Communication Arts and Literature - Education (BS)


Students are prepared to teach English and Speech/Communication in grades 5-12. Students complete courses from English, Communication Studies, and Education on lesson, course, and program preparation. 

Catalog Year




Total Credits






Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation

Program Requirements

Required General Education

A course in communication principles to develop skills in the analysis and presentation of speeches.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-1B

This course is designed to develop the skills to complete the artistic process of studying literature through performance and sharing that study with an audience.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-11

Addresses drugs and drug use from psychological, behavioral, pharmacological, historical, legal and clinical perspectives - while examining the effects of drug use on personal health and social functioning.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-05

Study of interpersonal skills, motivation, and group skills. Applied to educational settings. Requires 18 hours clinical service learning experience (out of class). Meets State of Minnesota human relations requirement for teacher licensure.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-07, GE-11

Diverse Cultures: Gold

Nature, functions, responsibilities and effects of the media in contemporary society.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-09

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Literature, Humanities, Film. - Choose 4 Credit(s). Choose one course in literature, or in humanities, or in film from the following list.

Study and analysis of elements of prose, poetry and drama in English from earlier periods through contemporary. Emphasizes critical reading of literature. May include such genres as short story, novel, memoir, nonfiction, biography, autobiography, poem, play, screenplay.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06

Study and analysis of elements of poetic and dramatic literature in English, including translations, from earlier periods through contemporary. Emphasizes critical reading of and writing about literature.

Prerequisites: ENG 101 

Goal Areas: GE-06

Study and analysis of prose literature in English from earlier periods through comtemporary. Works will be chosen from the following forms: short stories, essays, novellas, novels, memoirs, autobiographies, and other long forms. Emphasizes critical reading of and writing about literature.

Prerequisites: ENG 101 

Goal Areas: GE-06

Students in this course learn about diverse peoples and societies by reading and writing about novels, non-fiction, poetry, and/or films.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-07

Diverse Cultures: Purple

The course purpose is to increase students' knowledge of international children's literature that is written in English or translated into English. Students will be introduced to individual books, authors, and methods of responding to literature. This course studies children's literature set in countries such as Afghanistan, WWII Germany,and the Dominican Republic.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-08

Diverse Cultures: Purple

This course will introduce students to Shakespeares plays (histories, tragedies, and comedies) and sonnets. Students will read, analyze, and develop interpretations of these works, learning about Shakespeares language, historical situations, and world views.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-08

Courses will explore various specialized topics in literature to increase understanding of literary contributions made by under-represented peoples, to develop critical thinking, reading, and writing skills, and to increase appreciation of the diversity of human experience. Typical courses include: Multicultural Literature, Women's Literature. May be repeated as topics change.

Prerequisites: ENG 101 

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-07

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Courses will introduce students to works of literature from a variety of world cultures. Designed to increase knowledge of world cultures and appreciation and understanding of cultural differences in representation, and in seeing, believing, and being. Emphasizes critical thinking, reading, and writing. May be repeated with different topics.

Prerequisites: ENG 101 

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-08

Courses will focus on some characteristic ways in which literature addresses and explores the ethical dimensions of citizenship and the relationships between works and their cultural contexts. Emphasizes critical thinking, reading and writing. Typical courses include: War and Peace; Utopias and Dystopias. May be repeated as topics change.

Prerequisites: ENG 101 

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-09

Course will explore specialized topics in literature; may be repeated under a different topic.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06

An introduction to writing poetry and short prose. This course does not assume previous creative writing experience on the part of the student. ENG 242 is a prerequisite for ENG 340 or 341.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-11

Major Common Core

Only two credits of CMST 201 are required. Total Major Common Core credits = 34. Total credits in program = 48.

A course blending theory and practice to help individuals build effective relationships through improved communication.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-02

Development of communication skills for working with others in small group situations.

Prerequisites: none

This course is designed to provide students with skills of effective listening, and the ability to apply that knowledge in a variety of educational and professional settings.

Prerequisites: none

The course fulfills secondary licensure requirements for Communication Arts and Literature. First, the course covers teaching methods and materials needed to develop units for communication courses in grades 5-12. Second, the course covers methods and techniques in the development of competitive speech programs in grades 5-12.

Prerequisites: none

An introduction to literary genres and to the techniques of writing about literature.

Prerequisites: ENG 101 

A review of traditional grammar designed to prepare students for advanced work in language and grammar. This course will run for a half-semester.

Prerequisites: none

A survey of American Literature from its beginnings to the end of the Civil War. Prereq: ENG 275

Prerequisites: ENG 275W 

Theory, practice, and materials for teaching English language arts in middle school and high school, with particular attention to literature.

Prerequisites: none

Theory, practice, and materials for teaching English language arts in middle school and high school, with particular attention to language and writing.

Prerequisites: none

The English language considered structurally (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics) and sociolinguistically (geographical and social dialects, gender issues, acquisition of first and second language, standard and nonstandard forms).

