Promoting an alcohol, tobacco, and other drug free campus at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
A message from the President on a healthy human environment for the Minnesota State University, Mankato community.
The standards of conduct at Minnesota State University, Mankato will impose sanctions consistent with federal, state, and local laws.
Immediate and long-term health risks of addiction for all substances.
Employees and students at Minnesota State University, Mankato are expected to obey federal and state law and city ordinances when they are present within those jurisdictions.
An overview of the major components on Minnesota's driving while intoxicated laws.
An overview of Federal law on drug scheduling and the possession of schedule drugs.
Alcohol and drug education resources for the University community.
A message from the President on a healthy human environment for the Minnesota State University, Mankato community.
The standards of conduct at Minnesota State University, Mankato will impose sanctions consistent with federal, state, and local laws.
Immediate and long-term health risks of addiction for all substances.
Employees and students at Minnesota State University, Mankato are expected to obey federal and state law and city ordinances when they are present within those jurisdictions.
An overview of the major components on Minnesota's driving while intoxicated laws.
An overview of Federal law on drug scheduling and the possession of schedule drugs.
Alcohol and drug education resources for the University community.