Alcohol and Drug Studies (BS)


The Alcohol and Drug Studies major is an interdisciplinary program. The program prepares students to enter the addictions field or further their knowledge of addictions to strengthen their competency within other disciplines. The major provides students with the academic coursework necessary to pursue the Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC) credential through the Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy. Students are responsible for verifying their eligibility for credentialing with their respective credentialing boards. 

Catalog Year




Major Credits


Total Credits






National Addiction Studies Accreditation Commission

Program Requirements

Required General Education

A course in communication principles to develop skills in the analysis and presentation of speeches.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-1B

The course explores communication with people from other cultures, why misunderstandings occur and how to build clearer and more productive cross-cultural relationships.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-07, GE-08

Diverse Cultures: Purple

This course is designed to provide a thorough introduction to the broad spectrum of theories and applications that make up the field of psychology

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-05

Overview of the structure and processes of social life; impact of social forces on individuals and groups; interdependence of society and the individual; social significance of social class, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality; emphasis on critical analysis of social inequalities and injustice.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-05, GE-08

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Major Common Core

* Note: A total of 12 credit hours of HLTH 497 is required.

Strategies for establishing a group. A review of concepts related to group membership, group member roles and group techniques, therapeutic factors and leadership roles. An experiential component is included in this course.

Prerequisites: none

Provides the developing helping professional with an introduction to basic helping skills: attending, listening, responding to content and affect, probing, and providing feedback. The course is experiential in nature and includes small group interaction, videotaping, and role-playing simulations.

Prerequisites: none

Understanding the impact of chemical dependency on the family. Family counseling skills and relapse prevention strategies will also be included.

Prerequisites: none

This course provides information on a variety of topics related to chemical use, abuse and dependency. Students will be exposed to chemical dependency counseling, assessment and intervention techniques. Different drug classifications will be discussed in detail. Counselor core functions and ethics will be discussed also.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-05

The focus of this course is on the foundations of ethics and professionalism for addictions professionals. The course will cover professional and ethical codes as well as topics related to continued development as a professional.

Prerequisites: HLTH 225

This course provides information on characteristic and classifying information, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, behavioral effects, and pharmacotherapy options for drugs of abuse. The course will focus on the application of topics in alcohol and drug professional settings.

Prerequisites: HLTH 225

This course explores counseling theories and strategies and how they can be applied to clients in alcohol and drug treatment programs. The course also provides an overview of primary functions of addictions professionals and methods to deliver effective services.

Prerequisites: HLTH 225

This course is designed to provide students with practical knowledge and application techniques in assessing an individual with a chemical use/dependency problem. Various assessment techniques will be presented and discussed as to appropriate utilization. This course meets the criteria or Rule 25 training in Chemical Dependency Assessment.

Prerequisites: HLTH 225

The focus of this course is on assessment and treatment of persons with coexisting mental disorders as well as chemical dependency.

Prerequisites: HLTH 225

A concentrated pre-professional experience for those preparing for a career in chemical dependency counseling. All course work must be completed prior to placement. Student must schedule placement one semester in advance. Prereq: Completion of all Alcohol and Drug Studies required core courses.

Prerequisites: Completion of all Alcohol and Drug Studies required core courses.

Major Restricted Electives

Choose 12 Credit(s).


Any minor accepted.

4-Year Plan

The 4-Year Plan is a model for completing your degree in a timely manner. Your individual 4-Year plan may change based on a number of variables including transfer courses and the semester/year you start your major. Carefully work with your academic advisors to devise your own unique plan.
* Please meet with your advisor on appropriate course selection to meet your educational and degree goals.

First Year

Fall - 16 Credits

Overview of the structure and processes of social life; impact of social forces on individuals and groups; interdependence of society and the individual; social significance of social class, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality; emphasis on critical analysis of social inequalities and injustice.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-05, GE-08

Diverse Cultures: Purple

General Education Course * 3 credits

General Education Course * 3 credits

General Education Course * 3 credits

General Education Course * 3 credits

Spring - 16 Credits

This course is designed to provide a thorough introduction to the broad spectrum of theories and applications that make up the field of psychology

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-05

This course provides information on a variety of topics related to chemical use, abuse and dependency. Students will be exposed to chemical dependency counseling, assessment and intervention techniques. Different drug classifications will be discussed in detail. Counselor core functions and ethics will be discussed also.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-05

General Education Course * 3 credits

General Education Course * 3 credits

Second Year

Fall - 16 Credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

General Education Course * 3 credits

General Education Course * 3 credits

Elective Course in Minor * 3 credits

Spring - 15 Credits

Provides the developing helping professional with an introduction to basic helping skills: attending, listening, responding to content and affect, probing, and providing feedback. The course is experiential in nature and includes small group interaction, videotaping, and role-playing simulations.

Prerequisites: none

General Education Course * 3 credits

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Minor * 3 credits

General Elective Course * 3 credits

Third Year

Fall - 16 Credits

This course is designed to provide students with practical knowledge and application techniques in assessing an individual with a chemical use/dependency problem. Various assessment techniques will be presented and discussed as to appropriate utilization. This course meets the criteria or Rule 25 training in Chemical Dependency Assessment.

Prerequisites: HLTH 225

Elective Course in Major * 3 credits

Elective Course in Minor * 3 credits

Elective Course in Minor * 3 credits

General Elective Course * 3 credits

General Elective Course * 1 credits

Spring - 15 Credits

The focus of this course is on the foundations of ethics and professionalism for addictions professionals. The course will cover professional and ethical codes as well as topics related to continued development as a professional.

Prerequisites: HLTH 225

Strategies for establishing a group. A review of concepts related to group membership, group member roles and group techniques, therapeutic factors and leadership roles. An experiential component is included in this course.

Prerequisites: none

Understanding the impact of chemical dependency on the family. Family counseling skills and relapse prevention strategies will also be included.

Prerequisites: none

Elective Course in Minor * 3 credits

Elective Course in Minor * 3 credits

Fourth Year

Fall - 15 Credits

This course provides information on characteristic and classifying information, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, behavioral effects, and pharmacotherapy options for drugs of abuse. The course will focus on the application of topics in alcohol and drug professional settings.

Prerequisites: HLTH 225

This course explores counseling theories and strategies and how they can be applied to clients in alcohol and drug treatment programs. The course also provides an overview of primary functions of addictions professionals and methods to deliver effective services.

Prerequisites: HLTH 225

The focus of this course is on assessment and treatment of persons with coexisting mental disorders as well as chemical dependency.

Prerequisites: HLTH 225

Elective Course in Minor * 3 credits

General Elective Course * 3 credits

Spring - 12 Credits

A concentrated pre-professional experience for those preparing for a career in chemical dependency counseling. All course work must be completed prior to placement. Student must schedule placement one semester in advance. Prereq: Completion of all Alcohol and Drug Studies required core courses.

Prerequisites: none