Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services

Undergraduate Programs


This program prepares a graduate to become a professional leader, supervisor and/or administrator within the private for profit, private nonprofit, and the public sectors of the recreation and leisure services field. The program includes preparation for youth programs, community education, municipal and leisure service programs; a broad variety of therapeutic recreation settings including hospitals, long-term care, advocacy organizations, consultant services; a wide variety of commercial recreation and tourism settings, nature and historical interpretation; private and public park systems including park ranger, research, educational outreach, planning, marketing, park operations; and military recreation. The Department offers a professional core that is accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism, and Related Professions (COAPRT) with three career tracks: Leisure Planning and Management, Therapeutic Recreation, and Resource Management.


Program Locations Total Credits
Recreation Parks and Leisure Services BS Leisure Planning Management BS
  • Mankato
Recreation Parks and Leisure Services BS Resource Management BS
  • Mankato
Recreation Parks and Leisure Services BS Therapeutic Recreation BS
  • Mankato


Program Locations Total Credits
Recreation Minor
  • Mankato

Policies & Faculty


Admission to Major is granted by the department. Department admissions requirements are: 

  • A minimum of 12 semester credit hours
  • A minimum cumulative GPA (Minnesota State Mankato and Transfer) of 2.0 or better, preference given to candidates with 2.5 or better
  • Completion of RPLS 272 (Introduction to Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services) with a “C” or better or departmental permission
  • An advisor in the department
  • Completion of an application for admission that includes an essay and an evaluation from the student's RPLS 272 (Introduction to Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services) instructor.

Students who have earned fewer than 12 semester credits can declare as Pre-RPLS. This enables them to select an advisor. Once students meet the entrance requirements, as listed above, they must then apply for formal admittance to the major.

Majors and Pre-RPLS students must also earn a “C” or better in each RPLS class to remain in good standing in the major and be permitted to advance in the program

To declare an RPLS minor students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better. RPLS minors must receive a “C” or better in RPLS courses applied to the minor in order to fulfill minor requirements..

Practicum Policy. Each student must complete the practicum requirement. Students are required to enroll in RPLS 495 (9 credits) after completing all RPLS course work. Students must also meet the following requirements to be eligible to register for Practicum:

  • Completion of all other required RPLS coursework with a “C” (2.0) or better in each RPLS class,
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in the major,
  • Completion of RPLS Field Experience form,
  • Completion of an Application for Practicum one semester before the Practicum begins. The application must be approved by the student’s faculty advisor; and
  • Permission to register from the student’s faculty advisor. 

P/N Grading Policy. Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services majors and minors must take required courses for a letter grade with the exception that the field experience, pre-practicum seminar and practicum courses must be taken on a P/N basis. Non-majors may elect RPLS courses for pass/no credit where this option is available. 

Transfer Policy. Transfer students are required to complete a minimum of 40 semester credits of the major at Minnesota State Mankato. 

Contact Information

213 Highland Center North

Main Phone (507) 389-2127


  • Rachelle Fuller, Ph.D.

200 Level

Credits: 3

The travel and tourism industry is integral to the success of other areas of RPLS. This course will provide an overview of the use of travel and tourism as a form of leisure for people around the world and the professions that are associated with it.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-05

Credits: 3

A foundation course that introduces the student to the profession of leisure services. Emphasis is placed on recreation in the student's life, the development of the profession, the community leisure service system and careers in recreation, parks and leisure services.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-09

Credits: 3

This course is designed to be an overview of Therapeutic Recreation Services in a variety of human service settings with emphasis on the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of leisure and recreation programs performed by therapeutic recreation specialists serving persons with physical, mental, emotional or social limitations.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Credits: 3

This fully online course will fulfill General Education Goal Area 9: Ethical and Civic Responsibility. The course meets the general education need for students to develop a global understanding of natural resource philosophies/ethics (in parks and protected areas with recreation access), illustrate critical historical and current natural resource ecosystem management concerns, and identify sustainable environmental management techniques across global societies for public health.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-09

