A student’s work in any course will be evaluated by a system of letter grades. These grades are documented on your permanent academic record. Understand the grading system, your transcript, how your grade point average is calculated, and learn about your options for improving your GPA.
You can check your grades online by logging into e-services. Full instructions are available at the link below.
View the University Policy on Grades. Understand when grades are due and learn the letter codes that may appear on your transcript.
Access information related to grading information and policy.
Check your official grades in Eservices.
The term calculation of a students Grade Point Average will only courses with letter grades of A, B, C, D, (including +'s and -'s) and F are used.
Access the Incomplete Contract and submission information.
A course repeat occurs when a student retakes a course for which they have already received a grade.
Academic Forgiveness gives and undergraduate student a one-time opportunity to establish a new Grade Point Average (GPA) if certain conditions are met.
Learn more about the Dean's List.