with a variety of diverse groups, and/or interactive panels that will provide for opportunities to reflect, observe, conceptualize, and grow as a future criminal justice professional.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Corrections (BS) | Criminal Justice (BS) | Policing Studies (BS) | Policing Studies (CERT)

An examination of issues facing criminal justice today in constantly changing legal, social and cultural environments. Topics will vary and may be repeated for credit.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Corrections (BS)

Advanced Crime Theory & Prevention provides an overview of the nature and causes of crime and victimization. Using a multidisciplinary approach, the course surveys theories of criminal behavior at the macro- & micro-level. Students will learn how to evaluate criminological theories. The course also covers the link between theory and crime prevention efforts, focusing primarily on how crime prevention efforts employed by legislatures, police, courts, and corrections agencies in the United States are derived from theory.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Corrections (BS) | Corrections Minor

The course will examine ethics and leadership theory, interpretation, and application. Concepts such as vision, ownership, integrity, accountability, attitude, teamwork capability, monitoring, evaluation, and decision making will be interpreted through case studies of ethics and leadership in criminal justice.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

Addresses theoretical roots, historical developments, and current practices of probation, parole, and other community corrections programs. Special attention is given to innovative, future approaches to community corrections. Writing intensive

Graduation Requirements:
Writing Intensive
Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Corrections (BS)

This course focuses on mass incarceration (including the policies that produced and maintains it) in addition to the concept of recidivism (how it is defined/measured, and how it represents, for better or worse, the antithesis of the intended goals of community reentry after release from prison). In that framework, the course explores various obstacles and facilitators of successful community reentry. Students are expected to gain an understanding of crime policy, its limitations, as well as concrete ways to facilitate community reentry despite factors that impede it.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Corrections (BS)

Principles and methods of individual and group counseling with juvenile and adult offenders; development of interpersonal helping skills, negotiation, and mediation skills.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Corrections (BS)

This class will be taught in modules where students will gain learn how to determine if practices in Corrections are evidence based, the types of programming in Corrections that are supported by research, and skills and knowledge necessary to implement these practices.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Corrections (BS)

This course will cover the basic techniques of writing reports, memoranda, forms, and other documents used in the peace officer profession. This is a writing-intensive course that will not only fulfill MN POST Report Writing requirements, but will also require students to compose numerous documents and respond to writing feedback throughout the semester.

Graduation Requirements:
Writing Intensive
Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

This course is designed to provide peace officer students with a more thorough understanding of a variety of ethnicities, cultures, and groups in Minnesota and elsewhere throughout the country.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

Senior Seminar is a capstone course that is specifically designed for Peace Officer Program students to be eligible to become licensed peace officers. This course will assist the student in several areas to include preparation for the MN POST test, interviewing skills, critical thinking and decision making skills, scenario based learning, and job application skills.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Policing Studies (CERT)

This course explores the history, development and current role of federal agencies that have enforcement authority in the United States. This course also explores the history, implementation, and role of Homeland Security, along with the integration of purpose, action, and enforcement between Homeland Security, federal enforcement agencies, and local peace officer agencies with a lens of legal, policy, and cooperation strategies at the federal, state, and local levels.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

This course complements the learning experience of traveling on a faculty led study abroad trip. The focus will be a comparison of terrorism, political violence, and counter-terrorism activities in the United States to the same activities in the visited countries based on readings, research, observation, and participation. Instructor permission is required to register for this course.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

This course complements the learning experience of traveling on a faculty led study abroad trip. The focus will be on a comparison of international justice systems in a variety of countries based on readings, research, observation, and participation. Instructor permission is required to register for this course.

Areas of Interest:
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security