Elementary Education Learning Community
Become a future teacher! In this learning community, future elementary teachers develop an understanding of teaching and professionalism through learning experiences. You will experience targeted academic advising, develop a sense of community and commitment, and begin to understand the profession. Not only will you connect with faculty in the Elementary Education program, but you will also connect through events in the community (including planning a Fall Carnival at a local elementary school). Your commitment to the field will be strengthened while living and studying with fellow elementary education majors.
Fall Semester Courses
(Enrollment in all learning community sections of courses is required unless college credit is already earned for the course, or an academic advisor recommends changes):
- CHEM 100: Chemistry in Society
- CMST 100: Fundamentals of Communication
- ENG 101: Foundations of Writing & Rhetoric
*if eligible based on placement - FYEX 100: First Year Seminar
- GEOG 100: Elements of Geography
The following courses are recommended for registration on your own if additional courses are needed to meet your desired credits for the semester:
- Math 098: Intermediate Algebra -If needed
SPRING Semester Courses
(Enrollment in all learning community sections of courses is required unless college credit is already earned for the course, or an academic advisor recommends changes):
- HLTH 240: Introduction to Drug Education
- MATH 112: College Algebra
*if eligible based on placement requirements - THEA 101: Acting for Everyone
- SPED 108: Human Service and Disabilities OR
ED101: Introduction to Critical Race Theory in Education OR
AIS 330: Indigenous Education
Where you'll live
We encourage you to live on campus with others in your Learning Community because that's where much of your networking takes place, but it is not required.
You can choose to live:
- In designated Learning Community housing
- Renovated double rooms located in Crawford A, B, D, McElroy E, F, H or Preska I Halls. Renovated rooms have in-room air-conditioning and share a community bathroom with the floor.
- You can choose to have another Learning Community student assigned as your roommate, or you may choose your own.
- Other on-campus housing
- It will be your responsibility to choose a housing location after the time-slot provided to you by Residential Life.
- Off-campus
Meet the Faculty
Learning Community Coordinator
Meet the Engineering-AET/MET Learning Community Coordinator.