Civil Engineering
Undergraduate Programs
Civil Engineering, as defined by the American Society of Civil Engineers, is a profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and physical sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the progressive well-being of humanity in creating, improving and protecting the environment, in providing facilities for community living, industry and transportation, and in providing structures for the use of humanity. Civil engineers design and supervise the construction of roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, water supply, water and wastewater treatment, and many other systems. Major specialties within civil engineering include structural, geotechnical, water resources, transportation, environmental, and construction engineering. The Mission of the Civil Engineering Program at Minnesota State University, Mankato, is to provide an exceptional, practice-based engineering education with ties to industry, enabling graduates to excel in any discipline within the civil engineering profession and serve people throughout Minnesota, across the Nation, and around the globe. Program Objecitves: Within 3-6 years of graduation, Minnesota State University, Mankato civil engineering graduates are expected to contribute to the profession and to society by achieving a combination of the following. • Pursue leadership positions and advanced responsibilities in their profession and/or community. • Become a licensed professional engineer, mindful of the safety, health, and welfare of the public. • Further their education through professional development and/or post-graduate studies. Other important features of a civil engineering education at Minnesota State Mankato include: • Senior students work together as a design team in a full academic year course incorporating multiple civil engineering disciplines in a comprehensive design project. • Students work closely with engineers from design firms and government agencies, and with faculty and students from other engineering courses in the senior design project. • Students take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam in their senior year – the first step towards professional registration. • The faculty maintain ties to industry, keeping current with new technologies, design methodologies, and the world of civil engineering practice – a valuable resource for students. Preparation. Recommended high school preparation is one year each of precalculus, physics and chemistry. Without this background it may take longer than four years to earn the degree. Computer skills such as programming, word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations are also recommended.
Majors |
Program | Locations | Major / Total Credits |
Civil Engineering BSCE | BSCE |
101 / 128 |
Policies & Faculty
Program Admission. Admission to the Civil Engineering Program is granted by the department, and is necessary before enrolling in 300- and 400-level courses. Near the end of the sophomore year, students must submit an application for admission to the civil engineering program. Applications to the program may be obtained from the Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering or downloaded from the department homepage.
Before being admitted to upper division civil engineering courses, a student must complete a minimum of 25 credits, for grade, including the following courses applicable to the degree: General Physics (calculus based) 4 credits; Calculus and Differential Equations 12 credits; Engineering Mechanics (Statics, Dynamics, and Mechanics of Materials) 9 credits.
To be admitted to the civil engineering program, a student must earn a grade of “C” (2.00) or better and a cumulative GPA of 2.50 in the courses listed above. All transfer courses will be counted in this GPA calculation at the equivalent credit value awarded by Minnesota State University Mankato. Students who meet the above requirements but have transferred any of the Engineering Mechanics courses (Statics, Dynamics, or Mechanics of Materials) from another institution will be granted Provisional Admission.
All admitted students are required to take a department-administered diagnostic test early in their junior year.
Transfer Students. The department makes a special effort to accommodate transfer students. Transfer students are encouraged to contact the department as soon as possible to facilitate a smooth transition. Generally, no transfer credits are allowed for upper division civil engineering courses.
Satisfactory Progress. Once admitted to the civil engineering program, a student must demonstrate satisfactory progress by maintaining a cumulative GPA of at least 2.30 in all upper-division civil engineering courses as calculated by the Registrar.
P/N Grading Policy. P/N credit is not allowed for any course used to meet civil engineering degree requirements.
Probation Policy. An admitted student who does not maintain satisfactory progress as defined above will be placed on program probationary status for a maximum of one semester. During the probationary period, the student must complete at least 8 credits, approved by the department, of upper division engineering courses for grade from the prescribed Civil Engineering curriculum. Students may not receive a degree without first conforming to the satisfactory progress criteria. A student who fails to meet satisfactory progress for a second semester (consecutive or non-consecutive) will not be allowed to continue in the program.
Readmission to Program. A student who has failed to meet their Provisional or Probation requirements and who has been removed from the program may reapply to the program. A maximum of two admissions are allowed.
Appeals. A student may appeal any departmental decision in writing. The department will consider such appeals individually.
Contact Information
205 Trafton Science Center E
(507) 389-6383
- Farhad Reza, Ph.D., P.E.
