University Advising Center
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Home|Academics|Course Planning and Registration|University Advising
At the University Advising Center, we meet with you individually to connect you with the people, information, services, and resources to help you succeed as a student and beyond. We have conversations with you about what is going right, so you can recognize and build on those strengths. Tell us where you need support and we can connect you to that support and assist as you navigate and remove barriers. We want to help you reach your goals and achieve your dreams!
Looking to change your major? Advisor? Perhaps your minor or catalog year? You can do it all right here!
Want help scheduling a meeting with an advising office? MavConnect can help you connect with college advisors, faculty, and staff!
Find resources such as where to go for help with classes, your health and wellbeing, or advising for your major.
Monday–Friday, 12:30pm–3:00pm
Memorial Library 111
Walk-ins are limited to 10-15 minutes.
View the video on how to get to our office in the basement of Memorial Library in 111. Call us at 507-389-1650 if you need additional assistance in finding the place!
University Advising connects students with people, information, services, and resources they need to meet their specific goals.
Find student resources to help you with classes, health and wellness, financial topics, or advising for your major.
Find out how to access your Degree Audit, find your advisor of record, change your major, or find out more about access codes.
This site includes resources related to advising for faculty and staff of Minnesota State University, Mankato.