
Undergraduate Programs


The marketing program prepares graduates to undertake and manage the processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.  Marketing professionals are product and brand managers, retail managers, salespersons, integrated marketing communications specialists, marketing researchers, digital and social media specialists, and logistics and supply chain managers. Increasingly analytics and digital tools are central to the work of marketing professionals to understand consumer and organizational markets.



Program Locations Total Credits
Marketing BS BS
  • Mankato


Program Locations Total Credits
Marketing Minor
  • Mankato

Policies & Faculty


Admission to the Marketing Major Admission to the Marketing major in the College of Business typically occurs at the beginning of the student’s sophomore year.  Multiple criteria will be considered for admission to the Marketing major.  Admission is competitive; meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. Deadlines for application are: October 1 for Spring Semester and March 1 for Fall Semester.

Criteria Considered for Admission to the Marketing Major

  1. Minimum cumulative (including Transfer) Grade Point Average of 2.5.
  2. Completion of the following courses with a minimum grade of "C" (2.0): CIS 101, MATH 130, ACCT 200,  BUS 295, ECON 201.

Requirements for the Marketing Minor

  1. Students must be admitted to a major at Minnesota State Mankato, and
  2. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher when starting the Marketing minor.

Academic Advising. Students will initially receive their advising from the professional advisors in the College of Business Student Center. When a student applies to the College of Business (which is done during BUS 295), he/she will be assigned a faculty advisor in the major area of study. Questions regarding the assignment of advisors can be answered in the College of Business Advising Center, 151 Morris Hall, 389-2963.

College of Business Policies

Students who are business minors, non-business majors or those who are not seeking a four-year degree may take up to 24 credits in the College of Business.

Students must be admitted to a major to take upper division (300/400) courses in the College of Business.

Students must be admitted to the College of Business major to be granted a Bachelor of Science degree in any College of Business majors.

Residency. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 30 resident credits at the upper division (300-400) level in the College of Business at Minnesota State Mankato.

Transfer students pursuing a major or minor in the College of Business must complete at least 50% (one-half) of their major or minor coursework at Minnesota State Mankato.

GPA Policy. Students must earn a minimum grade point average of 2.0 (“C”) on the total courses taken in the College of Business and a 2.25 overall GPA to meet graduation requirements.

P/N Grading Policy. No more than one-fourth of a student’s major shall consist of P/N grades.

Assessment Policy. The College of Business believes that the ongoing assessment of its programs makes a vital contribution to the quality of those programs and to student learning. Student Participation is an important and expected part of the assessment process.

Internships. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in one or more internship programs related to their field of study before graduation. Qualifying internships may receive academic credit counting towards a student’s major, but are not required to be taken for credit. To receive academic credit, students must be registered during the semester the internship takes place. Registration instructions and other business internship resources can be found at:

Contact Information

College of Business Department of Marketing and International Business 150 Morris Hall

Office Phone (507) 389-2963


  • Ann Kuzma, Ph.D., MBA

100 Level

Credits: 3

Focuses on the basic business functions of Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing in global context.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-05

200 Level

Credits: 3

This course provides a basic understanding of marketing concepts with emphasis on the pricing, promotion, and distribution of need satisfying products and services in domestic and international markets. The format of the course consists of lectures, case discussions, application exercises, projects, exams, and in-class group assignments.

Prerequisites: none

300 Level

Credits: 3

The course is designed to provide basic human motivation theories, and develop persuasive communications strategies and applications necessary in the field of professional selling. The course takes a hands-on approach to professional selling techniques with the use of sales presentations, sales manuals, and exams.

Prerequisites: MRKT 210

Credits: 3

Students will learn about consumer decision styles, perceptions, group influences, family decision-making, lifestyles, shopping behaviors and domestic and international trends related to marketing strategies. The framework consists of individual or group projects, usually requiring some personal interviewing, exams, and reports.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

The intention of the course is to explore in depth the concepts involved in new product development, the management of products through the product life cycle, and the development of pricing policies and strategies. The course involves a lecture/discussion format with occasional group activities, projects and exams.

Prerequisites: MRKT 210

Credits: 3

Integrated Marketing Communications provide an understanding of the elements of the marketing communications mix; advertising, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion and corporate sponsorship through traditional and digital media.

Prerequisites: MRKT 210

Credits: 3

In this course, students will examine the role of research in decision making and the basics of scientific research, including the preparation of research proposals, design of data collection instruments, data analysis, interpretation, and reporting.

Prerequisites: ECON 207, MRKT 210

Credits: 3

A study of how supply chain management impacts all processes of the firm and its many trading partners. The supply chain management foundation elements of purchasing, operations, logistics, and integration are examined to show how a firm can improve its competitive position by employing these important foundation elements.

Prerequisites: MRKT 210

Credits: 0

Curricular Practical Training: Co-Operative Experience is a zero-credit full-time practical training experience for one summer and an adjacent fall or spring term. Special rules apply to preserve full-time student status. Please contact an advisor in your program for complete information.

Prerequisites: At least 60 credits earned; in good standing; instructor permission; co-op contract; other prerequisites may also apply.

400 Level

Credits: 3

A broad examination of the techniques employed in business-to-business marketing. Topics include organizational buying, buyer-seller relationships and industrial marketing mix development.

Prerequisites: MRKT 210

Credits: 3

The study of marketing at the retail level, including the organization, operations, methods, policies, and problems of retail establishments in satisfying consumers.

Prerequisites: MRKT 210

Credits: 3

This course is an examination of the role of digital technology, such as the Internet and social media platforms, in contemporary marketing strategy and its impact on business decision making and consumer behavior.

Prerequisites: MRKT 210

Credits: 3

This course involves studying the role of the general sales manager, the functions of sales management within overall marketing strategy, and the development of analytical decision skills necessary to plan, manage, and control the sales force.

Prerequisites: MRKT 210

Credits: 3

This course takes a managerial approach to analyzing marketing decision making in multinational market situations.

Prerequisites: IBUS 380, MRKT 210

Credits: 3

Topics covered are specialized topics not covered in other courses and will be announced.

Prerequisites: MRKT 210

Credits: 3

This course should be the last marketing class taken, since it involves comprehensive marketing strategy development, integrating all dimensions of the marketing offering, and utilizing marketing information systems for top-level control and decision making.

Prerequisites: MRKT 316, MRKT 317, and MRKT 318. MRKT 210 or MRKT 310. MRKT 339 or MRKT 341

Credits: 3

Study tours are led by Minnesota State University, Mankato faculty and provide students with opportunities to visit companies and attend lectures by renowed experts from key sectors of economy, government, and business.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

The curriculum focuses on Fair Trade, sustainability, and international business principles. Students will spend 9 days in Belize and learn about diverse populations, engage in a service learning project, and visit businesses who produce goods that are Fair Trade certified.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Gold

Credits: 1-9

Individual, supervised experience in a business firm or government agency. Taken for P/N only.

Prerequisites: MRKT 210

Credits: 3

Individual, supervised experience in a business firm or government agency. Taken for grade only.

Prerequisites: MRKT 210 and two additional 300 or 400 level marketing courses approval by Internship Coordinator.

Credits: 1-4

Individual study of special topics.

Prerequisites: Consent