Engineering (Pre-Engineering)

Catalog Year

Years 2024-2025

Total Credits




Career Cluster

Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

College of Science, Engineering & Technology

Choose either MSU Mankato Option or Transfer Option

MSU Mankato Option

Course guidelines are intended for students uncertain of a specific engineering major, but plan to enter one of the Minnesota State Mankato engineering programs after their first academic year.

  • COMM 102 Public Speaking (3)
  • CHEM 201 General Chemistry I (5)
  • ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) OR
  • ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
  • ENG 101 Composition (4)
  • MATH 121 Calculus I (4)
  • MATH 122 Calculus II (4)
  • PHYS 221 General Physics I (4)

Student should explore their primary engineering interests at Minnesota State Mankato by enrolling in an introductory engineering course, such as EE 106 (3), ME 101 (2), or CIVE 101 (2). In addition, they should discuss their interests with their Pre-Engineering advisor and department chairpersons.

Transfer Option

Course for students who plan to begin at Minnesota State Mankato and later transfer to another college or university engineering program. Engineering fields and institutions differ in their requirements, and students should contact programs they wish to enter for guidance. Courses are not guaranteed to provide required preparation for any specific program. Students should discuss plans with the CSET Advising Center and the university (or universities) to which they plan to transfer.

  • CHEM 201 General Chemistry I (5)
  • COMM 102 Public Speaking (3)
  • ENG 101 Composition (4)
  • ENG 271W Technical Communications (4)
  • MATH 121 Calculus I (4)
  • MATH 122 Calculus II (4)
  • MATH 223 Calculus III (4)
  • PHYS 221 General Physics I (4)
  • PHYS 222 General Physics II (4)