Undergraduate Programs
The Department of Mathematics believes that an undergraduate major should be both an introduction to more advanced study and a survey of the many facets of mathematics. The Department offers three mathematics majors and two minors. The primary focus of the B.S. Mathematics Teaching program is to prepare students to teach mathematics at the middle and secondary levels. The B.A. Mathematics and B.S. Mathematics programs are intended to prepare students for advanced study in mathematics or to work in business, industry, or government. The mathematics minor is intended for non-mathematics majors who desire a stronger background in mathematics. The Actuarial Science Minor combines finance, statistics, and mathematics to analyze risk and ensure financial security for individuals, corporations and society at large.
Majors |
Program | Locations | Total Credits |
Mathematics BA | BA |
120 |
Mathematics BS | BS |
120 |
Minors |
Program | Locations | Total Credits |
Actuarial Science Minor |
24 | |
Mathematics Minor | 19 |
Policies & Faculty
Admission to Major. Admission is granted by the Department. Admission requirements are:
- A minimum of 32 earned semester credit hours and a 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA
- Completion of 8 credits of mathematics in courses numbered MATH 121 or higher
- A minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA in mathematics courses.
Contact the College of Science, Engineering and Technology Student Relations Office for application procedures.
Accelerated Combined Degree (BS and MA/MS) Program. Students intending to complete their Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at Minnesota State Mankato may be granted permission to take classes that count toward their graduate program during their undergraduate studies. Admission to the program is conducted through the department. Upon being accepted, students will be assigned an advisor to aid in the design of an accelerated program of study (generally 5 years). Students must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA overall and a 3.6 in major (as an undergraduate) to continue in the program. Please contact the Department Graduate Coordinator for detailed information
Course Application Policy. Within each major or minor, no course may be applied to more than one requirement.
Residency Policy. At least 3 credits applied to the mathematics minor must be earned at Minnesota State Mankato.
GPA Policy. Mathematics majors or minors must earn a grade of “C” (2.0) or better in all courses taken for grade that are applied to the major or minor, respectively.
P/N Grading Policy. Not more than one-fourth of the credits in mathematics courses numbered MATH 121 or above can be taken under P/N and applied to a major or minor. All 300 and 400 level courses are offered for grade only with the exception of MATH 487, MATH 498, and MATH 499, which are available for both P/N and letter grade.
Credit by Examination. Credit by examination will not be approved for courses in which a student has already received a grade.
Credit Limitations. A student may accumulate a maximum of six credits from MATH 110 and the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). After completing MATH 122 with a grade of “C” or better, a student may not receive credit for MATH 110, MATH 112, MATH 113, MATH 115, or MATH 180 without the consent of the department. Since the following courses have some common content, credit is not allowed for both MATH 115 and either MATH 112 or MATH 113. A student may not receive credit for MATH 354 or STAT 354 after completing MATH 455 or STAT 455.
Students seeking enrollment in MATH 112 College Algebra, MATH 201 Elements of Mathematics, or STAT 154 Elementary Statistics must demonstrate readiness to succeed in the course through one of the following means:
Course | ACT Math Sub Score | SAT Math Sub Score | MCA Math Score | Next Gen Accuplacer AAF Test Score | Course Prerequisites |
MATH 112 | 22 or higher ----------- 20-21 and HS GPA 2.7 or higher | 530 or higher ----------- 520-529 and HS GPA 2.7 or higher | 1158 or higher ----------- 1152-1157 and HS GPA 2.7 or higher | 250 or higher ----------- 236-249 and HS GPA 2.7 or higher | Grade of P in MATH 098 |
MATH 201 | 22 or higher | 550 or higher | 1148 or higher | 250 or higher | Grade of P in MATH 098 or "C" (2.0) or better in MATH 112 or MATH 115 |
STAT 154 | 19 or higher | 500 or higher | 1148 or higher ----------- 1146-1147 and HS GPA 2.7 or higher | 250 or higher | Grade of P in MATH 098 or "C" (2.0) or better in MATH 112, MATH 115, or MATH 121 |
Students not meeting one of the test requirements will be placed in MATH 098: Intermediate Algebra.
