Health Informatics

Undergraduate Programs


The Health Informatics programs prepares students to use Information Systems and Health Information Technology to design, evaluate, adopt, and apply technology-based innovations in healthcare delivery, management, and research.

The program’s mission is to prepare students to effectively use health informatics and analytics to impact health, health promotion, healthcare delivery, and healthcare decision making by preparing professionals, analysts, and visionary future leaders who maximize inter-professional collaborations through data analysis, knowledge discovery, and dissemination of cutting edge innovations for the benefit of the individual, family, and business while promoting societal health outcomes.  In support of this mission, the program is designed so that each student will be prepared to:

  • Differentiate the roles and responsibilities of healthcare information and management systems and services within and across various healthcare organizations. 
  • Integrate professional leadership traits and communication techniques that foster collaborative discovery of advances in population health, experience of care, and cost management.
  • Articulate roles of governmental, regulatory, professional, and accreditation agencies related to healthcare and their impact on clinical outcomes, and financial performance.
  • Design structure for data capture and establish retrieval methods to create targeted results that can be applied to health-related questions.
  • Interpret data related to health concerns, population health, and business metrics to retrieve results for targeted purposes that lead to cutting edge, real time information.
  • Understand business needs, analyze opportunities for improvement, manage the selection and implementation of a project, review and assess the results.
  • Evaluate impact on issues related to healthcare systems including satisfaction, engagement, quality of care, economics, access to care, business process improvement, predictability, process mapping, flow diagramming, and gap analysis.


Program Locations Total Credits
Health Informatics BS BS
  • Mankato


Program Locations Total Credits
Health Informatics CERT
  • Mankato

Policies & Faculty


GPA Policy. The completion of any major, minor, or certificate in the Department of Computer Information Science requires both:

  1. a GPA of 2.5 or higher for all departmental courses, or their substitutions, used to complete the major, minor, or certificate, and
  2. a GPA of 2.5 or higher for all courses, or their substitutions, used to complete the major or minor. This includes all departmental courses, supporting courses, and General Education courses required for the major, minor, or certificate.

It is recommended students who cannot maintain a GPA of 3.0 in required 100 and 200 level courses see their advisor for a program review.

Grade Policy. All coursework used to complete a departmental major, minor, or certificate, including required courses, required supporting courses, and required General Education courses, must be taken for a letter grade except for courses offered only as P/N.

No course completed with a grade of “D” can be used to complete a departmental major or minor program, or to meet a departmental prerequisite.

Registration Hold Policy. The department will place a registration hold on any student who earns a “D” or “F” in any of its courses. The department will also place such a hold on any student who drops any of its courses after the first two weeks of the semester. A student with a registration hold cannot register for courses until the hold is released, which requires filling out an appeal form and taking it to the student’s advisor for discussion. Appeal forms are available from the departmental office. This hold policy does NOT apply to students who are taking 100-level courses.

Incomplete Policy. The department gives incomplete grades for only two conditions. The first condition is illness, which requires a doctor’s written recommendation. The second condition arises when a death in the student’s family has caused the student to be away from the campus for an extended period. The student must have a satisfactory grade (“C” or better) in the course at the time of the onset of the condition.

Internship Policy. The Department of Computer Information Science continuously strives for improvements in the academic program. Coursework, coupled with extensive laboratory experience, play an important part in the student's educational program. However, application of the concepts discussed in class to the on-the-job situations is equally important. As a result, the department requires an internship or a capstone experience for all majors.

Residency Policy. Students must earn at least 50 percent of the credits required for a departmental major, minor, or certificate at Minnesota State Mankato. 

