Aviation (BS) Aeronautics


Our goal is to educate students to become professionals responsible for the safe and efficient design, management, and operation of aviation systems. The program combines a substantive university education with professional flight, UAS, and management components to graduate well prepared aviation professionals. Acquisition of airmanship knowledge, skills, and abilities develops professionalism, responsibility, self-reliance, and marketable skills for early career progressions, and provides important experiences which ensure a level of understanding and competency essential to becoming an effective aviation leader.

Effective August 1, 2016, the Aviation programs and courses do not qualify for GI Bill® or VA education benefits.

Catalog Year

Years 2024-2025


Bachelor of Science

Major Credits


Total Credits




Career Cluster

Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics

Program Requirements

Required General Education

MATH 112 or higher is required

Concepts of algebra (real numbers, exponents, polynomials, rational expressions), equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations and inequalities, matrices and determinants, conic sections, sequences and series, probability, and binomial theorem.

Prerequisites: Satisfy Placement Table in this section, or MATH 098 with grade of P.

Goal Areas: GE-04

A one semester course which covers the basic principles of physics on a conceptual level and with a minimal amount of math. The course provides an understanding of natural processes and their applications. Topics generally include mechanics, simple machines, atomic structure, heat, light and sound. Lecture and laboratory components.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-03

Major Common Core

Required for new students entering the Aviation Program. Course covers academic planning, degree audits, flight lab registration and completion requirements, and tips that students can apply to achieve success in the program.

Prerequisites: none

A study of how aviation fits into our modern world, relation to business, and contribution to the economy. Study of aviation as a visible alternative in transportation.

Prerequisites: none

A study of basic aeronautical knowledge including principals of flight, aerodynamics, aviation regulations, weather, visual and instrument navigation, and emergencies. The course meets, but is not limited to 14 CFR 61.105. Satisfactory completion of this course may result in an endorsement for the FAA Private Pilot written exam.

Prerequisites: none

A study of physics and aerodynamic principals of flight and propulsion systems. The nature of aerodynamic forces are explained. Flight principals of lighter-than-Air, airplane, glider, rotorcraft and powered lift are covered in detail.

Prerequisites: PHYS 101, MATH 112. Select 1 course: AVIA 150 or AVIA 240

Provides an understanding of management and financial techniques related to aviation businesses. Generally accepted and proven business techniques and proven business techniques are applied to the aviation setting.

Prerequisites: none

To instruct the student relative to legal implications of aircraft ownership, leases, rentals, and overall aircraft operation. Emphasis is placed on the understanding of liability and negligence from the operator and pilot standpoints.

Prerequisites: none

The understanding and implementation of safe operating procedures. Assists the student in arriving at proper decisions related to periods of stress when operating as pilot in command. Various FAA regulations and standard and safe operating procedures are also discussed.

Prerequisites: AVIA 150

A study of various techniques designed to enhance management and leadership methods. Emphasizes decision-making and judgment skills as well as methods to improve effective communication and skills to develop a productive work environment for flight crew and other airline personnel.

Prerequisites: Select 1 course: AVIA 150 or AVIA 240

An examination of the processes involved in weather formation. Students will be introduced to weather map analysis, simple forecasting and observational techniques, and weather instruments.

Prerequisites: none

Emphasis Unrestricted Electives

Note: A plan of study must be completed and approved by the Aviation Department for this emphasis. Faculty advising is required.

Choose 48 Credit(s).

Prerequisites: none


Admission to Major

Students must meet the following requirements:

  • a minimum of 30 earned semester credit hours.
  • a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75
  • a minimum of C+ in the first ground school course (AVIA 150, 240, or 250)