Students seeking enrollment in courses beyond those listed above must demonstrate readiness to succeed in the course through one of the following means: ACT score, SAT score, Next Gen ACCUPLACER score(s), or satisfactory completion (i.e. grade of C or better) of pre-requisite coursework, according to the chart below.
Course | Minimum ACT Math Sub Score | Minimum SAT Math Score | Minimum Next Gen Accuplacer Score | Course Prerequisites |
MATH 113 | 22 | 550 | 260 | MATH 112 with "C" or better |
MATH 115 | 23 | 560 | 260 | Grade of P in MATH 098 |
MATH 121 | 24 | 580 | 275 and "classic" Accuplacer Calculus Readiness score of 21 or higher | MATH 115 or both MATH 112 and MATH 113 with "C" or better |
MATH 130 | 23 | 560 | 260 | MATH 112 or MATH 115 with a "C" or better |
MATH 181 | 23 | 560 | 260 | MATH 112 or MATH 115 with a "C" or better |
NOTE 1: Documented Next Gen ACCUPLACER scores from any Minnesota State College and Universities (MinnState) institution taken within two calendar years will be accepted.
NOTE 2: ACT and SAT scores and “classic” or Next Gen ACCUPLACER scores that are more than two years old will not be accepted for mathematics placement.
Contact Information
College of Science, Engineering & Technology
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
273 Wissink
- Ruijun Zhao
000 Level
Below 100-level courses are remedial courses and do not apply to a major or minor.
Credits: 4
Basic mathematics skills integrating the fundamental operations of whole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals, percents, ratio and proportion with the elementary algebra topics of linear equations and inequalities, graphs, exponents, polynomials and factoring. Credit does not apply toward graduation.P/N only.Prerequisites: none
Credits: 4
Topics covered include intermediate study of graphs, systems of linear equations, introduction to functions, linear and nonlinear inequalities, factoring, rational expressions and equations, radicals, and basic quadratic equations. Credit does not apply toward graduation.P/ N only.Prerequisites: none
100 Level
Credits: 3
A survey of mathematics and its relationship to society, showing its development and evolution to meet the needs of mankind.Prerequisites: Three years high school algebra/geometry or MATH 098
Goal Areas: GE-04
Credits: 4
Concepts of algebra (real numbers, exponents, polynomials, rational expressions), equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations and inequalities, matrices and determinants, conic sections, sequences and series, probability, and binomial theorem.Prerequisites: Satisfy Placement Table in this section, or MATH 098 with grade of P.
Goal Areas: GE-04
Credits: 3
Basic concepts of trigonometry as preparation for college level mathematics and science course work. Topics include concepts of algebra (real numbers, functions, graphs of functions, exponential and logarithmic functions), trigonometric functions, analytic trigonometry, applications of trigonometry, and analytic geometry.Prerequisites: Satisfy Placement Table in this section, or MATH 112 with “C” (2.0) or better.
Goal Areas: GE-04
Credits: 4
This course will cover topics of precalculus mathematics. Topics covered will include functions, graphs of functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, conic sections, systems of equations and inequalities, matrices, trigonometric functions, circular functions, vectors and complex numbers, induction, series and probability.Prerequisites: Satisfy Math Placement Table in this section, or grade of P in MATH 098.
Goal Areas: GE-04
Credits: 4
Limits, continuity, the derivative and applications, transcendental functions, L'Hopital's Rule, and development of the Riemann integral.Prerequisites: Satisfy Placement Table in this section, MATH 115 or both MATH 112 and MATH 113 with “C” (2.0) or better.
Goal Areas: GE-04
Credits: 4
Techniques of integration, applications of integration, improper integrals, numerical integration, the calculus of parametric curves, infinite series and sequences, and vectors in two and three dimensions.Prerequisites: MATH 121 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 2
A continuation of the study of calculus from MATH 121 including transcendental functions, L'Hopital's rule, techniques of integration, and vectors in two and three dimensions. Content is intended for students enrolled in any engineering technology program. Credit for both MATH 127 and MATH 122 is not allowed.Prerequisites: MATH 121 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
This course develops concepts and skills in algebra and introductory calculus needed to model applications in business, economics, social sciences and life sciences, using polynomials, exponentials, logarithms, linear systems, linear programming, sequences, series, derivatives and integrals.Prerequisites: Satisfy Placement Table in this section, or grade of “C” (2.0) or better in either MATH 112 or MATH 115.