Contact Information

273 Wissink Hall

(507) 389-1412


  • Mahbubur Syed
Program Coordinator
  • Sarah Kruse

100 Level

Credits: 4

Basic foundations in computer concepts. Topics include: hardware, software, uses of technology in industry, and ethical, and social issues. Lab work covers various systems and applications software including word processing, e-mail, the Internet, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation software. Cannot be counted toward any major or minor offered by IT.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-09, GE-13

Credits: 3

Introduction to the personal computer as a productivity tool for business majors. Using Microsoft Office suite, students learn to be productive with document processing, spreadsheets, electronic presentations, and databases. Cannot be used toward any major or minor in Information Systems & Information Technology.Fall, Spring

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

Focuses on core concepts of the nursing profession. Students will learn about caring, role of courage in nursing, cooperation and collaboration in groups and caring for self and others in the larger community. APA style in formal writing is required.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-11

Credits: 4

This course uses health humanities storytelling to prepare students with a sincere concern for human values within the capture, management, and evaluation of health information. Students will explore the synergy between health related data, healthcare informatics, and outcome measures. Students will gain fundamental information technology skills to understand and critique data, identify relationships between visual arts and written works regarding health, and explore cultural aspects of healthcare experiences and risk adjustment of quality outcome measures.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-07

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Credits: 4

This course introduces and explores seven big ideas of computer science. Students will develop computational thinking skills vital for success across all disciplines, including algorithmic creativity, data abstraction, and modeling and simulation.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-04

Credits: 4

This course provides conceptual and logical tools for students planning to major in a computing-based major. Programming in a high-level language such as C++, Python, or Java, and the development of skills in abstraction, problem-solving, and algorithmic thinking are emphasized.

Prerequisites: MATH 112 or MATH 113 or MATH 115 or MATH 121

Credits: 4

This course is a continuation of CIS 121. Students develop a basic knowledge of programming skills and object-oriented concepts, and use fundamental data structures such as lists, stacks, queues, and trees.

Prerequisites: MATH 113 or MATH 115 or MATH 121; and CS 110 or CIS 121 or IT 210

Credits: 4

This course reviews basic programming concepts such as data types and variables, loops, functions, input/output and visualization. Students become prepared to produce larger, more complex applications. A strong emphasis on problem-solving as students explore how programming concepts are applied to scenarios drawn from healthcare and other domains. Students develop programming skills necessary to implement data structures, exception handling, and object-oriented concepts. Students are also introduced to incremental program development, testing, and debugging.

Prerequisites: Select One: MATH 113, MATH 115, MATH 121, MATH 180. Select One: CS 110, CIS 121

200 Level

Credits: 2

This course introduces students to assistive technology and its applicability to people with various disabilities. Hardware and software demonstrations with an emphasis placed on inexpensive and readily available solutions. Extensive use of the Internet will be employed to keep current with latest technology and to facilitate a continuing dialogue with instructor.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 4

Students prepare written summaries and oral presentations related to the complex social and ethical issues associated with computers. Through thoughtful questions, informative readings, and the analysis of opposing viewpoints, participants gain insight into the complexity of technology-related issues in a world without clearly defined borders.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-09, GE-13

Credits: 4

This course builds on CS 122 (Data Structures) with coverage of advanced data structures and associated algorithms, including trees, graphs, hashing, searching, priority queues, and memory management. Formal proof techniques, the analysis of best, worst, and expected cases, and the development of efficient algorithms are emphasized. Use of effect-free programming, first-class functions, and higher-order operations such as map, reduce, and filter are explored.

Prerequisites: MATH 121 and CS 111 or CIS 122 or IT 214

Credits: 4

This course presents historical and current concepts and implementations of computer organization. Topics include instruction set design, digital storage, performance metrics, processor datapath and control, pipelining, memory hierarchy, busses and I/O interfacing, and parallel processors.

Prerequisites: CS 111 or CIS 122or IT 214

Credits: 3

A holistic perspective of pathophysiologic processes and their impact on body systems and overall human functioning. Focuses on the risk factors, pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of physiologic disease processes in humans. Students must have a minimum grade of a C in BIOL 220 and BIOL 330 in order to enroll in NURS 282.

Prerequisites: Minimum of a C in BIOL 220 and BIOL 330.

Credits: 3

Focuses on the basic drug classification, concepts and principles of pharmacology with application of drug therapy. Implications relative to the utilization of drug therapy are examined. Dosage calculations are evaluated for competency. Students must have a minimum grade of a C in BIOL 220 and BIOL 330 in order to enroll in NURS 284.

Prerequisites: Minimum of a C in BIOL 220 and BIOL 330.

