Art (BFA)

Catalog Year




Total Credits






National Association of Schools of Art and Design

Program Requirements

Required General Education

Introduction to art history from prehistoric and ancient cultures through the Middle Ages. Includes representative examples and styles of art and architecture of Western (Europe and the Near East) and non-Western cultures (China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia, Africa, Mesoamerica, South America, North America, Australia).

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-08

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Lecture-based survey of the Art and Architecture of both Western and non-Western countries from the thirteenth through twentieth centuries.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-08

Major Common Core

For art, art history and art education majors.

Prerequisites: none

An introduction to concepts and processes related to the visual and physical organization of three-dimensional form and space.

Prerequisites: none

Introduction to traditional drawing techniques and concepts.

Prerequisites: none

Historical survey of art, architecture and urban planning in Europe and America from the mid-nineteenth century to the present: Realism, Impressionism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism, Op Art, Pop Art, and Post-modern issues and trends.

Prerequisites: ART 261 or consent 

Major Restricted Electives

Foundation Courses - Select six (6) courses from at least five (5) areas for a total of 18 credits.

Area One: Graphic Design - Choose 0 - 6 Credit(s).

This graphic design course is an introduction to digital media technology as a creative tool for the development of visual expression. The course is taught using the Mac OS and explores vector and bitmap image making.

Prerequisites: none

This course explores the basic principles of graphic design. Emphasis is placed on developing an awareness and effective use of type, image, and symbol. Students focus on the design process as a way to develop and refine design solutions.

Prerequisites: ART 202

Area Two: Drawing - Choose 0 - 6 Credit(s).

Continued exploration of drawing techniques and concepts.

Prerequisites: ART 110 

Experience in drawing from the human figure.

Prerequisites: ART 110 

Area Three: Mixed Media - Choose 0 - 3 Credit(s).

Multimedia art exploration is a problem solving art studio experience involving the use of a variety of traditional and non-traditional art materials.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06

Area Four: Painting - Choose 0 - 6 Credit(s).

Beginning experience with oil and/or acrylic paint. Emphasis upon technical and conceptual development.

Prerequisites: ART 100 or ART 101, ART 110 or consent

Introduction to basic techniques in watercolor.

Prerequisites: ART 100 or ART 101, ART 110 or consent 

Area Five: Ceramics - Choose 0 - 6 Credit(s).

An introduction to basic wheel throwing techniques exploring the potential of clay as a creative and expressive material.

Prerequisites: ART 100 or ART 101, ART 103 or consent 

An introduction to basic sculptural hand building techniques exploring the nature of clay as a creative-expressive medium.

Prerequisites: ART 100 or ART 101, ART 103 or consent 

Area Six: Printmaking - Choose 0 - 6 Credit(s).

Introduction to silkscreen and lithography printmaking processes including silkscreen, monotype, and plate lithography.

Prerequisites: ART 101, ART 110 or consent 

Introduction to intaglio and relief printmaking processes including collagraph, etching, relief carving, and engraving.

Prerequisites: ART 101, ART 110 or consent 

Area Seven: Photography - Choose 0 - 3 Credit(s).

Introduction to the techniques and expressive potential of both digital and darkroom photography. Topics include basic camera controls, lighting, composition, editing, and fine art printing in the digital lab and darkroom. A digital camera with manual controls of aperture and shutter speed is required for part of the semester (a film camera will be provided).

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06

Area Eight: Sculpture - Choose 0 - 3 Credit(s).

Exploration of the visual and physical organization of three-dimensional form and space through problems employing various media and processes.

Prerequisites: ART 103 or consent 

Area Nine: Installation - Choose 0 - 3 Credit(s).

This studio course familiarizes students with the basic concerns of installation art, including relationship to site and audience. A variety of materials and approaches will be explored. Environmental impact, health, and safety will be addressed. In addition to studio work, historical and contemporary examples will be discussed to provide context and encourage awareness of the disciplines past and present potential.

Prerequisites: ART 103 or consent

Advanced Courses

Advanced Drawing - Choose 3 - 6 Credit(s). Courses may not be repeated if taken as a Foundation Course.

Continued exploration of drawing techniques and concepts.

Prerequisites: ART 110 

Experience in drawing from the human figure.

Prerequisites: ART 110 

This course encourages experimental approaches that build on drawing skills developed in ART 110 and ART 210. Formal and conceptual issues will be addressed as students pursue individualized subject matter. Course may be repeated.

Prerequisites: ART 210

Continued in-depth exploration of drawing techniques and concepts. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: ART 310

Advanced experience in drawing from the human figure. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: ART 212 or ART 310

Intermediate Studio I - Choose 6 Credit(s). Students must take two intermediate-level studio courses within their primary studio area. The studio areas are: ceramics, drawing, graphic design, installation, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture. All intermediate-level studio courses must be at the 300 level.

