Before (Pre-Departure)

Now that you have chosen a program, please review each of the topics below:

You will also be provided with pre-departure information on Health and Safety Abroad,  Academics and Logistics, and  Packing, Airports and Immigration Logistics  through your online application with our office in the box labeled "Learning Content".

All students participating in Faculty-Led, Exchange, and Education Abroad and Away Partner Programs are required to attend a Pre-Departure Orientation run by our office in October/November for Spring semester programs, or March/April for Summer, Fall, and Academic Year programs. Attendance to a Pre-Departure Orientation is MANDATORY. Applicants will receive email notices from our office announcing the orientation date, time and location. 

Why do we have to attend?

Pre-Departure Orientation:

  • Provides an opportunity for applicants to meet other Minnesota State Mankato students going abroad or going to the same city/country/region. 
  • Serves as a place to swap contact information for coordinating travel and to get advice from Minnesota State Mankato students who have already studied abroad.
  • CGE staff shares information on how to have a successful education abroad and away experience - from getting through airport security to making sure your credits transfer back properly to Minnesota State Mankato. It is also a good place to ask any additional or last-minute questions regarding your study abroad process.

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