Credits: 3

Provides an introduction to the profession of nursing and explores relationship-based care in nursing practice. Provides an overview of concepts related to establishing caring and healing environments, developing therapeutic and professional relationships, and promoting patient and family-centered care.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-2

Special topics not covered in other 100- and 200-level courses. May be repeated for each new topic.

Prerequisites: none

300 Level

Credits: 3

This is a study abroad course that focuses on the healthcare system and health beliefs of a different culture/ country. Students will have the opportunity to interact with professionals and community members to get a better understanding of their health beliefs, care system, the role of family in health etc.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Gold

Credits: 4

Business application development using a non-object oriented programming language. Emphasis on principles of application programming such as control breaks, read a record/write a line, driver, shared sub-routines, pass by reference, and sub-programming. File concepts emphasized include index-sequential file handling, CRUD, heap files, sorting, transaction, and master files. Programming concepts include input-processing-output definitions, understanding requirements, structure charts, program documentation, and programming standards. Large group project is completed during semester.

Prerequisites: CIS 122

Credits: 4

Introduction to fundamental theories, concepts, evidence, and competencies pertaining to scientific inquiry, development of nursing knowledge, evidence-based and informed practice, and research utilization in nursing practice.

Prerequisites: RN Licensure Admission to the RN Baccalaureate.

Credits: 3

Introduces concepts fundamental to professional nursing: roles of professional nurse and interprofessional team members, regulatory guidelines, standards of practice, therapeutic communication, and cultural sensitivity. Theoretical perspectives on professional nursing and the concepts of persons, health and environment are introduced.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 4

Focuses on health promotion and prevention and early detection of alterations in physiological integrity. Leading US and global health issues are discussed, along with clinical implications of those prevalent diseases.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

Critical inquiry into the nursing care of family and society in the context of diverse cultures. Explores concepts related to family and society as clients, the family and societal health experience, and nursing strategies to foster family and societal care.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 5

A focus on assessment of the healthy family and the relationship of health assessment to prevention and early detection of disease, incorporating the processes of interviewing, history-taking, and physical assessment. A laboratory component integrating nursing skills and procedures is included.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 4

Introduction to database systems, entity relationship models, relational algebra, database design, data modeling, normalization, and conversion of business rules into relational model. Introduction to basic SQL including subqueries, joins, functions, sequences, triggers, views, and stored procedures.

Prerequisites: CIS 121 with a 3.0 or higher or an approved substitute.

Credits: 4

Security concepts and mechanisms; security technologies; authentication mechanisms; mandatory and discretionary controls; cryptography and applications; threats; intrusion detection and prevention; regulations; vulnerability assessment; information assurance; forensics; anonymity and privacy issues; disaster recovery planning, legal issues and ethics. Prereq: 3.0 or higher grade in IT 210 or in an approved subsitute is required.

Prerequisites: CIS 121 with 3.0 or higher grade or an approved substitute.

Credits: 4

This course covers basic concepts related to computer networking. Topics addressed will include the OSI model, the Internet model, network management, network protocols and data security. Prerequisite: a 3.0 or higher grade in IT 210 or an approved substitute is required.

Prerequisites: CIS 121 with 3.0 or higher grade or an approved substitute.

Credits: 4

This course involves examination of family literature and family research that explores concepts of family as client, family health experience, nurse ¿ family relationships, and nursing actions that impact the health of families and society. Nursing strategies to enhance family-focused care during acute, chronic and critical illnesses are analyzed.

Prerequisites: RN Licensure

Credits: 2

Introduction to fundamental theories and frameworks pertaining to scientific inquiry, development of nursing knowledge, evidence-based and informed practice, and research utilization in nursing practice.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 5

Focuses on nursing management of acute alterations in physiological integrity and meeting needs of patients with commonly occurring acute health disorders. This course is designed to assist students in the theoretical and practical application of the nursing process to meet the healthcare needs of clients with acute needs.

Prerequisites: NURS 333, NURS 334, NURS 335, NURS 336

Credits: 7

Focuses on the critical inquiry of the physiological and psychosocial changes occurring with families during the childbearing/childrearing transition period. Includes didactic and experiential learning designed to promote family centered nursing care and improved family health outcomes.

