Amenities & frequently asked questions
Event timeframe
If room is available, you can come in 30 minutes to 1 hour earlier for any event preparations.
Room Amenities
- Your room will be equipped with a modern projection system, standard PC connection cables, a white board with markers, and a document camera.
- Guest wifi access is available upon request.
Food & Beverage
- An onsite café and cafeteria is open weekdays 7am – 2pm (Any meeting or event held after 2pm, D’Brian’s café will still deliver to our Mankato Suite in Edina.)
- Phone number: 952-428-6753
- You can also order through Lunds & Byerly’s or Whole Foods and they make deliveries too. Below are the links:
Lunds & Byerlys catering
Wholefoods catering
7401 France Ave S
Edina, MN 55435