100 Level
Credits: 1
This course offers an introduction to the various disciplines of engineering and their relationship to the principles of physics and mathematics. Students are prepared for academic success and the transition into an engineering program.Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-12
Credits: 2
To prepare the students for a career in engineering with some emphasis in civil; introduce the engineering fundamentals and the skills necessary to have a successful learning experience; and to prepare students for engineering education and profession through interactions with upper-class engineering students and practicing engineers.Prerequisites: MATH 113 or MATH 115 or MATH 121
Credits: 2
Basic computer applications for drafting and designing civil engineering projects. Structure and use of standard CAD software. Basic orthographic construction and projections, and development of different types of drawings - sections, plan and profile, and construction details.Prerequisites: none
200 Level
Credits: 2
Introduction to the design concepts of civil engineering projects including presentations, codes and standards, construction drawings, and public hearing; problem solving skills for civil engineering analysis and design including the use of appropriate computational tools and programming logic. Includes laboratory component.Prerequisites: CIVE 101
Credits: 3
Mechanical behavior and properties of civil engineering materials. Microstructure, response to stress, creep, fatigue, fracture and failure. Composition, application and construction of steel, concrete, asphalt, aggregates, steel, timber, composites and other materials. Includes laboratory component.Prerequisites: none
Credits: 2
Basic civil engineering measurements as relates to construction layout, including distances, angles, bearings, elevations, mapping, and positioning. Includes laboratory component.Prerequisites: none
Credits: 1
This class provides MAX scholars with an opportunity to explore a set of topics related to achieving success in academic, professional and personal realms. Speakers will include faculty, graduate students, visiting researchers and industry members as well as student participants. Students will be required to participate in mentoring of lower division MAX scholarship recipients and provide written and oral presentations of various topics during the semester. This course may be repeated and will not count towards graduation requirements. Pre-req: Recipient of a MAX scholarship or instructor consent.Fall, SpringPrereq: Recipient of MAX scholarship or instructor consent.Prerequisites: Recipient of a MAX scholarship or instructor consent.
Credits: 1-4
InternshipPrerequisites: none
300 Level
Credits: 3
Introduction to fluid properties, fluid statics, buoyancy, fluid kinematics, Bernoulli¿s equation, control volume and differential approach to flow conservation equations, dimensional analysis, similitude, viscous flow in pipes, flow over immersed bodies, and pumps. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 214 or ME 214
Credits: 3
Minimum design loads for buildings using ASCE 7 guidelines and load distribution. Analysis of determinate structural systems including the case of moving loads. Analysis of indeterminate structures using the flexibility and moment distribution methods. Use of software to enhance the analysis.Prerequisites: CIVE 223 or ME 223
Credits: 4
Concept of hydraulics such as pipe flow and open channel flow. Hydrologic principles such as weather patterns; precipitation measurement and distribution, abstractions, and runoff; storm hydrograph and peak flow analysis. Design includes flood design, reservoir and channel routing. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 321 or ME 321, ME 291
Credits: 4
Study of soil behaviors and their classifications; index properties. Applications of mechanics principles to soils as an engineering material, consolidation theory, compaction theory, effective stresses, shear strength; earth pressure and slope stability. Elements of foundation designs. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 223 or ME 223
Credits: 4
Introduction to Transportation systems; land use and transportation interaction, planning, and traffic operations; transportation decision making using economic analysis. Introduction to design, construction, maintenance, and operation of various transportation modes. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 145
Credits: 3
Introduction of the fundamental chemical, biological and physical principles of environmental engineering for water and wastewater treatment and distribution systems, solid waste management, air pollution control, and the analysis of air quality, surface water, and ground water. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: MATH 321. CHEM 201 or GEOL 291
Credits: 0
Curricular Practical Training: Co-Operative Experience is a zero-credit full-time practical training experience for one summer and an adjacent fall or spring term. Special rules apply to preserve full-time student status. Please contact an advisor in your program for complete information.Prerequisites: CIVE 201. At least 60 credits earned; in good standing; instructor permission; co-op contract; other prerequisites may also apply.
400 Level
Credits: 2
Practical civil engineering design project with real world constraints. This course focuses on the planning and formulation of a project, and the presentation of preliminary findings to the public. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 340, CIVE 350, CIVE 360, CIVE 370W
Credits: 3
Practical civil engineering design project with real world constraints. Focuses on the engineering analysis, design, and economic analysis of the project. Includes significant design component. Students will prepare for and complete the Fundamentals of Engineering exam.Prerequisites: CIVE 401W
Credits: 3
Advanced surveying techniques related to control surveys, coordinate systems, error identification, adjustment computation, ethics and client relations, and techniques specific to a range of applications including: land development, highway layout, mining, hydrography and riparian boundaries.Prerequisites: none
Credits: 3
History and concept of boundaries; boundary location procedures; property ownership and conveyance; metes and bounds; legal research regarding boundaries; rules of boundary evidence including classification and evaluation; land description composition; easements.Prerequisites: none
Credits: 2
A practical surveying project with real world constraints. Focuses on residential or commercial land development incorporating: subdivision and land development regulatory processes, zoning issues, elements of civil infrastructure design, boundary description and location, grading and earthwork, utility design and layout, and storm water management. Supports preparation for the Fundamentals of Surveying licensure examination.Prerequisites: none
Credits: 3
Selected studies in the properties and design of concrete mixtures, cement chemistry, concrete durability, specialty concrete, construction, admixtures, and quality control. Includes laboratory and significant design components.Prerequisites: ME 223
Credits: 2
Provides students with hands-on experience in the testing of civil engineering materials including concrete, metals and structural systems. Includes laboratory component.Prerequisites: CIVE 340 & CIVE 370
Credits: 2