Prerequisites: NURS 333, NURS 334, NURS 335, NURS 336

Credits: 2

Focus on identification, implementation, and evaluation of patient/family quality and safety measures. Includes quality movement history and evolution, current quality of care issues, research and innovations, intervention strategies, and instruments; with an analysis of health care quality management system models.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 4

This course explores both structured as well as object oriented systems analysis and design. Use of upper and lower CASE tools are employed in the analysis, design and implementation of a team oriented term project.

Prerequisites: CIS 122, CIS 340

Credits: 4

This course explores the nurse¿s role in interacting with and providing care to individuals and families of diverse religious, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds across the lifespan. Learners perform a holistic health assessment and examine cultural diversity, spirituality and the integration of complementary and alternative therapies to provide holistic care.

Prerequisites: RN Licensure Admission to the RN Baccalaureate.

Diverse Cultures: Gold

Credits: 12

Study abroad for one semester to participate in a project-based technology/media-oriented program of study. The program of study must be one approved by the student's advisor and the chair of this department.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 0

Curricular Practical Training: Co-Operative Experience is a zero-credit full-time practical training experience for one summer and an adjacent fall or spring term. Special rules apply to preserve full-time student status. Please contact an advisor in your program for complete information.

Prerequisites: CIS 380

Credits: 0

Curricular Practical Training: Co-Operative Employment Experience for undergraduate international F-1 pre-nursing/nursing students to gain practical work experience related to the field of nursing for one summer and one adjunct fall or spring term. Special rules and eligibility criteria established by the Pre-licensure Nursing Program must be met. Please contact an advisor in your program for complete information.

Prerequisites: none

400 Level

Credits: 3

An experiential immersion into the healthcare needs of the client and family within another culture with a focus on nursing interventions to promote health. An intense induction into cultural humility will enhance awareness and promote an appreciation for global health.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 4

Communication is an essential skill for professional RNs. This course will cover professional communication strategies, including patient and family interactions, dealing with mental-health issues, effective inter-professional communication, and issues unique utilizing technology and information systems.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 4

This course provides the student with a solid understanding of the principles, techniques and design patterns involved in advanced object-oriented programming. Successful students should have a distinct advantage in the marketplace.Variable

Prerequisites: CIS 223, CIS 380

Credits: 4

This course provides an introduction to data science, discusses opportunities and challenges associated with data science projects, and develops competencies related to data collection, data cleaning, data analysis, and model evaluation. The course focuses on hands-on exercises using data analytics tools.

Prerequisites: CIS 223, CIS 340

Credits: 4

This course will evaluate and enhance the role of the nurse in the promotion and the use of national standards, guidelines, technology, and informatics to create a culture of quality and safety, prevent and reduce medical errors, and support health care value.

Prerequisites: NURS 320

Credits: 2

Several sections on various topics not included in the curriculum. Each section is a different course and expands on the nursing major courses. Examples of topics are ethical dimensions, laughter and wellness in nursing practice, dementia, rural nursing, cancer care, etc. Prereq: As appropriate for each section.

Prerequisites: As appropriate for each section. 

Credits: 4

Think critically about the roles and responsibilities of the community oriented nurse in the context of disease prevention, health promotion, protection, maintenance, restoration, and surveillance of diverse populations. Examine foundational pillars of assurance, assessment and policy development to support population focused nursing care across the lifespan.

Prerequisites: NURS 363, NURS 364, NURS 365, NURS 366

Credits: 4

Prerequisites: NURS 363, NURS 364, NURS 365, NURS 366

Credits: 3

Focuses on the critical inquiry of families' health and illness experiences. Includes didactic and experiential learning designed to promote family centered nursing care during transitions within child, teenage, adult and older adult family transitions.

Prerequisites: NURS 363, NURS 364, NURS 365, NURS 366

Credits: 4

Focuses on mental health and psychosocial concepts and the responsibility of nursing in promoting and maintaining psychosocial integrity of individuals. Application of therapeutic communication and caring relationships through evidenced based nursing actions and treatment of common clinical conditions.

