Computer Engineering Technology

Undergraduate Programs


Computer Engineering Technology (CET) is a technological field requiring the application of scientific and engineering knowledge and methods, combined with technical skills, in support of computer activities. A computer engineering technologist is a person who is knowledgeable in computer hardware and software theory and design and who can apply them to a variety of industrial and consumer problems. Computers, controls/automation, robotics, instrumentation, and communications are just a few fields open to computer engineering technologists.

The program strives to prepare students for successful entry into the technical workforce. This means that the curriculum prepares students to:

  1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and computer engineering to problems.
  2. Design and construct experiments and analyze and interpret the resulting data.
  3. Design systems, components, or processes to meet specified needs.
  4. Function effectively in teams.
  5. Identify, formulate, and solve problems in computer engineering technology.
  6. Understand their professional and ethical responsibilities.
  7. Communicate effectively.

The Educational Objectives for our Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering Technology program area:

  1. Graduates who receive the B.S.C.E.T (Graduates) will function as responsible members of society with an awareness of the social, ethical, and economic ramifications of their work.
  2. Graduates will become successful practitioners in computer engineering technology and other diverse careers.
  3. Graduates will pursue continuing and life-long learning opportunities.
  4. Graduates will gain necessary skills to advance technically and/or managerially.
  5. Graduates will gain foundational education that allows for personal growth and flexibility through their career.

Our metrics for determining success in meeting these objectives will include:

  1. Assessment of societal, economic awareness, and ethical performance of our graduates by the graduate and employer.
  2. Monitoring of the success of our graduates in the work force.
  3. Assessment of continuing and life-long learning by the graduate (and their employer as applicable).
  4. Ongoing contact with graduates to determine career paths and challenges confronted.



Program Locations Major / Total Credits
Computer Engineering Technology BS BS
  • Mankato
103 / 128


Program Locations Major / Total Credits
Internet of Things CERT
  • Mankato
19 / 19

Policies & Faculty


Admission to Major is granted by the department. Minimum program admission requirements are:

  • a minimum of 32 earned semester credit hours.
  • a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 (“C”).

Contact the department for application procedures.

Students who do not have the required background for MATH 115 may have to take additional preparatory coursework as well. Consult with your major adviser to plan your general education and major requirements. Grades must be 1.67 “C-” or better for courses taken at Minnesota State Mankato to be accepted. All students must complete a minimum of 12 semester credits of mathematics starting with Precalculus math and a minimum of 24 semester credits of mathematics and science courses.

GPA Policy. Students graduating with a degree in Computer Engineering Technology must have:

  1. completed a minimum of 20 semester credit hours of upper division EET at Minnesota State Mankato,
  2. have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better on all upper division EET courses, and
  3. have completed their senior design sequence (EET 461 and EET 462) at Minnesota State Mankato.
  4. Grades must be 1.67 “C-” or better for courses taken at Minnesota State Mankato to be accepted.

P/N Grading Policy. A student who majors in CET must elect the grade option for all required courses including general education courses listed by number even if offered by another department.

If the credits earned for composition, and speech courses equal less than 9 credits, either an advanced speech course or a course in English language literature must be selected as a general elective.

Transfer of credits to the CET major is subject to policies described in this catalog for all students transferring to Minnesota State Mankato and to the following department policies:

  1. All transfer students must take EET 221 if not proficient with current Minnesota State Mankato software.
  2. For courses taken at technical colleges/vocational technical schools and pertinent courses taken in the military the student may receive up to 8 credits upon review of course materials, grades and written approval by the program coordinator. These credits may be used for EET 112, EET 113, and EET 114. The student may also attempt to test out of EET 114, EET 222, EET 223.
  3. For courses taken at community colleges and four-year colleges, up to 25 credits may be accepted if the transcript is from an ABET-accredited program. If the program is not accredited by ABET, up to 20 credits may be accepted. Grades of transfer credits must be “C” or better to be acceptable for substitution for required courses.