Prerequisites: none

Major Restricted Electives

Total elective credits = 14

British Literature - Choose 4 Credit(s).

Representative works from British literature encompassing Beowulf through the Eighteenth Century. Prereq: ENG 275

Prerequisites: ENG 275W 

Representative works from British Literature, the Romantic Period to the present. Prereq: ENG 275

Prerequisites: ENG 275W 

World Literature - Choose 2 Credit(s). Only two credits of world literature are required.

Topics on themes, issues, and developments in genres of the literatures of the world. Content changes. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

A study of selected novels from a variety of time periods and cultures, including Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Prerequisites: none

Selected works of literature for students in grades 5-12 from a variety of countries and cultures.

Prerequisites: none

Young Adult Literature - Choose 3 Credit(s). Only three credits of young adult literature are required.

A survey of literature for students in grades 5-12, fiction, and non-fiction, and methods of teaching this literature.

Prerequisites: none

Survey of books suitable for the Middle School classroom, covering a variety of topics and genres.

Prerequisites: none

Shakespeare - Choose 2 Credit(s).

A study of Shakespeare's comedies and histories. This course will run for a half-semester.

Prerequisites: none

A study of Shakespeare's tragedies. This course will run for a half-semester.

Prerequisites: none

Major Unrestricted Electives

Literature Elective (3-4 credits). Choose a course from the list below in consultation with an advisor. Courses may not be double-counted from other categories.

Topic-oriented course in literature. May be repeated with change of topic.

Prerequisites: none

Specific topics in multicultural literature with detailed study of a particular period, region, or group in the United States and their contributions to a diverse literature. Topics include African American Literature, American Indian Literature, Southern Writers of Color, and others. May be repeated as topics change.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Representative works from British literature encompassing Beowulf through the Eighteenth Century. Prereq: ENG 275

Prerequisites: ENG 275W 

Representative works from British Literature, the Romantic Period to the present. Prereq: ENG 275

Prerequisites: ENG 275W 

Introduction to authors, genres, illustrations, and works of literature published for elementary age children. Current and classic works.

Prerequisites: none

A survey of American Literature from the end of the Civil War to the present. Prereq: ENG 275

Prerequisites: ENG 275W

Selected topics course on literature about gender and gendered experiences

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Studies in selected authors. Specific authors change. May be repeated with content changes.

Prerequisites: none

A study of Shakespeare's comedies and histories. This course will run for a half-semester.

Prerequisites: none

A study of Shakespeare's tragedies. This course will run for a half-semester.

Prerequisites: none

Study of literature from the 21st century, with an emphasis on how these works reflect contemporary concerns.

Prerequisites: ENG 275W

Topics have included genres such as fantasy or historical fiction and thematic topics such as survival or journeys. May be repeated for credit when the topic changes.

Prerequisites: none

Selected periods of literary study.

Prerequisites: none

Content changes. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: none

Topics on themes, issues, and developments in genres of the literatures of the world. Content changes. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Topics on themes, issues, and developments in genres of the literatures of the world. Content changes. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

A study of selected novels from a variety of time periods and cultures, including Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Prerequisites: none

This writing-intensive course surveys the earliest Native American literary works, from oral tradition and songs to contemporary works and authors, with a particular emphasis on tribal and cultural contexts that identify these works as Native American.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

This course surveys the origins and development of Chicana/o and Latina/o literature, from oral narratives, early poetry, and narrative fiction and memoirs, through the Chicano Movement and the emergence of Chicana/o literature and drama. The course also examines contemporary Chicana/o and Latina/o narrative fiction, including issues related to im/migration, the urban experience, Chicana/o and Latina/o subjectivity, and the reappropriation and reinterpretation of myths, legends, and cultural figures in transnational context.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

This writing-intensive course surveys the earliest African American literary works, including slave narratives, poetry, folklore, and oration, through 20th century movements such as the Jazz Age, Harlem Renaissance, and Black Arts Movement of the 1960s, to contemporary works and authors.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Selected works of literature for students in grades 5-12 from a variety of countries and cultures.

Prerequisites: none

A survey of literature for students in grades 5-12, fiction, and non-fiction, and methods of teaching this literature.

Prerequisites: none

Survey of books suitable for the Middle School classroom, covering a variety of topics and genres.

Prerequisites: none

Various topic-oriented courses in literature.

Prerequisites: none

Specialized, in-depth study of topics such as Holocaust literature, environmental literature, or regional literature. May be repeated with change in topic. WHEN OFFERED AS A CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP, this course serves as a practicum course for the BA and BFA majors in Creative Writing and will serve as a pre-requisite for ENG 447 Creative Writing Capstone.

