Finding the Right Major


Choosing where to go to college can seem like a huge commitment. If you don’t already know what career path you want to pursue—or if you aren’t sure you’ve made the right choice—you’ll find the support you need at Minnesota State Mankato. We have resources to guide you as you consider your career options. Apply Now

Drawing on a Passion

Luis enrolled at Minnesota State Mankato as a Spanish education major—but he found his passion when he started doing design work for the Latino Affairs club. With the help of his faculty advisors, Luis was able to change his major to focus more on graphic design. Now he’s ready to pursue a creative career that he loves.

The Pressure's Off

When Lucy started her first year at Minnesota State Mankato, she was undecided about her major—and she worried she might fall behind. But after taking the First Year Seminar and working with the University Advising Center, she decided to pursue International Relations. Now the pressure is off, and Lucy is confident that’s she’s heading in the right direction

The Right Choice

When Devon applied to Minnesota State Mankato, he wasn’t sure what his major was going to be. But when he came to Orientation, he was introduced to people and programs that would help him decide. Connecting with the Multicultural Center and joining one of our Learning Communities helped Devon discover his calling as an Elementary Education major.