Goal Areas: GE-04
Credits: 3
Students will learn the rudiments of algorithmic processes such as iteration and recursion and implement simple mathematical algorithms in a commonly used mathematical software package. Applications may include graphing, equation solving, numerical approximation, recurrence relations, and generation of mathematical objects such as sets, lists, permutations and trees.Prerequisites: MATH 121
Credits: 4
This course is an introduction to the mathematical concepts needed in computer science, including sets, logic, representations of numbers, counting techniques, discrete functions, matrices, trees and graphs, and algorithm analysis.Prerequisites: MATH 112 or equivalent, with “C” (2.0) or better, or consent
Goal Areas: GE-04
Credits: 3
This course presents the concepts of the differential and integral calculus from an intuitive (non-theoretical) point of view. The course emphasis is on the applications of calculus. Credit for both MATH 181 and MATH 121 is not allowed.Prerequisites: Satisfy Placement Table in this section, or Math 112 with “C” (2.0) or better.
Goal Areas: GE-04
200 Level
Credits: 3
Nature of mathematics from a problem solving approach using sets, relations, number systems through integers, rational numbers and discrete mathematics.Prerequisites: Satisfy Placement Table in this section, or Grade of P in MATH 098 or "C" (2.0) or better in MATH 112 or MATH 115.
Goal Areas: GE-04
Credits: 3
A continuation of MATH 201, including rational and real number systems, informal geometry and measurement, statistics, and probability.Prerequisites: MATH 201, with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 3
Transformational and Euclidean geometry, coordinate geometry and applications of discrete mathematics.Prerequisites: MATH 202 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
Surfaces, vector-valued functions, partial differentiation, multiple integration, and vector calculus.Prerequisites: MATH 122 with “C” (2.0) or better, or consent
Credits: 4
Matrices, determinants, systems of linear equations, vector spaces, linear transformations, and characteristic value problems.Prerequisites: MATH 122 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
This course is an introduction to mathematical concepts needed in computer science, including sets, relations and functions, propositional logic, proof techniques, recurrence relations, graphs and trees, and discrete probability. This course is not intended for students pursuing a degree in mathematics.Prerequisites: MATH 121 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent.
Credits: 4
Logic, proof techniques, set theory, relations, functions, cardinality, operations, and an introduction to mathematical structures and number theory.Prerequisites: MATH 122 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent.
Goal Areas: GE-02
Credits: 1
This class provides MAX scholars with an opportunity to explore a set of topics related to achieving success in academic, professional and personal realms. Speakers will include faculty, graduate students, visiting researchers, and industry members as well as student participants. Cannot be used towards a math major.Prerequisites: Recipient of a MAX scholarship or instructor consent.
300 Level
Credits: 3
Limits, sequences, continuity, and differentiation of a real valued function of a real variable.Prerequisites: MATH 223 and MATH 290 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
This course presents the theory, computations, and applications of first and second order differential equations and two-dimensional systems.Prerequisites: MATH 122 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
This course covers several geometric systems including Euclidean, non-Euclidean, transformational and projective. Other topics studied are topological properties and the relationship between coordinate and synthetic geometry.Prerequisites: MATH 290 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
An introduction to the theory of groups and rings; including polynomial rings, homomorphisms, isomorphisms, and concepts of normal subgroups, ideals, quotient groups, and quotient rings.Prerequisites: MATH 290 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
A calculus based introduction to probability and statistics. Topics include probability, random variables, probability distributions (discrete and continuous), joint probability distributions (discrete and continuous), statistical inference (both estimation and hypothesis testing), confidence intervals for distribution of parameters and their functions, sample size determinations, analysis of variance, regression, and correlation. This course meets the needs of the practitioner and the person who plans further study in statistics.Prerequisites: MATH 122 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
MATH 375 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics (4 credits)An introduction to the concepts fundamental to the analysis of algorithms and their realization. Topics will include combinatorics, generating functions, recurrence relations, graph theory, and networks.Prerequisites: MATH 247 and MATH 290 with grade of “C” (2.0) or higher.
