Management Information Systems

Undergraduate Programs


The Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems provides students with in-depth knowledge of Information Technology concepts and applications, and prepares them to create innovative solutions for real-world problems. Students gain the ability to integrate hardware, software, and management skills to solve problems in a variety of IT areas.

The program’s mission is to ensure that each graduate is exceptionally well qualified to undertake a successful information systems career in industry, business, education, or government. In support of this mission, the program is designed so that each student will:
• gain a sound foundation in computing basics, analysis and design, programming, testing, software development, security, database, and human-computer interaction.
• learn the theory and practice of information technology and develop skills to apply this knowledge to analyze and solve information system problems.
• develop analytical, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills applicable to real-world problem solving.
• acquire basic business concepts to assist them in career paths where they are interfacing with and developing solutions for business professionals.
• develop effective oral and written communication skills.
• appreciate the social and ethical issues in information systems


Program Locations Total Credits
Management Information Systems BS BS
  • Mankato

Policies & Faculty


GPA Policy. The completion of any major or minor in the Department of Computer Information Science requires both:

  • a GPA of 2.5 or higher for all departmental courses, or their substitutions, used to complete the major or minor, and
  • a GPA of 2.5 or higher for all courses, or their substitutions, used to complete the major or minor. This includes all departmental courses, supporting courses, and General Education courses required for the major or minor.

It is recommended that students who cannot maintain a GPA of 3.0 in required 100 and 200 level courses see their advisor for a program review.

Grade Policy. All coursework used to complete a departmental major or minor, including required courses, required supporting courses, and required General Education courses, must be taken for a letter grade except for courses offered only as P/N.

No course completed with a grade of “D” can be used to complete a departmental major or minor program, or to meet a departmental prerequisite.

Registration Hold Policy. The department will place a registration hold on any student who earns a “D” or “F” in any of its courses. The department will also place such a hold on any student who drops any of its courses after the first two weeks of the semester. A student with a registration hold cannot register for courses until the hold is released, which requires filling out an appeal form and taking it to the student’s advisor for discussion. Appeal forms are available from the departmental office. This hold policy does NOT apply to students who are taking 100-level courses.

Dual Major Policy. Students can earn at most one undergraduate major from this department.

Incomplete Policy. The department gives incomplete grades for only two conditions. The first condition is illness, which requires a doctor’s written recommendation. The second condition arises when a death in the student’s family has caused the student to be away from the campus for an extended period. The student must have a satisfactory grade (“C” or better) in the course at the time of the onset of the condition.

Internship Policy. An internship is required for all majors.

Residency Policy. Students must earn at least 50 percent of the credits required for a major in Management Information Systems at Minnesota State Mankato.

Advising Policy. Every semester, before registering for courses, each student majoring in Management Information Systems must meet with his/her advisor to obtain permission for registration. This meeting ensures that all students are making satisfactory progress toward their degrees.

Portfolio Policy. Each student majoring in Management Information Systems is required to keep a portfolio of work done in all major courses, and to make this portfolio available to faculty for review. Keeping a portfolio gives the student ownership over his or her education and helps to personalize the educational experience. The portfolio also provides a valuable showcase of work accomplished when interviewing prospective employers or applying to graduate school.

Contact Information

273 Wissink Hall

CIS office (507) 389-1412


  • Mahbubur Syed