Credits: 3

Through interactive classroom assignments, students develop expertise in planning, leading and evaluating a recreational experience. Foundations of leadership, group dynamics and motivation are also included.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This course addresses leisure wellness and incorporates leisure into life as a balancing force for healthy living. Leisure is studied in relation to: work, time and money management, stress management, healthy relationships, life choices and decisions, personal and community resources, career opportunities and in relation to current issues in politics and in the work place.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-11

Credits: 3

A broad survey course that is concerned with game and non-game wildlife species. Habitat is stressed throughout the course as a necessity for maintaining a species. Funding of wildlife programs and changing attitudes of the public are concerns throughout this course.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-10

300 Level

Credits: 2

This course is designed to be taken two semesters before students completes their practicums. It will help students identify and secure a practicum. It will also help students establish reasonable expectations for a quality practicum experience.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This course exposes the parks and recreation major to basic outdoor skills. The camping movement in America is discussed as well as progressional planning strategies for outdoor recreation.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This course will explore research design with emphasis related to the areas of recreation, parks, and leisure sciences. Basic overview of research methodologies commonly utilized in leisure sciences and approaches to RPLS research will be explored through review of original research. Students will be required to produce and revise scientific writing with specific focus on presenting material to audiences in the RPLS field. Team-based problem centered research questions will be developed and investigated using methodology with current RPLS-related issues.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

Students will be introduced to various methods and skills used to design and deliver interpretive programs and materials to various audiences. Students will also apply the philosophies, concepts, theories and practical skills necessary for implementing effective interpretive programs.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This course introduces students to basic management and planning techniques for a wide variety of in-door and out-door recreation facilities.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This course is designed to provide students with knowledge, skills, and tools to effectively implement technology in recreation. Students will have the opportunity to explore practical applications of technological in recreation. The objective of this class is to introduce the student to the variety of ways computers and other technologies are used in everyday recreation management.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 4

The emphasis of this course is on the program planning process-from creating the idea through evaluation of the program-and how it fits into the agency profile. Various formats such as leisure learning, tournaments, trips and outings, and special events are highlighted for a variety of leisure service agencies.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

Focuses on the total planning, implementation and techniques of effective public relations.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

Focuses on the total planning, implementation and techniques of effective public relations.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This course is a survey of commercial recreation and tourism that examines the basic types of commercial recreation and tourism providers, some basic trends in commercial recreation and the social, economic and environmental impacts of commercial recreation and tourism.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This course introduces students to basic management and planning techniques for a wide variety of in-door and out-door recreation facilities.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1

Students are required to complete the Field Experience in order to be eligible to enroll in RPLS 495 Practicum. Students will contract with the advisor to complete 100 hours of volunteer or paid experience in a leisure services organization. Written permission required from the advisor.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 0

Curricular Practical Training: Co-Operative Experience is a zero-credit full-time practical training experience for one summer and on adjacent fall or spring term. Special rules apply to preserve full-time student status. Please contact an advisor in your program for complete information.

Prerequisites: At least 60 credits earned; in good standing; instructor permission; co-op contract; other prerequisites may also apply.

400 Level

Credits: 3

Students will learn about and gain experience with assessment as it is practiced in therapeutic recreation settings. The course focuses on the basics of assessment, the four most frequently utilized information gathering techniques, and commonly used assessment instruments.

Prerequisites: RPLS 274

Credits: 3

This course explores the philosophical and theoretical foundations of therapeutic recreation. Specifically, the relationships among recreation, leisure, health and well-being are examined as articulated by a number of authors. Students critically analyze the required materials and discuss potential implications for therapeutic recreation and therapeutic recreation specialists.

Prerequisites: RPLS 274

Credits: 3

This course details the Therapeutic Recreation process: assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation in relation to individual treatment programs in Therapeutic Recreation Service. Emphasis is on interpreting assessment data, writing measurable goals and objectives, implementing an actual program and documenting program results in terms currently used in human service settings.