Prerequisites: NURS 363, NURS 364, NURS 365, NURS 366, PSYC 101

Credits: 4

Extensive coverage of SQL, database programming, large scale data modeling, and database enhancement through reverse engineering. This course also covers theoretical concepts of query processing, and optimization, basic understanding of concurrency control and recovery, and database security and integrity in centralized/distributed environments. Team-oriented projects in a heterogeneous client server environment.

Prerequisites: CIS 380

Credits: 4

This course covers science and study of methods of protecting data, and designing disaster recovery strategy. Secure database design, data integrity, secure architectures, secure transaction processing, information flow controls, inference controls, and auditing. Security models for relational and object-oriented databases.Variable

Prerequisites: CIS 350, CIS 440

Credits: 4

This course introduces students to a variety of existing and emerging technologies used within healthcare environments. Emphasis will be on software used to capture clinical data and generate reports. Students will complete a team oriented project incorporating business requirements, project management, and design elements for a system implementation, system change, or reporting request.

Prerequisites: CIS 113, CIS 340

Credits: 4

The course explores big data in structured and unstructured data sources. Emphasis is placed on big data strategies, techniques and evaluation methods. Various data analytics are covered. Students experiment with big data through big data analytics, data mining, and data warehousing tools.

Prerequisites: CIS 223, CIS 440

Credits: 4

This course provides an overview of the innovative and entrepreneurial process within healthcare environments. Students conceptualize and develop a workflow or process improvement plan that includes understanding the current state, identifying innovative solutions, forecasting financial and human resource needs, analyzing potential organizational outcomes, and designing an implementation and evaluation strategy.

Prerequisites: NURS 286

Credits: 4

This course provides an overview of the issues, trends and ethical considerations within healthcare organizations as related to accreditation requirements, licensure and regulatory agencies, payment and reimbursement, the internal management of data, information, knowledge, and technology to communicate and disseminate information effectively.

Prerequisites: NURS 286

Credits: 4

Covers information warfare principles and technologies. Information warfare concepts; protocols, authentication, and encryption; network attack techniques, methodologies, and tools; network defense; malware; Trojan worms, viruses, and malicious code; electronic crimes and digital evidence.

Prerequisites: CIS 350

Credits: 4

Advanced coverage of data communication, networking and security protocols. Topics: data transmission methods, error detection and recovery, flow control, routing, security issues and performance analysis of existing and emerging protocols for secure communication. Fall, Spring

Prerequisites: CIS 360

Credits: 4

Network and server systems administration. Domain administration; file system management; networked printers; user management; and workstation configuration. Network programming assignments/projects in Layered Software Systems, HTTP Server, UDP (TFTP or DNS), CGI program, IPV6, RPC/SCTP.Variable

Prerequisites: CIS 360

Credits: 3

Focuses on nursing leadership and management skills, organizational structure, care processes; health policy and regulatory processes, quality improvement; and patient/family and consumer advocacy.

Prerequisites: NURS 433, NURS 434, NURS 435, NURS 436

Credits: 4

Existing and emerging mobile and wireless data networks with emphasis on digital data communications. Gain an understanding of the unique considerations that must be given to network protocols for wireless and mobile communication and their applications.Variable

Prerequisites: CIS 360

Credits: 4

Focuses on nursing management of complex, multi-system alterations in physiologic integrity. This course is designed to assist students in the theoretical and practical application of the nursing process to meet the healthcare needs of patients with complex, multi-system disorder needs.

Prerequisites: NURS 433, NURS 434, NURS 435, NURS 436

Credits: 4

This course is designed to give students the skills required to write applications for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets). Topics to be covered include interacting with the UI, using an emulator/simulator, application lifecycle, moving from one screen to another, services, alarms, broadcast receivers, maps API, location based programs, gps, persistence, hardware sensors, and web applications.

Prerequisites: CIS 223, CIS 380

Credits: 2

An examination of family dynamics and the nursing role focused on advanced family therapeutic communication, facilitation or family care meetings to make informed health care decisions. Examines system issues concerning health care delivery to decision maker within healthcare organizations.

Prerequisites: NURS 433, NURS 434, NURS 435, NURS 436

Credits: 4

Focuses on experiential learning that integrates nursing science in preparing graduates for baccalaureate-generalist nursing practice. Family nursing science is evident in the coordination and provision of care.

