Academy Curriculum
Tier 1: Basic
The sessions that are being offered for Basic Level are listed below. To the right of each session in parenthesis, it will note if the session is required, optional, or dependent on your campus role. In addition, each participant will be required to attend at least one Maverick Diversity Institution workshop. See link below for Spring 2024 MDI session details and availability.
Advising 101
Science of Advising (Required)
Spring 2024 Semester (D2L Module: Student Success Advising Academy Basic)
The D2L course will offer participants information regarding the science of advising, including information about technology tools, graduation requirements, university academic policies and procedures, and transfer credits.
Advising the Struggling Student: Navigating Challenges, Establishing Boundaries, and Connecting to Campus Resources (Optional)
Wednesday, February 7 from 12-1 pm (MH209) or Thursday, February 15 from 3:30-4:30 pm (Zoom)
As an advisor, you are likely to encounter students who are struggling for various reasons, such as academic rigor, social isolation, unmet basic needs, mental and physical health, and external pressures. How can you advise students effectively and help them navigate challenges within the scope of your advising role?  This session will discuss strategies you can use to support students, while highlighting key campus resources to foster student success.
Connecting Academic Advising to Student Retention (Optional)
Wednesday, February 21 from 1-2 pm (MH209) or Wednesday, February 27 from 3:30-4:30 pm (MH209)
Do you think of academic advising as class scheduling? Do you wonder how you can better connect with your advisees? Did you know students who feel a sense of belonging are more likely to be retained? This session will provide information on basic student development theory, who our students are, and how advisors can build connections with their advisees beyond class scheduling. Through small group participation, best practices for connecting with advisees will be discussed.
Overview and Resources (Required)
Tuesday, March 19th 12-1 pm (in-person, CSU204) or Wednesday, March 20th 11 am-12 pm (Zoom).
This session will focus on a broad overview of MavCONNECT as Minnesota State University Mankato’s platform for student success. We will cover how to access the system, practice basic site navigation, and share helpful resources. We will also provide a quick overview of the student view of MavCONNECT.
Various dates and times. Visit link below for session options.
The Maverick Diversity Institute offers challenging and unique workshops and programs that will help you to become knowledgeable on inclusivity, access, and equity in your workplace and classroom environment.