Attend an event on campus from the Student Events Team, Multiculural Center and many other groups!
Explore how you can give back through service to others in the University and Mankato communities.
Student Activities, a department of the Centennial Student Union, seeks to be the center for the co-curricular experience at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Community Engagement Office (CEO) strives to connect Minnesota State University, Mankato students with greater-Mankato community agencies and organizations seeking volunteers. Our office also hosts Mavs in Action, our student leadership board in charge of inspiring students to serve.
Fraternity & Sorority life is more than just fun, it's the ultimate college experience. There are 6 fraternities and 4 sororities on campus, making the community a population of around 400 students.
The Maverick Involvement Team acts as a catalyst to prepare and inspire students to be active members of the campus community. Through a variety of leadership development opportunities, every student can develop their own identity as a leader.
Minnesota State Mankato is dedicated to making our campus a welcoming place for non-traditional students. If you are an undergraduate student 24 years of age or older, we are here to help you navigate campus.
Minnesota State University, Mankato is home to 200+ Recognized Student Organizations that enrich campus. Make the most of your Maverick experience!
The Student Events Team is a student run organization who hosts innovative and memorable events to the Minnesota State Mankato campus for students, faculty and staff. Events include concerts, speakers, weekly films, and much more.
10:00 AM - CSU Mav Ave
12:00 PM - Ostrander Auditorium
Tuesdays @ 4 Membership Meeting - Spring 2025
04:00 PM - CSU 245
07:00 PM - CSU Ostrander
Mavathon: Benefitting Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare
04:00 PM - CSU Ballroom
Student Activities Office
173 Centennial Student Union
Mankato MN, 56001
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. (subject to change if necessary)
Email: activities@mnsu.edu
The Community Engagement Office (CEO) connects students with community based, service-learning, and volunteer opportunities.
Fraternity & Sorority life is more than just fun, it's the ultimate college experience.
Minnesota State Mankato Homecoming is a week long celebration of Maverick Spirit. Events include Bonfire, Concert, Football Game, and Parade.
Minnesota State Mankato is dedicated to making our campus a welcoming place for non-traditional students. If you are an undergraduate student 24 years of age or older, we are here to help you navigate campus.
The Student Events Team is a student run organization who hosts innovative and memorable events to the Minnesota State Mankato campus for students, faculty and staff. Events include concerts, speakers, weekly films, and much more.
Make the most of your Maverick experience by getting involved in one of our 200+ Recognized Student Organizations or participating in a leadership development program.
Meet the student activities team!
Student activities Mission, Vision, & Values.
Student Activities Events Listing
Contact student activities
Mav Central is involvement in one centralized place! Learn more about RSOs, explore events, and find volunteer & leadership development opportunities.