Prerequisites: NURS 433, NURS 434, NURS 435, NURS 436, NURS 463, NURS 464, NURS 465

Credits: 4

Topics include software quality assurance, software quality metrics, software configuration management, software verification and validation, reviews, inspections, and software process improvement models, functional and structural testing models.

Prerequisites: CIS 223, CIS 380

Credits: 4

This course discusses concepts and techniques for design, development and evaluation of user interfaces. Students will learn the principles of interaction design, interaction styles, user-centered design, usability evaluation, input/output devices, design and analysis of controlled experiments and principles of perception and cognition used in building efficient and effective interfaces. Group project work.

Prerequisites: MATH 121. Select one: STAT 154 or PSYC 201. Select one: CS 230 or CIS 380

Credits: 6

This course involves synthesis of nursing and public health theories and practice within the community. Nursing care of individuals, families, and groups is addressed within context of promoting, maintaining, and restoring health. This course focuses on health promotion, disease prevention and health education using the science of epidemiology, health policy, community assessment, disaster response, and population focused interventions to promote social justice and reduce health disparities.

Prerequisites: NURS 320, NURS 382: RN Licensure Admission to the RN Baccalaureate Completion Program.

Credits: 4

HTTP Protocol; Web-markup languages; Client-side, Server-side programming; Web services; Web servers; Emerging technologies; Security; Standards & Bodies; Web interface design techniques; User-centered design; Visual development environments and development tools; Interface design effectiveness. Fall, Spring

Prerequisites: CIS 380

Credits: 4

An introduction to all important aspects of software engineering. The emphasis is on principles of software engineering including project planning, requirements gathering, size and cost estimation, analysis, design, coding, testing, implementation, and maintenance. Group project work.

Prerequisites: CIS 223, CIS 380

Credits: 4

This course is designed to give students the skills required to design and develop video games. The primary focus of the course is on mobile game development, game design principles and user-centered design methodologies. A play-centric approach to game design and development will be studied, discussed and applied in the production of a game demo.

Prerequisites: CIS 223, CIS 380

Credits: 1-3

Workshop(s) with various topics and titles.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-5

Workshop(s) with various topics and titles.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 4

In this capstone course, learners synthesize the underpinnings of Baccalaureate nursing education and leadership principles to culminate in an evidence-based capstone project designed to enhance or improve health outcomes and incorporate the professional leadership roles. Learners will synthesize program outcomes and be evaluated on achievement of these outcomes as demonstrated through the capstone project and reflection journal. Learners explore leadership and management principles and concepts necessary for the professional nurse to function effectively in a changing health care system incorporating collaborative strategies, technology, financial issues, and the complexity of care.

Prerequisites: RN Licensure; NURS 320, NURS 362, NURS 382

Credits: 1

Provides Information Technology majors an opportunity, in a small group setting, to explore a topic not normally covered in the curriculum. Prereq: Consent. Variable

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 4

This interprofessional course provides the opportunity for learners to synthesize knowledge, application and critical evaluation of integrative practices in providing holistic healthcare to individuals and families. The course focuses on theoretical, cultural, financial, historical, and ethical foundations. Safety, efficacy and the evidence base of integrative practices are explored. Interdisciplinary collaboration in providing integrative practices for holistic healthcare is emphasized.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-4

Special topics not covered in other courses. May be repeated for credit on each new topic. Prereq: Consent

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-12

Provides students with opportunity to utilize their training in a real-world business environment working under the guidance and direction of a faculty member. (At most 4 hours toward a major in this department). Fall, Spring, Summer Prereq: Permanent admission to IT and consent.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1

This course provides clinical based learning opportunities to encourage application of theory and research bases knowledge in clinical practice. Students will engage in experiences to enhance the development of their professional nursing role.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 4

Develop high quality software application researching and applying fundamental software engineering techniques, several advanced development and test tools, human factors of interface design and a team approach, each student controlling only a part of the system. Fall, SpringPrereq: Senior standing and consent

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-4

Problems on an individual basis.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-5

Individual study according to outcomes developed by faculty and student(s).

Prerequisites: none