SBS Majors Orientation Information
Step 1: Review the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Summer Advising & Registration Information
1. Introduction to the College & Understanding Academic Resources and Tools
2. Understanding your Graduation Requirements, General Education and more...
3. Preparing for you Advising Appointment
Step 2: Review Major Requirements Information
After completing Step 1, please review the information related to your specific major.
- American Indigenous Studies
- Anthropology
- Applied Leadership (Contact the Applied Leadership advisor directly here)
- Corrections* (Interest in correctional system including Probation, Correction Officer, etc,)
- Criminal Justice* (Interest in enforcing laws or serving communities impacted by crime in a variety of ways)
- Law Enforcement* (Interest in PEACE/Police Officer, State Trooper, Detective, etc.)
- Earth Science and Earth Science Teaching
- Economics
- Ethnic Studies
- Gender & Women’s Studies
- Geography
- History (History Teaching-See Social Studies Education)
- International Relations
- Political Science
- Pre-Law
- Psychology
- Social Studies Education (teaching grades 5-12 in History, Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology)
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Urban and Regional Studies
*If you are unsure which area is the best fit for you, please watch all three videos to learn about the differences in these programs.