Brand Colors


Primary colors are key to defining a brand’s visual identity.

  • The use of Maverick Purple and Gold enhance recognition, nurture connections and ultimately lead to the brand’s overall success.
  • The secondary color palette is designed to complement the primary colors.
  • Use of special “cause” colors needs approval from University Marketing and Communications.

Primary Colors

Purple and Gold are the primary university colors and should be the dominant colors in all publications, materials and print/electronic communications. 

MSU Maverick Purple

MSU primary purple color hex: 49306e

Hex: 49306e

MSU Maverick Gold

MSU Maverick gold color hex: febd11

Hex: febd11


Secondary Colors

Secondary colors should be used to complement and support the primary colors; they cannot be used on their own in publications or other materials. 

secondary MSU color swatches hex 8b6f90 hex 3e375a, hex 565458

secondary color swatches hex d18b56, hex 8ea370, hex 6288a9

MSU secondary colors hex a1634er, hex 4c6b65, hex 3a5870

MSU secondary colors hex908e92, hexbbb7b9, hex dcd8d9