Petition to evaluate transfer credits must occur no later than the first semester the student is enrolled in or declared a major housed in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Technology.

All international students wishing to have transfer credits granted from non-U.S. schools will be required to use the ECE evaluation service to be completed no later than first semester at Minnesota State Mankato.

Testing for course credit will be available via prior application made with the program coordinator. Students may not apply for credit by examination for an EET course in which they were previously enrolled at Minnesota State Mankato or for any EET course above EET 223.

Contact Information

242 Trafton Science Center N
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Technology 
​College of Science, Engineering and Technology 


(507) 389-5747


  • Xuanhui Wu, Ph.D.

100 Level

Credits: 3

The basic elements of electricity and electronics are explored in an internet enabled, self-paced course. Laboratories make use of a Virtual Laboratory environment to provide experience with issues in wiring, power, circuits, and digital electronics.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-03

Credits: 3

A study of DC electrical circuits, Kirchhoff's laws, series and parallel circuits, inductors, capacitors, circuit response to RL, RC and RLC circuits. Thevenin's equivalent circuit theorem, and other network analysis theorems. Use of dependent sources in DC circuits. MATH 112 or 115 may be taken concurrently.

Prerequisites: MATH 112 or MATH 115

Credits: 3

A study of AC circuits, power, phasors, series and parallel AC networks, and network analysis theorems. Ohm's Laws and Kirchhoff's Laws for AC circuits. Use of dependent sources in AC circuits. MATH 113 or 115 must be taken concurrently.

Prerequisites: MATH 113 or MATH 115 may be taken concurrently.

Credits: 3

A self-paced, interactive, multi-media course, for nonengineering students, exploring the basics of computer hardware. The course will cover concepts behind computer design and operation, including issues such as the need for RAM, hard drive, memory, ROM, etc.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-13

Credits: 3

This is an introductory course in the use of technology for communication. During the semester students will study the evolution of communications technology from early days to the present. This course will cover wireless, analog, and digital techniques including telephony, the internet, and mobile formats. The student will study theory and principles involved in the different types of communications. Modern techniques in digital communications will be discussed and demonstrated through simulation. A consumer example of digital communication will be given.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-13

Credits: 3

Hands-on experiences in the use of digital integrated circuits and logic families. Students will study logic gates, number systems, flip flops, latches, registers, computer arithmetic and memory. A self paced format with an open laboratory format.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 3

This course covers the development and status of electrical power as a global resource. This includes usage, generation, and impact on societies throughout the world. Finally, the course will examine the many renewable generation options.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-03, GE-08

Credits: 3

Historical, cultural, ethical, philosophical, developmental, and creative aspects of engineering and technology as a discipline are explored. The course also examines concepts and events leading to important innovations of recent times including: microwave ovens, FAX machines, personal computers, traffic signals, and video games.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-08

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Credits: 4

This course covers digital circuit and logic needed for electronic and computer engineering technology. Covers binary arithmetic, timing anlaysis, TTL, CMOS, logic gates, Boolean algebra, multiplexer, counter, adder, comparator, logic simulation, flip-flops, registers, and use of digital test equipment. Students design and build a complex architecture from small-scale logic components. Coreq: EET 113 Fall

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 4

This course covers digital circuit and logic needed for electronic and computer engineering technology. Covers binary arithmetic, timing anlaysis, TTL, CMOS, logic gates, Boolean algebra, multiplexer, counter, adder, comparator, logic simulation, flip-flops, registers, and use of digital test equipment. Students design and build a complex architecture from small-scale logic components. Coreq: EET 113 Fall

Prerequisites: EET 141 

Credits: 4

Sequential cuircuits, logic timing, clock distribution, counter, LED display, shift register, transceiver, 555 timer, 555 oscillator, D/A converter, RAM, ROM, mass memory, synchronous logic, asynchronous logic, microprocessor-interfacing, testability, and simulation.

