Music Education (BS) Vocal/General Music (K-12)

Catalog Year

Years 2024-2025


Bachelor of Science

Major Credits


Total Credits




Career Cluster

Education and Training



Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation

Program Requirements

Required General Education

Complete all courses below - Choose 9 Credit(s). Note: An additional 2 credits may be counted for General Education Goal Area 11: Performance and Participation

Addresses drugs and drug use from psychological, behavioral, pharmacological, historical, legal and clinical perspectives - while examining the effects of drug use on personal health and social functioning.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-05

Study of interpersonal skills, motivation, and group skills. Applied to educational settings. There will be 30 hours of field experience outside of class (collaborative for KSP 222 and 220W). Meets State of Minnesota human relations requirement for teacher licensure.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-07, GE-11

Diverse Cultures: Gold

Explore the musics of the world and the cultures that they came from. Participation in off-campus musical events (concert/celebration/festival) required.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-08

Diverse Cultures: Gold

Major Common Core

This course is a survey of music education in the United States, and it will introduce the field of music education to prospective music teachers. Students will explore the development of music in schools, skills needed for successful careers in education, as well as trends and issues in the field.

Prerequisites: none

Part 1 of a three-course sequence focusing on music theory, sight-singing, ear training, and piano skills.

Prerequisites: none

Part 2 of a three-course sequence focusing on music theory, sight-singing, ear training, and piano skills.

Prerequisites: none

Part 3 of a three-course sequence focusing on music theory, sight-singing, ear training, and piano skills.

Prerequisites: none

Required of all music education majors. Techniques and methods leading to licensure to teach General Music K-12. Music majors only.

Prerequisites: none

This pedagogical ensemble is part of the music education sequence, and this course allows students to focus on the skills needed for successful teaching in school music settings.

Prerequisites: none

Major Restricted Electives

Private Instruction - Choose 7 Credit(s).

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Introducing fundamental healthy vocal technique, practice techniques, performance practices, collaborative musicianship, stage deportment, basic solfege, and elements of critical listening. Learning skills that are applied to private study for all music majors and minors. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: none

Private instruction in jazz. This instruction would be individualized to the areas of focus of individual students (i.e. jazz improvisation, jazz theory, jazz arranging).

Prerequisites: none

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Audition required. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor required.

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor required.

Initial preparations for capstone experience through performances and possible junior recital; Advanced techniques in pedagogy; Collaborative and independent musicianship developed; Introduction to entrepreneurial skills; Service or in-service activities. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor required.

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Audition required. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Upper Level Jury, and consent, permission of instructor.

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor.

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor.

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor.

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor.

Audition required.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor.

Ensembles - Choose 7 Credit(s).

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-11

No audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-11

A select group of approximately 20 singers who perform works for small ensemble. The group tours regularly in the state and in the region. Prereq: audition required

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-11

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-11

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-11

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-11

A select group of wind and percussion players. Open to all students who play a band instrument. Concerts on and off campus. Prereq: audition required

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-11

No audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-11

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-11

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-11

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-11

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-06, GE-11

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-11

Audition required.

Prerequisites: MUS 299

No audition required.

Prerequisites: MUS 299. Permission

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

No audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Audition required.

Prerequisites: none

Audition required

Prerequisites: none

Music History - Required: 3 credits of Music History level 1 and 3 credits of Music History level 2.

Music History 1 - Choose either the writing intensive (W) or the non-writing intensive section.

This writing-intensive course focuses on the repertory of Western Music from prehistory through 1800. It examines the ways that culture and patronage impacted music developments, and focuses on techniques appropriate to research, including finding, evaluating, and using sources.

Prerequisites: ENG 101, MUSC 131

Musical styles of western culture prior to 1800. There is a particular focus on developing the skills for teaching the content in K-12 teaching.

Prerequisites: MUS 231, MUS 232, ENG 101

Music History 2 - Choose either the writing intensive (W) or the non-writing intensive section.

This writing-intensive course focuses on the repertory of Western Music from 1800 to the present. It examines the ways that culture and patronage impacted music developments, and focuses on techniques appropriate to research, including finding, evaluating, and using sources.

Prerequisites: ENG 101, MUS 131

Musical styles of western culture after 1800. There is a particular focus on developing the skills for teaching the content in K-12 teaching.

Prerequisites: MUS 231, MUS 232, ENG 101

Emphasis Common Core

Part 1 of a three-course sequence in choral music education methods.

Prerequisites: none

This pedagogical ensemble is part of the music education sequence, and this course allows students to focus on the skills needed for successful conducting in school music settings.

Prerequisites: none

Principles of applied voice instruction and application of healthy vocal techniques.

Prerequisites: none

Part 2 of a three-course sequence in instrumental music education methods.

Prerequisites: none

Part 3 of a three-course sequence in choral music methods.

Prerequisites: none

Other Graduation Requirements

See the K-12 Teaching Programs section of the catalog for admission requirements for professional education and for a list of required professional education courses.
All students seeking a teaching license must meet and maintain the requirements to be admitted into professional education.

4-Year Plan

The 4-Year Plan is a model for completing your degree in a timely manner. Your individual 4-Year plan may change based on a number of variables including transfer courses and the semester/year you start your major. Carefully work with your academic advisors to devise your own unique plan.
* Please meet with your advisor on appropriate course selection to meet your educational and degree goals.

First Year

Fall - 9 Credits

Part 1 of a three-course sequence focusing on music theory, sight-singing, ear training, and piano skills.

Prerequisites: none

This writing-intensive course focuses on the repertory of Western Music from prehistory through 1800. It examines the ways that culture and patronage impacted music developments, and focuses on techniques appropriate to research, including finding, evaluating, and using sources.

Prerequisites: ENG 101, MUSC 131

Spring - 9 Credits

This course is a survey of music education in the United States, and it will introduce the field of music education to prospective music teachers. Students will explore the development of music in schools, skills needed for successful careers in education, as well as trends and issues in the field.

Prerequisites: none

Part 2 of a three-course sequence focusing on music theory, sight-singing, ear training, and piano skills.

Prerequisites: none

Second Year

Fall - 9 Credits

Part 3 of a three-course sequence focusing on music theory, sight-singing, ear training, and piano skills.

Prerequisites: none

This writing-intensive course focuses on the repertory of Western Music from 1800 to the present. It examines the ways that culture and patronage impacted music developments, and focuses on techniques appropriate to research, including finding, evaluating, and using sources.

Prerequisites: ENG 101, MUS 131

Spring - 8 Credits

Part 1 of a three-course sequence in choral music education methods.

Prerequisites: none

Principles of applied voice instruction and application of healthy vocal techniques.

Prerequisites: none

Third Year

Fall - 14 Credits

Teacher candidates will develop skills to access information and integrate technology to improve learning for PK-12 students. Teacher candidates research, select, and evaluate information about diverse populations to design classroom applications using a wide variety of instructional technology.

Prerequisites: none

Study of interpersonal skills, motivation, and group skills. Applied to educational settings. There will be 30 hours of field experience outside of class (collaborative for KSP 222 and 220W). Meets State of Minnesota human relations requirement for teacher licensure.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-07, GE-11

Diverse Cultures: Gold

Teacher candidates develop understanding of cognitive, language, personal and social development for implications on teaching in the inclusive classroom. Dispositions and skills will be developed for recognizing and accommodating exceptionality in student learning.

Prerequisites: none

Required of all music education majors. Techniques and methods leading to licensure to teach General Music K-12. Music majors only.

Prerequisites: none

This pedagogical ensemble is part of the music education sequence, and this course allows students to focus on the skills needed for successful teaching in school music settings.

Prerequisites: none

Spring - 11 Credits

Directing and accompanying large vocal ensembles from the keyboard.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

The course is designed to guide K-12 and 5-12 teacher candidates through the design, implementation, and assessment of a standards-based curriculum. Candidates will analyze standards, create assessments, and design and delivery of instruction in a field-site.

Prerequisites: none

Part 2 of a three-course sequence in instrumental music education methods.

Prerequisites: none

Fourth Year

Fall - 14 Credits

Part 1 of a three-course sequence in choral music education methods.

Prerequisites: none

Teacher candidates will further develop processes for creating and sustaining a classroom learning environment that enables success for all learners, including interacting with diverse families, school colleagues, and representatives from community agencies to support student engagement and learning. Co-reqs: KSP 440 & KSP 442

Prerequisites: none

Teacher candidates will develop skills in differentiated instruction, reading and content-based literacy in inclusive classrooms. Teacher candidates will integrate prior knowledge of diverse learners, developmental models of learning, and curriculum and instruction into a comprehensive understanding of teaching. Co-reqs: KSP 440 & KSP 442

Prerequisites: none

Part 3 of a three-course sequence in choral music methods.

Prerequisites: none

Demonstrate mastery of musicianship skills through performance, conducting, arranging, collaboration and/or other creative activities, considering multiple musical genres. Demonstration of an awareness of social/historical context of music through a written/an or oral presentation. Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills.

Prerequisites: none

Spring - 12 Credits

Content focus is on professional rights, responsibilities, and development; student rights and responsibilities; and legal issues regarding data privacy and confidentiality. Skills of professional development, inquiry, reflection, coaching, and collaboration will be developed, practiced, and monitored.

Prerequisites: none

Student teaching in the K-12 schools including weekly seminar for K-12 majors. Prereq: Admission to student teaching and KSP 420. Coreq: KSP 475

Prerequisites: Admission to student teaching.