Business Administration (BBA)
The degree prepares students to be the leaders of tomorrow by developing strong communication and leadership skills. To that end, we are dedicated to equipping students with quantitative and qualitative reasoning abilities, and long-term planning skills.
Years 2024-2025
Bachelor of Business Administration
Business, Management, and Administration
Program Requirements
Required General Education
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-05
Prerequisites: Satisfy Placement Table in this section, or MATH 098 with grade of P.
Goal Areas: GE-04
Prerequisites: Satisfy Placement Table in this section, or MATH 098 with grade of P.
Goal Areas: GE-02, GE-04
Major Common Core
Prerequisites: MATH 112 or MATH 115or MATH 121 or MATH 130 or MATH 181
Prerequisites: ACCT 200
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-05
Prerequisites: ACCT 200
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: ISYS 101 or CIS 101
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: ECON 207
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: FINA 362, MRKT 210, MGMT 230, MGMT 346
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: MRKT 210
4-Year Plan
The 4-Year Plan is a model for completing your degree in a timely manner. Your individual 4-Year plan may change based on a number of variables including transfer courses and the semester/year you start your major. Carefully work with your academic advisors to devise your own unique plan.
* Please meet with your advisor on appropriate course selection to meet your educational and degree goals.
First Year
Fall - 15 Credits
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-05
Spring - 16 Credits
Prerequisites: Satisfy Placement Table in this section, or MATH 098 with grade of P.
Goal Areas: GE-04
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-05
Second Year
Fall - 15 Credits
Prerequisites: MATH 112 or MATH 115or MATH 121 or MATH 130 or MATH 181
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Spring - 16 Credits
Prerequisites: Satisfy Placement Table in this section, or MATH 098 with grade of P.
Goal Areas: GE-02, GE-04
Prerequisites: ACCT 200
Prerequisites: none
Third Year
Fall - 14 Credits
Prerequisites: ISYS 101 or CIS 101
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Spring - 15 Credits
Prerequisites: MRKT 210
Prerequisites: ECON 207
Prerequisites: none
Fourth Year
Fall - 15 Credits
Prerequisites: ACCT 200
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Spring - 14 Credits
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: FINA 362, MRKT 210, MGMT 230, MGMT 346
Prerequisites: none
Transfer Pathways
A Transfer Pathway is a partnership between the Minnesota community colleges and Minnesota State University, Mankato. The Pathway suggests a plan for students with a specific associate degree to complete the last two years for a designated bachelor’s degree.
Students who are transferring to Minnesota State Mankato from a Minnesota community college should meet with an advisor in your college advising office to ensure the Pathway is an appropriate option for completing your degree.
More information on Transfer Pathways is available at
Third Year
Fall - 16 Credits
Prerequisites: ISYS 101 or CIS 101
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Spring - 15 Credits
Prerequisites: MRKT 210
Prerequisites: ECON 207
Prerequisites: none
Fourth Year
Fall - 14 Credits
Prerequisites: ACCT 200
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Spring - 15 Credits
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: FINA 362, MRKT 210, MGMT 230, MGMT 346
Prerequisites: none
Admissions: Business Administration BBA is an online degree completion program. Typically an associate's degree in Business is required to start BBA classes, however, multiple criteria are considered for admission.
Transfer Pathway: This BBA is a Transfer Pathway partnership between MNSU, Mankato and Minnesota community colleges. For additional information regarding application and admissions questions, visit
Graduation Requirements
GPA Policy: Students must earn a passing grade in each course and maintain an overall GPA of a 2.0 past 60 credits to avoid academic warning. Students must earn an average GPA of 2.0 to graduate.
Transfer students must complete a minimum of 30 resident credits at the upper-division (300-400) level in the College of Business at Minnesota State Mankato. Transfer students pursuing a major in the College of Business must complete at least 50% (one-half) of their major coursework at Minnesota State Mankato.