Prerequisites: EE 107, EET 142

200 Level

Credits: 3

Drafting principles involving use of computer electronic CAD software in laying out block diagrams, schematic diagrams, production drawings, graphical presentation of data, and printed circuit board layout and construction.

Prerequisites: EET 113

Credits: 4

An introduction to semiconductor theory and circuits: includes characteristics curves, biasing techniques and small signal analysis of FETs and MOSFETs, feedback concept, BJT and FETs frequency response. Prereq: EET 114 or concurrent

Prerequisites: EET 113 

Credits: 4

An introduction to differential amplifier, linear and nonlinear operational amplifiers, power amplifiers, linear digital ICs, oscillators, power supplies, D/A, A/D conversion, four layered devices and their applications.

Prerequisites: MATH 121, PHYS 211, EET 222

Credits: 4

A study of microcomputer hardware and software fundamentals, the instruction set and the addressing modes of a microprocessor/microcontroller, assembly programming, basic I/O concepts, parallel I/O methods, asynchronous serial I/O methods, synchronous serial I/O methods, A/D conversion, timer applications, and introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact to society. Spring

Prerequisites: EET 113

Credits: 1-4

Varied topics in Electronic and Computer Engineering Technology. May be repeated as topics change. Prereq: to be determined by course topic

Prerequisites: to be determined by course topic 

300 Level

Credits: 4

Several programming tools and their use in creating electronic hardware systems are covered in this course. Creating special-purpose hardware using numerical analysis programs written in C. Creating hardware utilizing Visual applications written in C. Use of scripting languages in hardware applications. Using Excel for input-output functions. Must be taken concurrently with MATH 180.

Prerequisites: MATH 180

Credits: 3

Instrumentation system design and integration with sensors, actuators and other electronic indicator components. Programming in a block diagram environment and with embedded C to interface different hardware components.

Prerequisites: EE 234 and EE 235 OR EET 254

Credits: 4

Create working programmable hardware using FPGA, GAL and other logic technology. Use industry standard tools such as Verilog, Xilinx, Orcad and Multisim along with development kits and extension boards to implement programmable systems. Interface LED displays, switches and I.O devices with programmable logic to create processing systems. Evolution of programming logic and analog circuits.

Prerequisites: EE 234 and EE 235 or EET 254

Credits: 2

An introduction to tools, equipment, materials, and techniques used in fabrication of electronic projects and printed circuit boards.

Prerequisites: EET 221

Credits: 4

Electrical power and magnetic circuit concepts, transformers, generators and motors (DC, synchronous, induction), special purpose motors, power-electronic motor drivers, prime movers/alternatives, generation, transmission/distribution, system stability/protection.

Prerequisites: EET 114, MATH 127, PHYS 212

Credits: 4

A study of a high performance microprocessor architecture. Applications of a microprocessor for monitoring and controlling systems will be studied. Optimal utilization of a microprocessors resources will be stressed. PC programming in assembly and a high level language.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-4

Elective credit for approved experience in off-campus work related to EET major.

Prerequisites: Permission required. 

Credits: 0

Curricular Practical Training: Co-Operative Experience is a zero-credit full-time practical training experience for one summer and an adjacent fall or spring term. Special rules apply to preserve full-time student status. Please contact an advisor in your program for complete information.

Prerequisites: EET 223. At least 60 credits earned; in good standing; instructor permission; co-op contract; other prerequisites may also apply.

400 Level

Credits: 4

An introduction to the basic foundations of computer networking. The course will encompass telecommunications, local area networks, wide area networks and wireless communication. Topics covered include OSI model, the TCP/IP MODEL, different network topologies and associated hardware, error detection and correction, protocols, and security.

Prerequisites: MATH 180, EET 384

Credits: 4

A continuation of EET 430. Router configurations, advanced LAN topologies, network configurations, protocols, and switching designs. Network troubleshooting and threaded case studies.

