Art History Minor


Art history minor supports any number of majors as students learn to look carefully, analyze information, and produce original research that clarifies why art matters. Courses provide a chronological overview of the history of world art and opportunities for obtaining real-world experience. 

Catalog Year

Years 2024-2025



Total Credits




Career Cluster

Arts, Audio/Video, Technology, and Communications

Program Requirements


NOTE: Students who declare a major in art may choose to minor in art history; however only 50% of the art history courses selected to count toward the major in art may also count toward the minor in art history

Introduction to art history from prehistoric and ancient cultures through the Middle Ages. Includes representative examples and styles of art and architecture of Western (Europe and the Near East) and non-Western cultures (China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia, Africa, Mesoamerica, South America, North America, Australia).

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-08

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Lecture-based survey of the Art and Architecture of both Western and non-Western countries from the thirteenth through twentieth centuries.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-08

Restricted Electives

Choose 12 Credit(s).

This course analyzes relationships between art and politics from ancient times through today, exploring uses of art from persuasion to overt propaganda in visual arts and architecture. It will deal with diverse cultures, covering material from a global perspective.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-08

Introduction to art and architecture of Western Europe, the Byzantine Empire, and the Islamic world, from the second to the fifteenth centuries. Examination of representative works of art and major styles of Christian, Jewish, and Islamic cultures, including the Romanesque and Gothic periods.

Prerequisites: ART 260 or consent

Historical survey of the representation of gender with comparison of the artistic efforts of males and females and examination of art used to present gender-based issues including homosexuality, feminism, censorship and pornography.

Prerequisites: ART 261 or consent

Introduction to the art and architecture of the ancient era in its historical and cultural frameworks. Examination of representative works of art and major styles of ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Aegean, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman cultures.

Prerequisites: ART 260 or consent

Origins and development of Northern and Italian Renaissance art and architecture as an expression of historical, cultural and religious issues.

Prerequisites: ART 261 or consent

Historical survey of art, architecture and urban planning in Europe and America from the late sixteenth to mid-nineteenth century: Mannerism, Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism and Romanticism.

Prerequisites: ART 392, ART 406

Historical survey of art, architecture and urban planning in Europe and America from the mid-nineteenth century to the present: Realism, Impressionism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism, Op Art, Pop Art, and Post-modern issues and trends.

Prerequisites: ART 261 or consent

Historical survey of art and architectural developments from Islam's origins through the twentieth century. Course focuses on contextualizing monuments, paintings, and other arts from various regions around the world.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Survey of Graphic Design, Industrial Design and Architecture from historical and theoretical perspectives. Design issues examined from formal and contextual points of view, using analysis strategies that consider style, composition, historical context, functional/propagandistic significance and communicative ability.

Prerequisites: none

Historical survey of the art and architecture of China, India, Korea and Japan from pre-history to the 20th century.

Prerequisites: ART 260, ART 261 or consent

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Investigation of developments in sacred and secular art and architecture in various regions of the world, exploring themes such as nation-building, modernization vs. tradition, post colonialism among others, since the 19th century.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Specific problems in art emphasizing both individual research and contributions to the seminar group on advanced, in-depth topics.

Prerequisites: Consent

Lecture/discussion/studio course on a selected area of discourse relating to the study of Art History, Art Criticism, Art Education or Art Studio. May focus on a specific artist, style period, cultural group or technical or methodological problem.

Prerequisites: none