Teaching English as a Foreign Language (CERT)


The Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certificate prepares students to teach English to English learners in international contexts. 

Catalog Year

Years 2024-2025



Major Credits


Total Credits





Career Cluster

Languages and Literature

Program Requirements

Major Restricted Electives

Choose 8 Credit(s).

Introduction to theory and best practices of teaching second language listening and speaking to a variety of English learners in multiple contexts.

Prerequisites: none

Introduction to theory and best practices of teaching second language grammar and vocabulary to a variety of English learners in multiple contexts - specifically focusing on content based teaching practices.

Prerequisites: none

Introduction to theory and best practices of teaching second language reading and writing to a variety of English learners in multiple contexts.

Prerequisites: none

Other Graduation Requirements

On-site field experience, the nature of which is determined by the specific needs of the student's program option. May be repeated with change in topic.

Prerequisites: none


Grade Policy. Students must earn a "C-" or better for a course to apply to their major.

P/N Grading Policy. Courses leading to a major in English may not be taken on a P/N basis, except where P/N is mandatory.

English Majors. Students majoring in English may elect one of the following minors: Film Studies, Linguistics, and Technical Communication. However, a course used to meet the requirements of an English major, minor, or certificate cannot also be used to meet the requirements of another English major, minor, or certificate. Consequently, because Technical Communication shares required courses, students may elect only one of them: BA English Studies Technical Communication Emphasis, BS English Technical Communication Option, the certificate in Technical Communication, or the Technical Communication minor.

Residency Requirements. Students pursuing a major and/or minor in the Department of English must complete at least 50% (half) of the required credits for the major and/or minor at Minnesota State Mankato.

Limits to Independent Work. Students pursuing a major or minor in the Department of English may earn no more than 33% (one-third) of the required credits through supervised independent work such as independent studies or internships, not including capstone experiences.