Latin American Studies Minor

Catalog Year

Years 2024-2025



Total Credits




Career Cluster

People and Cultures

Program Requirements

Restricted Electives

Foundation Courses - Choose 6 - 8 Credit(s).

The contemporary peoples and cultures of Mexico and Central and South America. Emphasis is on cultural patterns and contemporary issues of the region.

Prerequisites: ANTH 101, ANTH 230, or consent

Regional geography covering the ecological and human environment of Middle and South America, including the Caribbean. Students can pick specific topics to study in detail. The geographic relations between the USA and Latin America are also covered.

Prerequisites: none

This course traces the history of Latin America from the late colonial period through the present as the various countries in the region attempted to transcend their colonial past and confront the pressures of modernization and globalization.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Major cultural and historical aspects of Latin America from pre-colonial times to the present. Prereq: Two years university level Spanish or equivalent

Prerequisites: Two years university level Spanish or equivalent

Extended Study Courses - Choose 9 - 10 Credit(s). No more than two courses may come from a single discipline

A detailed study of Latin American archaeology from ca. 12,000 years ago to ca.1900, with a focus on diverse and changing Native American populations.

Prerequisites: none

This course surveys the origins and development of Chicana/o and Latina/o literature, from oral narratives, early poetry, and narrative fiction and memoirs, through the Chicano Movement and the emergence of Chicana/o literature and drama. The course also examines contemporary Chicana/o and Latina/o narrative fiction, including issues related to im/migration, the urban experience, Chicana/o and Latina/o subjectivity, and the reappropriation and reinterpretation of myths, legends, and cultural figures in transnational context.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

This course traces the rise and fall of the Spanish and Portuguese Empires in America. Specific focus is given to the interactions between the European, African, and indigenous populations as they formulated societies in the Americas.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

This course includes a detailed analysis of select countries and theoretical concerns in Latin American studies. Its general goal is to provide students with the knowledge of Latin American politics and societies in both regional and comparative contexts.

Prerequisites: POL 241

Topics vary: major writers from Spanish America; Spanish American novel; Spanish American poetry; Spanish American drama; Spanish American short story; romanticism, the Mexican novel. May be repeated for credit. Prereq: Completion of 4 credits of 300 level or equivalent

Prerequisites: Completion of 4 credits of 300 level or equivalent

Topics will vary. May be repeated for credit. Study for credit must be approved by the department prior to departure.

Prerequisites: Two years university level Spanish

Topics will vary. May be repeated for credit. Prereq: Two years university level Spanish

Prerequisites: Two years university level Spanish

The course is designed to help advanced Spanish students identify similarities and differences between Spanish and Portuguese and begin developing Portuguese productive language skills and cultural competency through comparative practice.

Prerequisites: SPAN 201W. Completion of one 300 level Spanish course or equivalent intermediate-midproficiency level of Spanish for admission to the course. See department for language proficiency evaluation information or instructor permission.