Ag, Food and Natural Resources Learning Community

Do you have an interest in food science and agriculture? The Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources learning community provides a great opportunity for anyone in a related field to connect with other students and faculty within the broad Agricultural sector. Students will get the experience of being involved with related organizations on campus and explore their fields of interest in various ways, from service opportunities to career exploration. 

fall semester courses 

(Enrollment in all learning community sections of courses is required unless college credit is already earned for the course, or an academic advisor recommends changes):

  • FYEX 100: First-Year Seminar
  • MATH 112: College Algebra
    • *based on math placement

Spring semester courses 

(Enrollment in all learning community sections of courses is required unless college credit is already earned for the course, or an academic advisor recommends changes):

  • BIOL 104: Intro to Soil Science
    • OR ACCT 200: Financial Accounting

Where you'll Live

We encourage you to live on campus with others in your Learning Community because that's where much of your networking takes place, but it is not required.

You can choose to live:

  • In designated Learning Community housing
    • Renovated double rooms located in Crawford A, B, D, McElroy E, F, H or Preska I Halls.  Renovated rooms have in-room air-conditioning and share a community bathroom with the floor.
    • You can choose to have another Learning Community student assigned as your roommate, or you may choose your own.
  • Other on-campus housing
    • It will be your responsibility to choose a housing location after the time-slot provided to you by Residential Life.
  • Off-campus

Meet the Faculty

Dr. Aaron Budge


Learning Community Coordinators

Coming Soon!