Tutoring Across Campus

Current students can click the link below to access the scheduling system.

Find a tutor


The centers shown below all offer tutoring for different subjects. To learn more about each area’s offerings, click on the center titles and navigate through their websites or click here to see availabilities or schedule an appointment for those who are using the TracCloud software.

Available to all students:

Center for Academic Success
(Tutoring Center and Writing Center)

Any student enrolled at Minnesota State University, Mankato is eligible for FREE individual or group tutoring in most subjects, including Writing and Language/ESL, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Accounting, Business, Economics and Statistics.

Tutoring location: First floor of the library.


Mathematics & Statistics Learning Center

The Mathematics & Statistics Learning Center offers tutoring on a walk-in basis for our undergraduate courses. Staffed by Math/Stat majors and graduate students, the center provides a welcoming place to work with either tutors or your peers on your assignments.

Tutoring location: Wissink Hall 285.


Accounting (no website)

Take advantage of the drop-in accounting tutoring hours covering all 200 and 300 level accounting courses. Whether you prefer in-person assistance at Morris Hall 258 or via Zoom (available by request), our Master of Accounting Graduate Assistants are here to help. Specific hours and additional details can be found on flyers posted around Morris Hall or feel free to contact us at acct.tutoring@mnsu.edu.

Tutoring Location: MH 258


Psychology Peer Advising & Tutoring Center

The Psychology Peer Advising and Tutoring Center offers drop-in academic support to any student enrolled in a psychology course.

Physical tutoring location: AH 50 
Online tutoring Zoom room: psychologypeertutoring


Available to SSS/TRIO STudents:

Student Support Services

Students that have joined our program can request a tutor for many courses. Choose 1-3 hours weekly with a trained one-on-one peer tutor who has been successful in the course.

Location: SSS tutor lab in Wiecking Center


Tutoring-adjacent services


The Maverick Peer-Facilitated Academic Support System (MavPASS) helps students to understand difficult content in challenging courses through study sessions led by fellow students who have already succeeded in the course. Through attendance, students better understand and retain the material and enhance their course grade. In the words of one attendee, "Without MavPASS, I would not have passed my class--seriously a life saver!"