Prerequisites: none

Intermediate Studio II - Choose 6 Credit(s). Students must take two intermediate-level studio courses within their secondary studio area. The studio areas are: ceramics, drawing, graphic design, installation, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture. All intermediate-level studio courses must be at the 300 level.

Prerequisites: none

Required of all B.F.A. majors before taking 4XX advanced studio specialization sequence to continue in program.

Prerequisites: none

Advanced Studio - Choose 21 Credit(s). Select advanced courses within the primary studio area.

Art/Design History

Advanced Courses - Choose 6 - 9 Credit(s).

Introduction to art and architecture of Western Europe, the Byzantine Empire, and the Islamic world, from the second to the fifteenth centuries. Examination of representative works of art and major styles of Christian, Jewish, and Islamic cultures, including the Romanesque and Gothic periods.

Prerequisites: ART 260 or consent

Historical survey of the representation of gender with comparison of the artistic efforts of males and females and examination of art used to present gender-based issues including homosexuality, feminism, censorship and pornography.

Prerequisites: ART 261 or consent 

Introduction to the art and architecture of the ancient era in its historical and cultural frameworks. Examination of representative works of art and major styles of ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Aegean, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman cultures.

Prerequisites: ART 260 or consent 

Origins and development of Northern and Italian Renaissance art and architecture as an expression of historical, cultural and religious issues.

Prerequisites: ART 261 or consent 

Historical survey of art, architecture and urban planning in Europe and America from the late sixteenth to mid-nineteenth century: Mannerism, Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism and Romanticism.

Prerequisites: ART 261 or consent 

Historical survey of art and architectural developments from Islam's origins through the twentieth century. Course focuses on contextualizing monuments, paintings, and other arts from various regions around the world.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Survey of Graphic Design, Industrial Design and Architecture from historical and theoretical perspectives. Design issues examined from formal and contextual points of view, using analysis strategies that consider style, composition, historical context, functional/propagandistic significance and communicative ability.

Prerequisites: none

Historical survey of the art and architecture of China, India, Korea and Japan from pre-history to the 20th century.

Prerequisites: ART 260, ART 261 or consent 

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Investigation of developments in sacred and secular art and architecture in various regions of the world, exploring themes such as nation-building, modernization vs. tradition, post colonialism among others, since the 19th century.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple


Senior Exhibit - Choose 1 Credit(s). Students are required to participate in an exhibit the semester they intend to graduate. The course includes the planning, installation, and de-installation of a group exhibition.

A required course in all art major degree programs. Students plan and present art work in an exhibition. Can not be taken same semester as student teaching.

Prerequisites: Consent

4-Year Plan

The 4-Year Plan is a model for completing your degree in a timely manner. Your individual 4-Year plan may change based on a number of variables including transfer courses and the semester/year you start your major. Carefully work with your academic advisors to devise your own unique plan.
* Please meet with your advisor on appropriate course selection to meet your educational and degree goals.

First Year

Fall - 15 Credits

For art, art history and art education majors.

Prerequisites: none

Introduction to traditional drawing techniques and concepts.

Prerequisites: none

Introduction to art history from prehistoric and ancient cultures through the Middle Ages. Includes representative examples and styles of art and architecture of Western (Europe and the Near East) and non-Western cultures (China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia, Africa, Mesoamerica, South America, North America, Australia).

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-08

Diverse Cultures: Purple

General Education Course * 3 credits

General Education Course * 3 credits

Spring - 15 Credits

An introduction to concepts and processes related to the visual and physical organization of three-dimensional form and space.

Prerequisites: none

Lecture-based survey of the Art and Architecture of both Western and non-Western countries from the thirteenth through twentieth centuries.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-08

General Education Course * 3 credits

General Education Course * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Second Year

Fall - 16 Credits

General Education Course * 4 credits

General Education Course * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Spring - 16 Credits

General Education Course * 4 credits

General Education Course * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Third Year

Fall - 15 Credits

Required of all B.F.A. majors before taking 4XX advanced studio specialization sequence to continue in program.

Prerequisites: none

Historical survey of art, architecture and urban planning in Europe and America from the mid-nineteenth century to the present: Realism, Impressionism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism, Op Art, Pop Art, and Post-modern issues and trends.

Prerequisites: ART 261 or consent 

General Education Course * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Spring - 15 Credits

General Education Course * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Fourth Year

Fall - 15 Credits

General Education Course * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Spring - 13 Credits

General Education Course * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits