Science Teaching (K-12)
Years 2024-2025
Education and Training
See degree requirements under the following areas in the catalog:
- Biology Teaching (5-12)
- Chemistry Teaching (9-12)
- Earth Science Teaching (5-12)
- Physics Teaching (5-12)
The Earth Science Teaching, Life Science Teaching, and Physics Teaching majors require the 31 credit general core. All science teaching majors require a science emphasis that ranges from 27-35 credits of science and science teaching methods courses. In addition, the student must complete a 30-credit professional education component and the 3-credit Drug Education course.
The science teaching program meets specific competencies to meet professional accreditation and licensure requirements. To stay within the required degree limits of 120-credit hours, students are strongly advised to select courses within the 44-credit general education program that meet both teaching program and general education needs. It is important for the student to meet with their advisor to assist with program planning.
A minor is not required for any of the science teaching programs; however, to broaden one's teaching opportunities, double majors are encouraged. For further details, the student should check with one of the science teaching advisors for an overview of available opportunities.
GPA Policy. Students obtaining a degree in science teaching must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 in the sciences. Students who are not science teaching majors should consult an advisor concerning possible additional course requirements.
P/N Grading Policy. Courses leading to a degree in science teaching may not be taken on a P/N basis except where P/N grading is mandatory.
Chemistry 9-12 BS Teaching Policies
Program policies for the Chemistry 9-12 teaching majors are detailed in the policies and information section of the Chemistry programs. Chemistry 9-12 majors are encouraged to meet with their Chemistry advisor to set up their plan of study early.
Life Science Teaching Policies
Admission to Major is granted by the department.
Admission requirements are:
- 32 earned semester hours including BIOL 105, BIOL 106, BIOL 211, and CHEM 201 with a grade of "C" or better.
- For Life Science Teaching majors, the combined GPA for BIOL 105, BIOL 106, BIOL 211, and CHEM 201 must be 2.4 or better.
- Completed General Education Goal Area 4 (Mathematics)
- Completed G
- eneral Education Goal Area 1, Part A (English Composition)
- A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.2, with a cumulative GPA in Biology courses of 2.0.
Degree Completion: A minimum GPA of 2.5 in the sciences and a "C" or better in all science courses is required for graduation with a BS Life Science Teaching degree.