Credits: 4
A continuation of the topics from MATH 280. The major focus of the course is understanding and analyzing algorithms, including proving that algorithms perform correctly. Topics include modular arithmetic, counting problems, sorting algorithms and constructions on graphs. This course is not intended for students pursuing a major degree in mathematics.Prerequisites: MATH 247 and MATH 280 with a grade of “C” (2.0) or better
Credits: 0
Curricular Practical Training: Co-Operative Experience is a zero-credit full-time practical training experience for one semester and an adjacent fall or spring term. Special rules apply to preserve full-time student status. Please contact an advisor in your program for complete information.Prerequisites: At least 60 credits earned; in good standing; instructor permission; co-op contract; other prerequisites may also apply.
400 Level
Credits: 4
An introduction to topological spaces and their fundamental properties such as compactness, connectedness, separation properties and countability properties. Continuous functions between topological spaces and common examples of topological spaces are also discussed.Prerequisites: MATH 290 with grade of “C” (2.0) or higher.
Credits: 4
Algebra and geometry of complex numbers, analytic functions, power series, Cauchy's theorem and residue theorem.Prerequisites: MATH 223 and MATH 290 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
The topology of Euclidean spaces, compact and connectedness, properties of continuous functions, differentiation, basic theory of Riemann-Stieltjes integration and the fundamental theorem of Calculus.Prerequisites: MATH 223 and MATH 290 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 3
A continuation of Math 417. The course may include topics from metric spaces, Riemann-Stieltjes integration, differentiation in Euclidean space, sequences and series of functions, approximation theorems, implicit and inverse function theorems, equicontinuity, and mapping theorems.Prerequisites: MATH 417 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
This course presents the theory, computations, and applications of partial differential equations and Fourier series.Prerequisites: MATH 223 and MATH 321 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
This course presents topics from mathematical analysis of both discrete and continuous models taken from problems in the natural sciences, economics and resource management.Prerequisites: MATH 223 and MATH 247 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
Simplex method and its variants, duality, sensitivity analysis, interior-point methods, quadratic programming and linear complementarity problems. Applications such as classification problems and game theory with linear optimization software.Prerequisites: MATH 122, MATH 247
Credits: 4
Geometry of spaces including Euclidean and non-Euclidean and applications of contemporary geometry.Prerequisites: MATH 247 and MATH 290 with grade of "C" (2.0) or higher or consent.
Credits: 4
Euclidean algorithm, primes, composites, number theoretic functions, congruencies, Diophantine equations, Euler and Fermat theorems, algebraic number fields.Prerequisites: MATH 345 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
A continuation of MATH 345. The course will include topics from groups, rings, and fields.Prerequisites: MATH 345 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 3
An in-depth study of linear operators and their related spaces, dimension, rank, matrix representation of linear operators, special matrices, determinants, eigenvectors and eigenvalues.Prerequisites: MATH 345 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
A mathematical approach to statistics with derivation of theoretical results and of basic techniques used in applications. Includes probability, continuous probability distributions, multivariate distributions, functions of random variables, central limit theorem and statistical inference. Same as STAT 455.Prerequisites: MATH 223 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
A mathematical approach to statistics with derivation of theoretical results and of basic techniques used in applications, including sufficient statistics, additional statistical inference, theory of statistical tests, inferences about normal models and nonparametric methods. Same as STAT 456.Prerequisites: MATH 455 / STAT 455 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 3
This course applies probabilistic methods to problems encountered in actuarial science that prepares students for the Society of Actuaries Exam P/1.Prerequisites: (MATH 354, STATS 354, MATH 455 or STAT 455) and MATH 223
Credits: 4
This course covers the theory of interest portion of Exam FM/2 of the Society of Actuaries. Topics include time value of money, measurement of interest, annuities certain, arithmetic and geometric annuities, amortization schedules and sinking fund, bonds and other securities, yield rates, and interest rate immunization.Prerequisites: MATH 223
Credits: 4
This course provides an introduction to techniques and analysis involved with solving mathematical problems using technology. Topics included are errors in computation, solutions of linear and nonlinear equations, numerical differentiation and integration, and interpolation.Prerequisites: MATH 122, MATH 247 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
This course is a continuation of MATH 470. Topics included are the algebraic eigenvalue problem, least squares approximation, solutions of systems of nonlinear equations, numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations.Prerequisites: MATH 470 and MATH 223 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 4
Students will learn fundamental concepts of computer programming and write software to implement a variety of mathematical algorithms, manipulate large amounts of data, test conjectures, and make abstract mathematical concepts concrete. Programming concepts include input versus output, data structures, local and global variables, switch state- ments, iteration, recursion, halting conditions, modularity, debugging, and algorithm analysis. Programming projects may vary with instructor, but could include topics from enumerative combinatorics, graph theory, group theory, linear algebra, and number theory.Prerequisites: Math 345 and Math 375 with a "C" (2.0) or better, and senior standing or consent.
