Edu Tech for Adult and Prof Learners (GC)


The graduate certification in Professional Learning and Educational Technology is focused on leveraging technology to create positive change in education through adult and professional learning, partnerships, leadership, and design. Learners pursuing this graduate certificate will analyze and evaluate system-level inequities and apply technology-related models and strategies within their own context (i.e., classroom, department, school, organization). This certificate is for learners interested in building skills and experience in technology-supported leadership, adult learning theories, professional development, and community partnerships for teaching and learning. 

Catalog Year

Years 2024-2025



Major Credits


Total Credits




Career Cluster

Education and Training

Program Requirements

Common Core

This course will provide the learners with reflective and practical experiences for the integration of accessibility, technology and learning. Students will explore student characteristics and needs, learning goals and experiences, accessibility tools, differentiated instruction, and technology to design and evaluate integrated lesson plans.

Prerequisites: none

Learners will examine existing systems for equity of access, use, distribution, and infrastructure and the implications this has for learning communities. Learners will research, design, and create technology plans using data, processes, and procedures to address inequities.

Prerequisites: none

This course will include analysis, synthesis, application, and evaluation of approaches to design in education. Learners will critically review design models and technology use as applied in education and the research that supports them to analyze how design can reduce barriers to learning and can increase equitable access to learning. Learners will analyze and apply design models and technology use to evaluate, adapt, and create student-centered learning experiences and instructional materials. Learners will analyze and apply strategies for teaching a design-based approach to problem solving and inquiry.

Prerequisites: none

Learners will design professional learning that leverages technology to create equity-centered, authentic, and engaging experiences to work towards eliminating education disparities. Learners will examine theories and practice for adult learning, engagement, and ongoing support through coaching and mentoring to best serve diverse education communities.

Prerequisites: none