Prerequisites: EET 430 

Credits: 4

Design and prototyping of embedded systems including both hardware and software components. A variety of hardware, software, sensors and displays will be used depending on the embedded system requirements. Issues related to hardware and software specifications will be studied as well as appropriate documentation standards.

Prerequisites: MATH 180, EET 384

Credits: 3

Operational amplifier circuits utilized in filters, sensors, comparators, voltage regulators, device testing, measurement systems, multipliers, phase-locked loops, and A/D converters. Differential amplifier basics. Linear integrated circuit processing.

Prerequisites: MATH 127, EET 223

Credits: 3

Use of solid-state switching devices in the conversion and control of electrical energy for low power and high power applications such as switched-mode regulated DC power supplies, motor speed control, lighting control, uninterruptible power supplies and HVDC transmission.

Prerequisites: EET 222

Credits: 4

Communications principles and systems. Practical engineering aspects involved in modulation-demodulation, receivers, transmitters and filters. Also included are radiation and antennas, guided waves, microwaves and microwave systems. Course must be taken concurrently with STAT 221.

Prerequisites: EET 223

Credits: 1

Experiences with electronic equipment and instrumentation including maintenance, repair, calibration, safety and component identification. Prereq: 25 hours of EET courses, or consent

Prerequisites: 25 hours of EET courses, or consent 

Credits: 4

Automation components and subsystems involving sensors, transistors, logic, amplifiers, software, microprocessors, PLC's, actuators, encoders, stages, motors, controllers and drives. Students design, simulate, build, test and document automation systems for Capstone projects.

Prerequisites: EET 223, EET 384

Credits: 4

Continues building skills in automation components and subsystems involving sensors, transistors, logic, amplifiers, software, microprocessors, PLC's, actuators, encoders, stages, motors, controllers and drives. Students design, simulate, build, test and document automation systems for Capstone projects.

Prerequisites: EET 461 

Credits: 3

An overview of a communication system. Phase Shift Keying. Amplitude Shift Keying and Frequency Shift Keying. Coherent and non-coherent detection. Maximum likelihood receiver and Matched filter. Noise power, Noise figure, and Noise codes and convolution codes. Spread Spectrum Techniques.

Prerequisites: STAT 154, EET 456

Credits: 3

Overview of wireless communication and control systems. Characterization and measurement of RF networks. Transmission lines. Antennas. Radio wave propagation. Fading. Smith Chart. RF transistor amplifiers, oscillators and mixer/modulator circuits. Klystrons, magnetrons and TWTs. Spread spectrum techniques. SAW matched filters.

Prerequisites: PHYS 212, EET 223

Credits: 1-4


Prerequisites: none

Credits: 4

Semiconductor industry and overview of integrated circuit manufacturing, integrated circuit types, crystal growth and wafer manufacturing, physics of semiconductor materials, detail of major IC fabrication steps, process yield, semiconductor devices and integrated circuit formation, packaging, and semiconductor measurements, introduction to layout tools.

Prerequisites: EET 223 

Credits: 1

This class provides students pursuing a minor in Global Solutions in Engineering and Technology with an opportunity to explore a set of topics related to achieving success in advance of and following an international experience (internship, study abroad, etc.). Speakers will include faculty, graduate students, visiting researchers and industry members as well as student participants. Returning students will be required to participate in mentoring of students preparing for their international experience and provide written and/or oral presentations of various topics during the semester. This course is required both before and after participation in the international experience (min. 2 cr.)

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-6

Should be taken at end of junior year. Permission required. Pre: 40 hrs EET credits or written permission from program coordinator.

Prerequisites: none

Credits: 1-4

Varied topics in Electronic and Computer Engineering Technology. May be repeated as topics change. Prereq: to be determined by course topic

Prerequisites: to be determined by course topic 

Credits: 1-4


Prerequisites: none