Grade Changes

Video: Using Grade Change System

Instructors submit a grade change request via the Faculty Application and choose “Grade Change.”

Requests will be accepted for:

  • I's (Incomplete) to earned grade
  • IP's (In Progress) to earned grade
  • Missing grade to earned grade
  • Errors in the calculation of the original grade
  • Incomplete/In Progress/Missing grades that were converted to F or NC

Any grade of F or NC must include the students last date of attendance (LDA) for the course.


Requests are not accepted for:

  • Situations involving grades of W
  • Coursework used in a previously conferred degree

Grade Change requests can be submitted by the instructor via Faculty Application/Grade Change for up to two calendar years from the original term of enrollment of the course.

  • If the course is past the two-year deadline, the Department Chair needs to contact Registration and Academic Records via Ask Stomper with the following information: Student Name, Student Tech ID, Course ID, Term of the Course, Reason for why the grade change is being submitted beyond the two-year deadline, and the requested grade to be changed. The request will then be reviewed.

Grade change requests are received by Registration and Academic Records and are checked to make sure they meet university grading policy. Requests that do not meet university policy will be sent back to the instructor.

Approved grade changes are entered on the student records system within 1 week of grade change request.

Please submit questions related to grade changes using Ask Stomper. Course the “Grade/Grade Changes” topic.