Chiropractic (Pre-Chiropractic)

Catalog Year

Years 2024-2025

Total Credits




Career Cluster

Health Science

College of Science Engineering and Technology

Chiropractic is a pre-professional program. The purpose of pre-professional programs is to provide students with the intellectual and academic backgrounds they will need before continuing their education in degrees not offered at Minnesota State Mankato. Acceptance to professional educational institutions is contingent upon academic performance, so students enrolling in pre-professional programs should be highly motivated and realize they are expected to maintain standards of excellence. Advisors play an important role in guiding the students enrolled in such programs so students are urged to contact the advisor before enrolling.

The program meets the requirements for admission to most chiropractic schools. Students in the pre-chiropractic program should regularly consult with the pre-chiropractic advisor, since admissions requirements are subject to change.

Required General Education (33 credits)

  • COMM 102 Public Speaking (3)
  • ENG 101 Composition (4)
  • MATH 112 College Algebra (4)*
  • MATH 113 Trigonometry (3)*
  • PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychological Science (4)
  • An additional 15 elective credits from Humanities or Social Sciences

Required for Major (Core, 34-35 credits)

  • BIOL 105 General Biology I (4)
  • BIOL 106 General Biology II (4)
  • CHEM 201 General Chemistry I (5)
  • CHEM 202 General Chemistry II (5)
  • CHEM 322 Organic Chemistry I (4)
  • PHYS 211 Principles of Physics I (4)
  • PHYS 212 Principles of Physics II (4) OR
  • HP 348 Structural Kinesiology and Biomechanics (3)

Required Electives (16 credits)

  • A minimum of 90 hours are required to complete this program. The student should consult with the pre-chiropractic advisor in selecting the remaining elective credits.

Recommended Support Courses (3 credits)

  • HLTH 321 Medical Terminology (3)