Graduation Photos and Gifts

Celebrate your graduate's special day with graduation photos and gifts.


For your convenience, GradImages™ will be taking individual and group portraits for graduates and their families in the Myers Field House Graduate line-up area 1 hour prior to each ceremony. No appointment is necessary and portrait sittings are free. GradImages™ will also be taking three candid photographs of you at your Commencement ceremony.

  1. Prior to you crossing the stage.
  2. Holding a diploma cover before going up to the stage.
  3. Shaking hands with the President.

You will receive a free, passport-sized digital proof of these photos on an order card in the mail within 5-7 days of the ceremony. Graduates, register and save 20% off your purchase of $50 or more. Add your friends' and families' email addresses and they'll save 20% on your photos as well.

Grad Images will contact you as soon as your photos are available for online viewing and ordering. You may place orders or obtain answers to questions at or 1-800-261-2576.

There is no obligation to purchase, and GradImages™ guarantees complete satisfaction.





You may order announcements online, customized with your name, from National Recognition Products.

Diploma Frames

You may purchase special Minnesota State Mankato diploma frames directly from Maverick Shop Bookstore or online from Framing Success.

Class Ring

Pride in expression with an official class ring. Each ring features a brilliant, smooth cut, simulated amethyst. The left shank (or side) of the ring displays the flame while the right shank features your 2-digit graduation year. Each ring is available in either sterling silver, 10k gold or 14k gold. For questions, call 507-386-7700 ext. 43019 or 800-858-0611. Send a request for an order form to

Order Your Class Ring

Alumni Brick

Inscription bricks lining the historic walkway of the Alumni plaza arch

The Alumni Plaza and Ostrander Bell Tower has become a symbol of remembering the past and embracing the future. A stone arch taken from the historic Old Main Annex complements the tower and further symbolizes the University's history. You can become a permanent part of this historic walkway of University alumni and friends by purchasing an inscription brick. Graduates and parents may purchase an alumni brick online. Bricks are placed in the Alumni Plaza each year before Homecoming.