Credits: 3
The development of selected topics from before the Hellenistic time period to the late twentieth century. Familiarity with the content of HIST 180 is beneficial.Prerequisites: MATH 345 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 3
Advanced viewpoint of mathematics content and learning theories, teaching strategies, reading strategies, assessments, and planning, teaching and reflecting on grades 5-8 mathematics. Field experiences in grades 5-8 mathematics classroom required.Prerequisites: MATH 290 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 3
Numerical, verbal, symbolic and graphical representations of quantitative relationships, concatenations in written mathematics, problem solving, dynamic geometry, perspective drawing, parametric equations, geometric probability, transition matrices, statistics and calculus using technology.Prerequisites: MATH 290 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 3
Learning theories, teaching strategies, assessments and planning, teaching and reflecting on secondary (grades 9-12) school mathematics. Field experiences in grades 9-12 mathematics classroom required.Prerequisites: MATH 290 with “C” (2.0) or better or consent
Credits: 1
Student will work with an experienced member of the faculty in teaching a college mathematics course.Prerequisites: none
Credits: 1-3
A course of study in which a group of students study a topic by examining results through reports and discussions. May be repeated for credit on each new topic.Prerequisites: none
Credits: 1-4
A short course devoted to a specific mathematical topic. May be repeated for credit on each new topic.Prerequisites: none
Credits: 1-4
A course designed to upgrade the qualifications of persons on-the-job. May be repeated for credit on each new topic.Prerequisites: none
Credits: 3
This course is designed to allow undergraduate students an opportunity to integrate their undergraduate mathematics experiences by engaging each student in working on a problem in applied or theoretical mathematics. In doing so, students will see connections between the various topics found in the undergraduate mathematics curriculum. Content will vary by semester. An important component of this course will be the preparation and presentation of a research paper describing the student's progress toward a solution of the problem under consideration. Problems will arise from the course content and materials as presented by the instructor. Because of the breadth of mathematical topics needed for successful completion of the course, students need to have senior standing.Prerequisites: Two of the following: MATH 316, MATH 321, MATH 345, MATH 375 and senior standing (or permission of the instructor). Course can also be taken independent study with permission of a cooperating faculty member.
Credits: 3
This course is designed to allow undergraduate students an opportunity to integrate their undergraduate mathematics experiences by engaging each student in working on a problem in applied or theoretical mathematics. In doing so, students will see connections between the various topics found in the undergraduate mathematics curriculum. Content will vary by semester. An important component of this course will be the preparation and presentation of a research paper describing the student's progress toward a solution of the problem under consideration. Problems will arise from the course content and materials as presented by the instructor. Because of the breadth of mathematical topics needed for successful completion of the course, students need to have senior standing.Prerequisites: Two of the following: MATH 316, MATH 321, MATH 345, MATH 375 and senior standing (or permission of the instructor). Course can also be taken independent study with permission of a cooperating faculty member.
Credits: 1
This class provides MAX scholars with an opporutnity to explore a set of topics related to achieving success in academic, professional and personal realms. Speakers will include faculty, graduate students, visiting researchers and industry members as well as student participants. Students will be required to participate in mentoring of lower division MAX scholarship recipients and provide written and oral presentations of various topics during the semester.Prerequisites: Recipient of a MAX scholarship or instructor consent
Credits: 1-4
A course in an area of mathematics not regularly offered. May be repeated for credit on each new topic.Prerequisites: none
Credits: 1-12
Provides a student the opportunity to gain expertise and experience in a special field under the supervision of a qualified person.Prerequisites: none
Credits: 1-4
Independent individual study under the guidance and direction of a faculty member in mathematics. Special arrangements must be made with an appropriate faculty member. May be repeated for credit on each new topic.Prerequisites: none