Environmental Science

Undergraduate Programs


Environmental Sciences is an applied science designed to study interactions among biological, chemical and physical components of the environment. Major areas of focus include water quality, climate change, biodiversity, and environmental assessment with an emphasis on experiential learning through research and/or internships. This program is orientated towards helping students develop skills for leadership positions in industry, consulting firms, government and environmental groups, as well as providing a foundation for individual community involvement as an informed citizen. 


Program Locations Total Credits
Environmental Science BS BS
  • Mankato


Program Locations Total Credits
Environmental Studies Minor
  • Mankato

Policies & Faculty


Admission to Major  is granted by the department. Admission requirements are: 32 earned credit hours including BIOL 105 and BIOL 106 with a grade of “C” in both BIOL 105 and BIOL 106 plus a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. 

P/N Grading Policy. All courses leading to a major or a minor in environmental sciences must be taken for letter grades.

Refer to the college regarding required advising for students on academic probation. 

Residency Requirement. At least 20 credits of 300-400 level courses required for the Environmental Science major must be taken at Minnesota State Mankato. Fourteen of these 20 credits must include ENVR 440 (3 credits), ENVR 450 (3 credits), ENVR 460 (4 credits), ENVR 470 (3 credits) and 1 credit for ENVR 498 (internship) OR ENVR 480 (Research).

GPA Policy. A minimum grade of “C” is required in all courses applied to the Environmental Sciences BS degree.

In addition to the specific requirements of the major, all university requirements must be met for graduation. This includes 120 credits of coursework, 40 credits of upper division courses (including those in the major), purple and gold course requirements, and two writing intensive courses.

Several scholarships in the Department of Biological Sciences are available for entering first year students and currently enrolled Minnesota State Mankato students who meet the requirements. Application deadline is in early February of each year. 

Contact Information

242 Trafton Science Center South (507) 389-2786


Program Coordinator
  • Beth Proctor, PhD

100 Level

Credits: 4

This course is designed to introduce students to the complex field of environmental science. Reading assignments, lectures, discussions and other class assignments will introduce students to the structure and functions of ecosystems, the concept of sustainability, issues in environmental protection with an emphasis on global commons, the interrelationships between environment, culture, government and economics and what individuals or groups can do to influence environmental policy/rules.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-08, GE-10

400 Level

Credits: 3

This is a lecture course introducing students to major federal environmental laws and regulations. Discussions include the cause(s) that prompted the enactment of various environmental legislation as well as intent and implementation of the legislation. Both Federal and State of MN environmental statutes will be discussed.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This is a lecture course that introduces students to sources and controls for pollutants in air, water, and soils including hazardous waste. Chemical and biological mechanisms that are important in nature and used to control/treat various types of pollutants are emphasized. Strongly recommended that this course be taken immediately after completing 1 year of Chemistry.

Prerequisites: 1 year CHEM 

Credits: 4

The purpose of this lecture/lab class is to introduce students to standard practices and procedures used in sampling and analysis of environmental matrices and to develop an environmental research project. Standard quality control/quality assurance procedures per EPA are emphasized.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

Introduces students to National Environmental Policy Act and requirements for Environmental Impact Statements and Environmental Assessment Worksheets. Phase I Environmental Assessment of land and buildings, an international perspective on environmental assessments, and economic and social impact assessment are discusseed.

Prerequisites: ENVR 440

Credits: 1-6

Participate in an independent research project with advisory support and with a focus on the student's career objectives.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-6

Only three credits can be counted toward major. Experience in applied Environmental Sciences according to a prearranged training program.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-6

Individual Research Project.

Prerequisites: none