Lily Petersen

Address: ML89

Educational Background

  • M.S. Sports, Exercise and Performance Psychology, Minnesota State Mankato (current) 

  • B.A. Psychology and Neuroscience, Augustana University 

Career Aspirations

My ultimate career goal is to own my own private clinic centered around helping adolescent athletes maneuver through the highs and lows experienced throughout sports. Nonetheless, with this being my end goal, my steps in the journey are extremely blurry. I would love to work with many different age groups and competition levels of athletes in order to make sure I am working with the people that fit my niche.


I really enjoy staying active, whether this is inside, outside, involving sports, or simply just dancing around. I love cycling and yoga classes, as well as playing any sport (especially soccer and basketball). Either one of these activities or binge watching crime docu-series on Netflix all day is typically where you’ll find me in my freetime.

Office Hours

  • in ML89
Torch end