Prerequisites: none

Other Graduation Requirements

4-Year Plan

The 4-Year Plan is a model for completing your degree in a timely manner. Your individual 4-Year plan may change based on a number of variables including transfer courses and the semester/year you start your major. Carefully work with your academic advisors to devise your own unique plan.
* Please meet with your advisor on appropriate course selection to meet your educational and degree goals.

First Year

Fall - 14 Credits

This course helps students develop a flexible writing process, practice rhetorical awareness, read critically to support their writing, research effectively, represent others ideas in multiple ways, reflect on their writing practices, and polish their work.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-1A

General Education Course * 4 credits

Required General Education Course * 3 credits

General Education Course * 3 credits

Spring - 15 Credits

Required General Education Course * 3 credits

General Education Course * 4 credits

General Education Course * 4 credits

Required General Education Course * 4 credits

Second Year

Fall - 15 Credits

This course is designed to provide students with skills of effective listening, and the ability to apply that knowledge in a variety of educational and professional settings.

Prerequisites: none

An introduction to literary genres and to the techniques of writing about literature.

Prerequisites: ENG 101 

Development of communication skills for working with others in small group situations.

Prerequisites: none

General Education Course * 3 credits

General Education Course * 4 credits

Spring - 14 Credits

A course blending theory and practice to help individuals build effective relationships through improved communication.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-02

Teacher candidates will develop skills to access information and integrate technology to improve learning for PK-12 students. Teacher candidates research, select, and evaluate information about diverse populations to design classroom applications using a wide variety of instructional technology.

Prerequisites: none

Study of interpersonal skills, motivation, and group skills. Applied to educational settings. Requires 18 hours clinical service learning experience (out of class). Meets State of Minnesota human relations requirement for teacher licensure.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-07, GE-11

Diverse Cultures: Gold

Teacher candidates develop understanding of cognitive, language, personal and social development for implications on teaching in the inclusive classroom. Dispositions and skills will be developed for recognizing and accommodating exceptionality in student learning.

Prerequisites: none

Representative works from British Literature, the Romantic Period to the present. Prereq: ENG 275

Prerequisites: ENG 275W 

Third Year

Fall - 17 Credits

This course is designed to develop the skills to complete the artistic process of studying literature through performance and sharing that study with an audience.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-11

A survey of American Literature from its beginnings to the end of the Civil War. Prereq: ENG 275

Prerequisites: ENG 275W 

The course is designed to guide K-12 and 5-12 teacher candidates through the design, implementation, and assessment of a standards-based curriculum. Candidates will analyze standards, create assessments, and design and delivery of instruction in a field-site.

Prerequisites: none

Course content addresses formal and informal, standardized evaluation of learner achievement in the classroom and programmatic evaluation. Assigned projects will accommodate the student's present/future professional career track.

Prerequisites: none

Survey of books suitable for the Middle School classroom, covering a variety of topics and genres.

Prerequisites: none

Spring - 16 Credits

A review of traditional grammar designed to prepare students for advanced work in language and grammar. This course will run for a half-semester.

Prerequisites: none

A survey of American Literature from the end of the Civil War to the present. Prereq: ENG 275

Prerequisites: ENG 275W

Theory, practice, and materials for teaching English language arts in middle school and high school, with particular attention to literature.

Prerequisites: none

A study of Shakespeare's comedies and histories. This course will run for a half-semester.

Prerequisites: none

The course fulfills secondary licensure requirements for Communication Arts and Literature. First, the course covers teaching methods and materials needed to develop units for communication courses in grades 5-12. Second, the course covers methods and techniques in the development of competitive speech programs in grades 5-12.

Prerequisites: none

Fourth Year

Fall - 18 Credits

Theory, practice, and materials for teaching English language arts in middle school and high school, with particular attention to language and writing.

Prerequisites: none

The English language considered structurally (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics) and sociolinguistically (geographical and social dialects, gender issues, acquisition of first and second language, standard and nonstandard forms).

Prerequisites: none

Topics on themes, issues, and developments in genres of the literatures of the world. Content changes. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Teacher candidates will further develop processes for creating and sustaining a classroom learning environment that enables success for all learners, including interacting with diverse families, school colleagues, and representatives from community agencies to support student engagement and learning. Co-reqs: KSP 440 & KSP 442

Prerequisites: none

Teacher candidates will develop skills in differentiated instruction, reading and content-based literacy in inclusive classrooms. Teacher candidates will integrate prior knowledge of diverse learners, developmental models of learning, and curriculum and instruction into a comprehensive understanding of teaching. Co-reqs: KSP 440 & KSP 442

Prerequisites: none

Spring - 12 Credits

Content focus is on professional rights, responsibilities, and development; student rights and responsibilities; and legal issues regarding data privacy and confidentiality. Skills of professional development, inquiry, reflection, coaching, and collaboration will be developed, practiced, and monitored.

Prerequisites: none

Student teaching in the secondary school including weekly seminar for 5-12 majors. Prereq: KSP 420 and admission to student teaching.

Prerequisites: admission to student teaching.