Provides students with hands-on experience in the testing of civil engineering materials including soil and asphalt, fluid mechanics, hydraulics, and hydrology. Includes laboratory component.Prerequisites: CIVE 350, CIVE 360
Credits: 3
Design of reinforced concrete beams, columns, slabs, and structural foundations according to ACI 318 Building Code requirements. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 340
Credits: 3
Design of prestressed concrete structures. Basic materials and prestress loss mechanisms. Flexure, shear, and deflections of prestressed concrete beams. Load-moment interaction curves for columns. Prestressed concrete bridge girders. The use of software is expected. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 340
Credits: 3
Behavior and properties of structural steel. Design of tension members, compression members, beams, and connections using the LRFD method. Use of the AISC Steel Construction Manual is required. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 340
Credits: 3
Analysis of open channel flow systems. Includes natural channels, designed channels, flow transitions, steady flow, unsteady flow, uniform flow, and non-uniform flow. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 350
Credits: 3
Analysis and design of water regulating structures. Includes dams, spillways, gates, dikes, levees, stilling basins, water distribution systems, and various simpler structures. Environmental impacts of hydraulic structures are discussed throughout the course. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 350
Credits: 3
Application of hydraulics, hydrology, soil and crop properties to the design of agricultural drainage systems. Environmental impacts of traditional drainage systems, current best management practices to decrease these impacts and emerging trends will be discussed throughout the course. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 350
Credits: 3
Application of fluid mechanics and hydrology to the design of stormwater management facilities. Environmental impacts of stormwater management are discussed throughout the course. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 350
Credits: 3
Performance and design of rigid, flexible, and composite pavement structures with emphasis on modern pavement design procedures. Principles of pavement maintenance, rehabilitation, and pavement management systems. Materials characterization, tests, quality control, and life cycle cost analysis. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 370, CIVE 223 or ME 223
Credits: 3
Classification of foundations; applications of fundamental soil mechanics to design and analysis of soil-structure systems; design and computer application of shallow and deep foundations, piles and caissons, retaining structures. Introduction to rock mechanics. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 360
Credits: 3
Design and construction of traditional embankments, including slope stability analysis; earth and rockfill dams, introduction to seepage analysis; excavations, earth retaining structures, and other geotechnical structures. Geotechnical software application in analysis and design. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 360
Credits: 3
Elements of traffic engineering including road use, vehicle and roadway systems; traffic flow theory; traffic studies and data collections; traffic control devices; principles of intersecting signalization; capacity and level of service; analysis of freeways, rural highways and intersections using computer software for traffic operations and management. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 370W
Credits: 3
Classification and design process of highways; development and use of design controls; criteria, and highway design elements; design of vertical and horizontal alignment, and establishment of sight distances; design of cross sections, intersections, and interchanges. Extensive use of CAD software. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 145, CIVE 370W
Credits: 3
Introduction to rural and agricultural transportation topics including transport economics, freight transportation, multimodal issues and asset management. Introduction to driver, pedestrian, and vehicular characteristics. Traffic characteristics; highway capacity; traffic studies and analyses. Principles of traffic control for improved highway traffic service. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 370W
Credits: 3
Development and design of airport facilities and the integration of multiple disciplines including runway orientation and capacity, terminal facilities, forcasting, planning, noise, airspace utilization, parking, lighting, and construction. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 370W
Credits: 3
Engineering management techniques for maintaining and managing infrastructure assets. Systematic approach to management through value engineering, engineering economics, and life cycle cost analysis. Selection and scheduling of maintenance activities. Analysis of network-wide resource needs. Project level analysis. Transportation Asset Management Plans. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 370W, ME 291
Credits: 3
Overview of municipal water and wastewater treatment and distribution practices. Application of chemical, biological and physical principles to design and the operation of water and wastewater treatment and distribution systems. Includes significant design component.Prerequisites: CIVE 380
Credits: 3
This course will be taught as a classroom based course with a combination of lecture, individual and group projects, reading, homework, discussion, review, and examinations. The goal of the course is to develop competency in the design and implementation of landfill design and hazardous waste remediation, with understanding of both performance and cost implications to all choices.Prerequisites: CIVE 380
Credits: 1-4
May be repeated for credit on each different topic.Prerequisites: none
Credits: 1
This class provides MAX scholars with an opportunity to explore a set of topics related to achieving success in academic, professional and personal realms. Speakers will include faculty, graduate students, visiting researchers and industry members as well as student participants. Students will be required to participate in mentoring of lower division MAX scholarship recipients and provide written and oral presentations of various topics during the semester. This course may be repeated and will not count towards graduation requirements.Fall, SpringPrereq: Recipient of MAX scholarship or instructor consent.Prerequisites: Recipient of a MAX scholarship or instructor consent.
Credits: 1
This class provides students pursuing a minor in Global Solutions in Engineering and Technology with an opportunity to explore a set of topics related to achieving success in advance of and following an international experience (internship, study abroad, etc.). Speakers will include faculty, graduate students, visiting researchers and industry members as well as student participants. Returning students will be required to participate in mentoring of students preparing for their international experience and provide written and/or oral presentations of various topics during the semester. This course is required both before and after participation in the international experience (min. 2 cr.)Prerequisites: none
Credits: 1-6
.Prerequisites: none
Credits: 1-6
.Prerequisites: none