Media Studies (BA)

Catalog Year

Years 2024-2025


Bachelor of Arts

Major Credits


Total Credits




Career Cluster

Arts, Audio/Video, Technology, and Communications

Program Requirements

Required General Education

Nature, functions, responsibilities and effects of the media in contemporary society.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-09

Diverse Cultures: Purple

Major Common Core

Exploration of the basic principles of visual media design, stressing the significance of images in a mass media society. Special focus on contextualizing historial and technological changes affecting image production for mass media.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-07

Diverse Cultures: Purple

The course provides explanations and analysis of the historical evolution of American mass communication from the colonial period of the 1600s to the present. Students will study media history within the broader contexts of American social and cultural history. Developing a deeper understanding of how mass media evolved will lead to a deeper and more effective comprehension of the roles and effects of mass communication in today's society.

Prerequisites: none

This course focuses on the theory and criticism of mass communication in global contexts. It trains students to analyze and evaluate global media in cultural contexts toward becoming media literate consumers and producers. Course is taught in English.

Prerequisites: none

Major Restricted Electives

Choose 8 Credit(s).

This course is divided into two sections. First, the class explores ethical parameters involved in communication from a variety of social, cultural, and disciplinary perspectives. Second, the class investigates historic and contemporary standards and issues involving freedom of speech and press.

Prerequisites: none

Students explore storytelling and other communicative practices to create and sustain the communities in which we live. Students explore rituals, symbols, and places perceived as mundane. Students analyze and reconstruct why community practices make up the foundation of our civic lives.

Prerequisites: none

Instruction in the fundamental concepts, terminology, techniques and applications of digital imaging in mass communication. Development of the basic skills necessary to design, create, manage and distribute photographic and video digital images in mass communication.

Prerequisites: none

This course interrogates difference as a communicative production. Students will examine social identities - in the form of race, social class, sex/gender/sexuality, age, and ability - as socially constructed communication phenomena used to understand the self and others. The course will involve both historical and contemporary investigations of how social identities have been produced through time, and how they continue to affect - and be affected by - everyday communication practices. In short, this course will investigate the dynamic relationship between culture and identity, and how communication facilitates that relationship.

Prerequisites: none

This class uses a critical and cultural approach to explore the intersections of gender, race, and media across multiple media platforms, including film, television, news, social media, and other emerging media.

Prerequisites: none

A critical analysis of contemporary social movement discourse and the means for advocacy by a movement. We examine communication theories, issues, trends, social movement processes, advocacy strategies, and how it all ties back into the field of contemporary communication studies.

Prerequisites: none

Grassroots campaigning is a proven strategy of civic discourse, engagement, and advocacy. Grassroots organizing works from the bottom up and is uniquely suited to engage historically marginalized constituencies and to amplify the voiced of traditionally excluded populations. This course emphasizes a practical, skills-based approach grassroots advocacy using communication strategies and tactics.

Prerequisites: none

Discussion and hands-on experience involving mass media activities. Topic varies.

Prerequisites: none

Major Unrestricted Electives

Choose 12 Credit(s).

Other Graduation Requirements

Choose 8 credit(s): take one series Language


Required Minor: Yes. Any.


Double-Counting Credits: Students may not double-count courses between majors or minors in the department of Communication and Media.

COMM 110 and COMM 221W may be taken concurrently with department permission.

COMM 498 and COMM 499 Limits: Students may apply no more than 8 credits of COMM 498 and 4 credits of COMM 499 to fulfillment of a major. Additional credits may be applied for graduation requirements.

Internship Requirements (COMM 497, COMM 498): In compliance with federal policy, standard expectations are 45 hours of on-site internship experience for each credit hour earned.

P/N Grading: Total credits in the department must not exceed 25 percent P/N for a major.