Prerequisites: RPLS 274 

Credits: 3

This course is designed to teach a wide variety of interventions and facilitation techniques used in therapeutic recreation programs to give the student knowledge, practice and ability in the implementation of leisure and recreation programs for persons with special needs.

Prerequisites: RPLS 274 and RPLS 447W 

Credits: 3

Students will study the recreation needs of various groups of people and learn the best practices for serving those needs. The emphasis will be on program planning guidelines appropriate for each group across the lifespan and for diverse groups.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This course will explore transdisciplinary research design with emphasis related to the areas of allied health and nursing sciences and disciplines. Basic overview of research methodologies commonly utilized in health sciences and approaches to transdisciplinary research will be explored through review of original research. Students will be required to produce and revise scientific writing with specific focus on inter/transdisciplinary studies. Team-based problem centered research questions will be developed and investigated using transdisciplinary methodology with current health-related issues.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This course introduces students to special event planning, development, budgeting, promotion and evaluation. The use, recruitment, evaluation and recognition of volunteers as well as fund raising strategies are discussed and employed.

Prerequisites: RPLS 377 

Credits: 3

This course guides the student through the survey process including the creation and implementation of a questionnaire. The data collected are then analyzed and a formal report is prepared. Computer skills are emphasized.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This course investigates basic economic principles behind managing finances and budgets in recreation, sport and tourism settings. Particular attention will be applied to revenue generation, specifically via grant writing, and creating and managing budgets.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

Traces the history of public lands in the United States, their acquisition and disposal. Congressional charges to executive agencies managing national lands and state and local government responsibilities for managing nonfederal public lands. Attention is given to international oceanic resources and how the international community will manage these resources.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1

This course will explore interprofessional practices with emphasis related to the areas of allied health and nursing sciences and related disciplines. Students will learn how to interact with other disciplines. Students will be taught techniques to implement outcome-based interprofessional activities through project or community-based experiences.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This course examines major topics of social science research aimed at learning the preferences, attitudes, behaviors, experiences and benefits of visitors to outdoor recreation areas.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This course introduces students to some basic natural resource and visitor management techniques in outdoor recreation settings. Topics such as interpretation and environmental education, visitor management and ecosystem management are among those discussed.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

Traces the history of the parks movement in the United States, selected legislation establishing parks and the enactment of funding legislation. The importance of public participation, planning and political strategies are stressed.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

Leisure as an integral aspect of successful aging is the focus of this course which includes: leisure in relation to physical, intellectual, social and psychological aspects of aging and successful leisure programming in community based settings and in long term care.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This course investigates legislative and budgetary processes utilized in the public, non-profit, and private sectors of the leisure services profession.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-3


Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-4

Course work set through student/advisor agreement.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This course is designed to develop the student's ability to function as a member of the interdisciplinary treatment team and practice critical thinking, writing and oral skills related to treatment decisions, ethical issues, professional issues, and health care delivery systems.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 2-4


Prerequisites: none

Credits: 2

This course explores the philosophical and theoretical foundations that intersect and connect our multifaceted discipline of recreation, parks and leisure services. Specifically, the relationships between nature, conservation, wilderness, social equity, disability, commodification of leisure, and recreation experiences will be explored from the vantage point of a variety of influential scholars. Students will critically analyze the material and discuss potential implications for the profession.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 9

The Practicum, which is one full semester of professional work experience, is completed at the end of the student's course work and requires 560 hours of service at a Department approved agency where the student works full-time for 14 weeks. Written permission is required from the student's advisor, one semester in advance.

Prerequisites: Completion of major coursework with a 2.5 GPA in the major courses.

Credits: 1-8

Course based on student/advisor agreement.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-8

Course based on student/advisor agreement.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-4

Course work set by student/advisor discussion.

Prerequisites: none