Geography (BS)
The Geography BS allows students to study the relationships and interactions between people and our environment, and it prepares them to use cutting-edge geospatial technologies to solve real-world problems. The Geography BS offers broad regional and systematic study related to the environment and people. Environmental and physical geography focuses on weather, climate, soils, rivers, landforms, and natural resources, while cultural geography explores spatial systems related to development, economy, energy, migration, population, health, and religion. Courses in geospatial technologies provide students with high demand skills in Geographic Information Systems, Global Positioning Systems, satellite remote sensing, and digital cartography. The Geography BS provides students a valuable perspective on human-environmental interaction and allows them to choose a minor in another discipline to complement their specific interest areas. The Geography BS provides the background to enable students to enter careers in the public and private sectors, as well as prepare them for graduate study.
Years 2024-2025
Bachelor of Science
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Program Requirements
Major Common Core
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-03, GE-10
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-05, GE-08
Diverse Cultures: Purple
Prerequisites: none
Major Restricted Electives
Cultural-Systematic - Choose 3 Credit(s). GEOG 409 Selected Topics with the title Geography of Health or Population Geography may be substituted for Cultural-Systematic elective with departmental permission.
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-10
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Diverse Cultures: Purple
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Physical - Choose 3 - 4 Credit(s).
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: GEOG 217
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: Either Geog 101 or Geol 121 and Geog 315 or 415 are recommended. Or instructor consent.
Prerequisites: Either GEOG 101 or ANTH 210; We strongly encourage students to take GEOG 315 before enrolling. Geol 121 can be substituted for GEOG 101 with instructor permission.
Prerequisites: none
Regional - Choose 3 Credit(s). GEOG 409 Selected Topics: Geography of South Asia may be substituted for Regional elective with departmental permission.
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-05, GE-08
Diverse Cultures: Purple
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Capstone Experience - Choose 1 - 4 Credit(s).
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: Consent
Techniques - Choose 3 - 4 Credit(s).
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-03, GE-10
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: GEOG 373 or equivalent
Prerequisites: GEOG 373
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: GEOG 373, GEOG 474
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: GEOG 373, or 473/573, or permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: GEOG 373
Prerequisites: GEOG 373
Prerequisites: GEOG 373
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Major Unrestricted Electives
Additional Electives - Choose 6 - 11 Credit(s). Total credits in major must equal or exceed 32. Take number of credits needed to reach 32.
Prerequisites: none
Required Minor: Yes. Any.Policies
Admission to Major. Admission to major is granted by the department. Contact the department for application procedures.
Pass/No Credit Policy. P/N grading will be accepted in the major only for GEOG 401: Colloquium, and GEOG 497: Internship, and GEOG 409: Selected Topics at the instructor's discretion. All other courses must be taken for letter grades.
Combined Bachelor’s and MS GISc Program. Current undergraduate students interested in pursuing the Master of Science in Geographical Information Science (MS GISc) degree may be granted permission to double count up to 12 credits of GISc classes from the "Restricted Electives" list of MS GISc program toward both the undergraduate and the MS GISc program. To apply for this option, students must have completed their sophomore year, have and maintain a GPA of at least 3.0, and declare their intent to complete the graduate program following the completion of the baccalaureate degree. If accepted, students must obtain special permission to register for double counted courses and will receive graduate student credit when the undergraduate degree has been conferred and they have been fully admitted to the MS GISc program. Please contact the department for detailed information.