Applied Leadership

Undergraduate Programs


The B.S. in Applied Organizational (AOS) Studies is a degree completion program designed primarily for working adults and non-traditional students that will provide them the qualifications needed to advance in their careers or to change professions. It prepares students to excel in leadership, innovation, and virtual team work in a global society. The core areas of skill development center on communications in organizations, leadership, critical thinking and decision-making. The program can be taken completely online and draws on a wide variety of interdisciplinary faculty such as international business, communication studies, marketing, non-profit leadership, psychology, public administration and sociology. Students may enter the program as a freshman or as a transfer student and will be required to complete the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (general education) and Minnesota State Mankato’s undergraduate graduation requirements.  





Program Locations Total Credits
Applied Leadership BS BS
  • Online

Policies & Faculty


Completion of Minnesota Transfer Curriculum and AOS 301.

Contact Information

113 Armstrong Hall

(507) 389-1563


  • Luis Posas, Ph.D.
  • Christine Mollenkopf-Pigsley, Ph.D.

100 Level

Credits: 3

This course is recommended as a first semester course for students who are new to the University and to the Applied Leadership Program. The purpose of the course is to assist students with the transition to the University in an online program environment. The course provides students with an overview of the University, its online program resources, and the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. This course will introduce students to leadership and organizations, build student success skills and develop the professional skills needed for future job placement.

Prerequisites: none

300 Level

Credits: 3

Topics include world economics and their implications for the labor force, critical and creative thinking, leadership, and portfolio assessment. Required for admission to the Applied Organizational Studies program.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

The focus in this course is on communication within organizations (including virtual environments), workplace engagement in virtual teamwork and the application of critical and creative thinking resulting in organizational innovation. The course also engages students in an exploration of the role of social organizing and the impact of networking on organizational growth and sustainability.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

The focus in this course is on critical thinking, decision-making, and leadership in contemporary organizational environments. The course also explores the concept of followership and power distribution, and organizational adaptation due to technological and global economic change. Students will also participate in an applied quantitative research project in an approved organization of choice.

Prerequisites: none

400 Level

Credits: 3

The course focuses on contemporary organizational issues and the concept of change in organizational design and development. Subject matter includes the use of causal thinking and econometric measurement, effectuation and entrepreneurial thinking, and the role of mission and vision. Students will complete a project-based exploration of the financial and resource aspects of return on investment comparing the effectual and causal perspectives on an organizational change.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-2

Capstone project in which the student creates a portfolio that demonstrates the student's achievement in the core competencies of the program. Portfolio to be presented to a committee.

Prerequisites: AOS 301

Credits: 3

Topics vary as announced in class schedule. May be retaken for credit if topic varies.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-6

A specialized topic of the students' choice. Coordination with a faculty member is necessary.

Prerequisites: none